This knowledgebase article explores the current process of initiating validations of J-1 Exchange Visitors (EVs) in Scholar categories (Research Scholar, Short-Term Scholar, Professor, etc.) in the ISSS Scholar module. A KB for initiating and completing the validation action exclusively in TD Core functionality can be found here. Admins also can validate EV records via the RTI Connect functionality in the TD Core SEVIS Profile.
If looking for steps on how to validate EVs in J-1 student categories, please refer to our ISSS Student SEVIS Validation KB.
Initiating Validation in ISSS Scholar
When ready to validate a J-1 scholar’s record, navigate to the Pending Records tab in ISSS Scholar. Click on the desired card, make sure necessary fields--such as U.S. address and phone number--are updated, then click the Validate button in the upper right corner. Click OK when prompted.
Note: current functionality does not permit batching or posting validation events to RTI from within the ISSS Scholar module.
At this point, click the SEVIS Profile button located above the Validate button in the upper right corner.
Validating EV Record
Once the validation action has been initiated from ISSS Scholar, it can be completed in TD Core via one of the following:
1. Validating via Post to RTI
Select Records from the list of options shown on the left. An event titled “Validation (J)” will be visible under Program with a Status of Pending. To validate via RTI Connect, click the blue arrow under “Copy Data to RTI.”
Review the Student and Profile Information on the “Post to RTI Data Review” screen. Once information is confirmed, click Copy to Clipboard.
After clicking Copy to Clipboard, TD will navigate automatically to the Terra Dotta/SEVIS Embedded Browser and the scholar’s SEVIS profile. Click Validate Program Participation.
Once in the Validate Program window, click Post Data to RTI located in the upper left corner. This will cause the U.S. Address, Email Address, and Telephone Number fields to populate from the data in scholar’s TD profile. Click Validate Program.
2. Validating via Batch
Go to Admin Home, then select Pending Updates from the SEVIS Admin dropdown.
Locate the Validate action for the EV in the list of Pending SEVIS update records. Check the status of the action under the Verified column. If a red x appears under Verified, this means that data is either missing or invalid and must be updated before Validate action can be processed.
If needed, update invalid/missing data. Once the EV’s record has the required information for validation, a green check mark will appear in the Verified column, indicating that the Validate action is now ready for batching.
Check the box to the left of the EV’s name and click the Options dropdown, from where Validate action can be assigned to an existing batch or added to a new batch.