For an index of Engage articles, return to the Engage Table of Contents. This article discusses the following topics related to Contact Metrics:
Contact Metrics Overview
Be ready to help your students, right from your first outreach! Contact metrics provides an overview of what information contacts have received and what actions they've taken, even before the first time they log into your site.
Accessing Contact Metrics
Contact metrics are easy to access across your site: from within a campaign, from the corner search menu in the updated menu interface, and from within study abroad applications.
- From within a campaign: Visit Campaign Management > Campaign Metrics > Contacts, and then click on the eye icon on the far right side of the contact name.
- From the search menu: Within the Engage menu interface, click on the magnifying glass in the upper right corner. Choose "Contacts" as the search type, and then enter the name. As you type, a menu of suggested names will populate.
- From within a study abroad application: Within the Admin Console view of an application, a tab appears for any applicant who has contact information labeled "Engage". This tab includes all of the same information available from the Contact Metrics page for easy access.
Contact Metrics Tabs
At the top of the metrics page, the email address of the contact, their engagement score (percentage of messages opened), and the number of campaigns they have been included in.
In addition, there are five tabs available in Contact Metrics.
This tab includes information about every campaign that this contact has received at least one message from, including:
- Campaign Name
- Campaign Start Date
- Current Step
- Email Sent - The date the email for the current step was sent
- Unique Opens
- Unique Clicks
- Goal - Whether the contact has achieved the goal for any campaigns
- Application - A link to any linked open study abroad applications will be included here
The links tab includes information on any links that this contact has clicked on from a message campaign, including:
- URL - A live link to the page that was opened by this contact
- Campaign Name - The name of the campaign that sent this link
- Clicked - The date and time that the link was clicked
The events tab includes information on any events for which this contact has registered, including:
- Event Name - The name of the event.
- Event Date - The date of the event.
- Registration Date - The date that the contact registered for the event.
- Checked-In - Whether the contact checked in for the event.
Contact Lists
The contact lists tab includes a list of all contact lists that this contact is currently included on.
Guide Responses
The guide responses tab includes an overview of all the responses that a contact has filled out in a guide. This includes what program search results they received as a result of their answers and which programs they clicked on from those results.
Note: In order for guide responses to be tracked, the contact must have either reached the guide through a link in a message campaign or have logged in during their session on the site.