Q. If a Sponsored Program from the Directory is not active on our site, will we be notified if the Sponsor updates the Program?
A. Technically no. Not using this method. The "Sponsor Reactivated Programs" is going to show all of the programs that you are subscribed to but because you do not have them as active and the sponsor does, there would be no indications here that the sponsor has updated the program.
If you wanted to check for updates to these programs, You would need to do this at the individual program level under the directory Tab.
I will use AMIDEAST: Morocco as an example.
You would need to go to the directory tab of the program and update the program manually.
If there is updated information it will show on the following page.
This will allow you to update the program so that you have the correct information but this will not display on the Admin Home Page in the "Updates to Sponsored Programs" since the program is not active on your site.