On login, a user receives a message saying: SIS Data Not Found
Your login credentials have been accepted, but no record in the SIS resource could be found matching your ID.
A possible solution:
This error is sent when a student is creating an application for the first time. That user needs to be found in the SIS file in order for the application to be created. The most common reason is that the user is not in the SIS data. To check this go to: Maintenance > SIS/HR Test > SIS Keyword Search
Search for that user. If that sure cannot be found then they are either not in the SIS export that is being sent to Terra Dotta or the export is not being received.
Your IT team can verify that the user is being sent and that the export is making it to the Terra Dotta servers.
Terra Dotta support can verify that the export is being successfully imported.
Additional information can be found here: