This KB Article reviews the features and functionality of the Convert from Legacy tool in ISSS Student. This tool is designed to convert students in Active and Initial SEVIS status from ISSS Classic to ISSS Student.
Navigating to the Convert from Legacy Tool
To get to the Convert from Legacy Tool, click the hamburger menu located in the upper left corner of the page, click on Configuration > Convert from Legacy.
Convert from Legacy Dashboard
After navigating to the Convert from Legacy page, the ISSS Admin is presented a dashboard displaying all students who are currently in active or initial SEVIS status that exist in ISSS Classic. Along the top are the options to select the visa type to display only F-1 students or J-1 students. The ISSS Admin can also search for individual students by their name or email in the Search by Name and Email search field.
The list of students displays the following student information:
- Last Name
- First Name
- User Sex
- Date of Birth
- Status
- Existing Profile*
*Note: if the student has a checkmark in the Existing Profile column, this student already has a profile in ISSS Student. However, if new data exists in ISSS Classic and needs to be imported to the student's ISSS Student profile, that student can be imported again and their profile will be updated.
Converting Students
To begin converting students from ISSS Classic to ISSS Student, begin by selecting the visa type of the students in the Visa Type dropdown in the upper left above the dashboard.
The list of students to convert are automatically sorted A to Z by last name, however, the student list can be sorted by all the columns. When ready to import students, select the checkbox to the left of their name or the select all checkbox located at the top of the checkbox column.
Once the students have been selected, click on the Convert button located in the upper right corner of the page.
A message will appear in the upper right corner of the screen alerting the ISSS Admin that the import was successful. The students imported will remain in the list of active and initial students to import, but they will have checkmarks in the Existing Profile column.