For an index of Engage articles, return to the Engage Table of Contents. This article discusses the following topics related to the Subscription Management:
Contacts and admins have different types of control over their subscriptions. To understand the options, it's first important to outline the difference between a contact list and a subscription:
- A contact list is a collection of contacts. This list can be included in multiple message campaigns, and contacts can be added or removed from a contact list at any time.
- A subscription is the inclusion of a specific contact in a message campaign. Contacts can be switched between having an active and inactive subscription. Once a contact is included in a particular campaign, information about what they have received continues to be visible in the metrics for the campaign whether they are active or inactive (see Managing Campaign Subscriptions below for more information).
Contact List Public Sign Up
Contacts are commonly added to contact lists through the creation of the list (for more on how to create a contact list, see Engage: Contact Lists). In addition to those processes, an admin can also make it possible for individuals to add themselves to a contact list from a QR code or direct link. For example, it might be helpful to encourage signing up for a contact list in these scenarios:
- A poster campaign promoting study abroad opportunities to engineering major students includes a QR code, allowing students to add themselves to a contact list "Engineers Interested in Study Abroad". Going forward, administrators are planning to send out monthly message campaigns to let these students know about program and scholarship opportunities.
- An email is sent out to international students about volunteer opportunities this semester, and inviting them to visit a link to sign up for more information. Any students who sign up are included in message campaigns related to volunteer options and are invited to a special luncheon at the end of the term.
- At the study abroad fair, each table is set up with individual posters that include QR codes for more information about the program they're advertising. This semester, those students are included in message campaigns about the program, including for information sessions. Next semester, students who didn't sign up are also included in a new campaign for another program in that same country.
- An email goes out to the faculty listserv letting them know that if they are planning to propose a study abroad program, they can sign up for more information. Going forward, they will be included on annual announcements, tips and tricks emails, and deadline reminders.
Enabling Public Sign Up
To enable this public sign up for a contact list, edit the list details for this existing contact list by either clicking on the pencil icon to the right of the list name on Engage > Contact List or by clicking on the Edit List Details buttons from Engage > Contact List > [list name]. Then toggle "Public Sign-Up" from disabled to enabled.
Once public sign-up is enabled, two options will show:
- Public Display Name - The name entered in this field will appear on the public sign up, in the confirmation email, and on the deregistration page. If no public display name is entered, then these fields will show the contact list name instead.
- List Sign-Up Form - The link and QR code can be shared publicly in posters, emails, or in slide presentations to give contacts access to sign up for this list. Note: Once the public sign-up has been toggled to enabled, either the "Update" or "Update & Go To List" button must be clicked to make the link and QR code active.
Signing Up for a Contact List
Once public sign-up is enabled and the contact list has been updated to save, then accessing the link or the QR code will load with a short sign-up form.
After signing up by clicking Register, the following confirmation message will show.
Additionally, the contact will receive a confirmation email that includes the logo designated for the site and welcoming them to the contact list.
The link at the bottom of the confirmation email gives the contact the ability to deregister from this contact list. This will remove them fully from the contact list, including receiving further emails from any linked message campaigns. Note: This is different from using the unsubscribe link at the bottom of campaign links, which removes them from the single message campaign.
Unsubscribing from a Campaign
In each email that is sent out from Engage, the option to unsubscribe is included at the bottom of the email automatically.
Recipients can click on linked work "unsubscribe" to open up the unsubscribe confirmation page.
On this page, an optional field is available to indicate the reason. Once the user clicks Submit, they will see a confirmation message letting them know that they have been unsubscribed from the email campaign.
Managing Campaign Subscriptions
Administrators have access to view all contacts who have been included in a message campaign by visiting Engage > Campaign Management > View Campaign Metrics > Contacts.
When first loaded, this page shows all all subscribed and active contacts for this campaign, as indicated by the toggle in the Active column. This includes information about which step they have reached in the campaign, as well as icons that offer access to any applications that have been opened and to view contact metrics.
To see contacts who have unsubscribed from the campaign, in the filter row at the top change the Subscribed toggle to Unsubscribed.
This view of the unsubscribed contacts includes a view of what step they reached before becoming inactive, and a column showing who updated their status (contact or admin). Hovering the mouse over the text in the "Active Status Updated By" shows a tooltip that includes what reason was indicated when a contact unsubscribed.
Changing the toggle in the Active status column back to active re-subscribes the contact to receive messages. Reactivating a contact is recommended only in cases where the contact has requested to be resubscribed or the message campaign is important information related to existing services.