This Knowledgebase Article reviews the process of SEVIS Validation for J-1 students in ISSS Student.
- Create a Report using Analytics
- Navigate to SEVIS Validation and Select Report
- Select Exchange Visitors to Validate
- Click on the Actions Button
Create a Report using Analytics
To use the SEVIS Validation tool found under the Actions tab of the Hamburger menu, the ISSS Admin will first need to use Analytics to create a query, run a report, and save that meets your criteria. Begin by navigating to SEVIS Admin > ISSS Student > Actions > Analytics and then select the Plus button located in the bottom right corner of the screen.
For more information on running a query and report in Analytics, check out the Knowledgebase Article here on Analytics.
- Add Title and description while selecting the Product - ISSS and Data Source - Incoming Students
- Move to the Fields tab and identify the fields the ISSS Admin wants to include. Note: you will need to include the following fields:
- User ID
- Last Name
- First Name
- Program Number
- Education Level
- EV Category
- Program Start Date
- Program End Date
- The Filters tab adds any needed filters on the fields selected from the Fields area.
- Share Options tab is where the ISSS Admin is able to save/share to the SEVIS Validation page.
- Once the query has been saved and run, click on create report in the upper right corner of the screen to run a report. Any report used in validation must come from a query that includes the user ID.
Note: In order to validate exchange visitors, they must have a SEVIS ID and be in initial SEVIS status.
Here ISSS Admin should be able to build queries that allow them to break their populations down however they need to. Some examples of queries to run include:
All Student Bachelor (EV Category) with enrollment and a US Address and in INITIAL SEVIS status.
All Student Masters, Student Doctorate (EV Categories) with enrollment and a US Address, and in INITIAL SEVIS status.
Navigate to SEVIS Validation and Select Report
Once the report in Analytics has been defined and saved, go to Actions > SEVIS Validation. From here pick the saved report previously created by clicking on the Select Saved Report button located in the upper right corner of the page. The report will load the exchange visitors into the list.
The ISSS Admins also have the option to filter the exchange visitors by Campus Site.
If no report is selected, exchange visitors who are in Initial SEVIS Status will appear as well as exchange visitors in Active SEVIS Status that need to be re-validated.
Note: Admins can configure which columns display by clicking the cog in the upper righthand corner of the page, and selecting/deselecting the appropriate fields from the dropdown menu:
Select Exchange Visitors to Validate
Once the list of exchange visitors loads into the list from the selected report, select which exchange visitors or all exchange visitors to validate by clicking on the checkbox in the left-most column.
To the right most column of the exchange visitor list is the Ready to Validate column. If an exchange visitor is ready to be validated, they will have a check in that column. If there may be any discrepancies, a triangle alert icon will appear. Hovering your mouse over the icon will present information on what discrepancies the exchange visitor may have. Exchange visitors who are not ready to validate due to missing information will have an X icon. Clicking on the X will present information on what is missing from that exchange visitor.
Click on the Actions Button
After selecting the exchange visitors to validate, click on the Actions button located in the upper left corner of the page.
From the Actions menu, the ISSS Admin has the option to email the student, validate, or Post to RTI. To simply validate the student, click the validate option. After clicking on validate, a message will appear saying that the student was validated successfully and they will disappear from the list.