In-App Announcements and Updates
Terra Dotta regularly deploys in-app announcements to select administrative users. Here is an example of an in-app announcement:
These messages are deployed to members of the following permission groups:
- Agreements Administrators
- AlertTraveler
- Facilitators
- System Administrators
- Facilitators
- System Administrators
Study Abroad:
- Facilitators
- System Administrators
Travel Registry:
- Travel Admin
Note: To receive in-app announcements and updates about a specific product, the product in question must be installed on your site.
Q: Why don't I receive announcement pop-up messaging? Why am I not alerted of releases?
A: News of Terra Dotta's updates and release information appears on your site via in-app messaging. Those messages are displayed to members of the groups listed above. If someone is not receiving those in-app messages, they should talk to their office's primary admin about being added to the listed permission groups so that they receive in-app messaging in the future.
Q: I dismissed the in-app message. How can I access the information again?
A: The information provided in the in-app message should also be available in the Resource Center