This article will explores the ability to add a Payment Gateway integration to ISSS Student. As with the existing functionality in the Classic interface, payment gateway integrations will allow clients to accept credit card payments with specific third-party vendors.
Vendor Integration
Payment gateway integrations are considered a professional service and will incur a one-time integration fee and an ongoing annual maintenance fee. Please open a support ticket for information about the costs associated with configuring a payment gateway in ISSS Student.
Current vendors supported by Terra Dotta are:
- TouchNet (T-Link Upay)
- Authorize.Net
- Cashnet - eMarket (Transact Campus)
- Flywire - Secure Checkout and International Payments
- ConvergePay
- Cryptpay
- CyberSource
- NelNet - Checkout
- Nelnet Commerce Manager
- PayPal - PayFlowPro
Initial Configuration
Once you have contracted with Terra Dotta for a Payment Gateway integration and the initial configuration is completed by Terra Dotta staff, enter ISSS Student and click on the “Hamburger” menu.
Under Configuration, click Site Settings. On the General Configuration page, click the tab titled Additional Settings. You should see Student Visas, Batch Manager, Payment Settings, DocuSign Configuration, and Comment Tiles under that heading. Once in this screen, click on the Payment Settings tab in the middle.
The name of your integrated payment vendor will appear at the top of the page. The page will display the account setting configuration options for that specific vendor. Any fields marked with an * are required to be completed before the Payment Gateway can be fully configured. The names and types of fields will vary by vendor, but in each case the “Pay Now Text” field at the top of the page is customizable by ISSS Admins and will display whatever text is entered to students. Note: Default value will be “Pay Now” if nothing is entered.
Once all fields are filled, click Save.
Configuring the Payment Gateway in Requests
To use a Payment Gateway in a request, navigate to Request Configuration.
Click on the name of the desired request, or create a new request if necessary. Once in the configuration screen for the request, click the “+” button to the right of the Active Components list. From the dropdown, select Payment.
Once in the Payment modal, Admins have the option to set the payment component as Required and/or Active using the toggles in the upper right corner. The Title field is customizable and can be used to give a specific name to the payment for the request. To add written content, images, or videos for students to view as part of the payment component, use the “+” button at the bottom right of the WYSIWYG.
The amount to be charged in this specific payment will be entered in the Payment Amount field. Admins can use the Preview button to see how the request will appear to students. Once Payment configuration is complete, click the Submit button in the bottom left corner.
After adding the Payment component to the request, you may click and drag the component so it appears in your desired order among other Active Components within the request.
Payment Gateway: Student View
When a student clicks into a request that includes a payment component in the Control Center of their Student Portal, the payment component will display within the request in the order in which it was configured by the ISSS Admin in Request Configurations.
The content entered in the WYSIWYG editor will appear first, followed by the payment button. The payment button text will reflect what was previously configured in the “Pay Now Text” field in Site Settings. In addition to the “Pay Now Text,” the payment button will also display the payment amount entered in Request Configurations.
After clicking the payment button, the student will be taken to the configured vendor site in a new window to submit payment. The student will receive confirmation that payment was submitted once completing the process on the vendor site.
Note: if the payment component was set to Required in Request Configurations, students will not be able to submit the request itself until payment has been made. Similarly, submitting the payment does not submit the whole request. Students must complete any other required components and submit the request itself for processing.
Payment Gateway: Administrative View
As with the student view, ISSS Admins will see the payment component in the order in which it was configured within the request. The content from the WYSIWYG editor will appear first, followed by the Current Payment Amount. If payment was submitted, confirmation will appear in the request.
If the request is unsubmitted, Admins will also see a field titled “Override Payment Amount” followed by an Override button. This feature allows Admins to change the payment amount needed from the student to complete the request. If desired, Admins can override the payment entirely by entering $0 as the Override Payment Amount.