When an admin wants to communicate key information to applicants and ensure that this content has been read as part of the application process, Learning Content can be used. This process element, which supports content in the form of text, embedded videos, and hyperlinks, must be marked as "read" by an applicant when deployed to an application as a requirement. It can also be marked as a prerequisite for an assessment. Create new learning content or update existing ones from the Content Management section of the Admin Console.
This article covers the following topics related to using Learning Content:
- Learning Content Overview
- Creating & Editing Learning Content
- Applicant Perspective
- Admin Perspective
As you get started using Learning Content, keep the following feature attributes in mind:
- Learning Content cannot be marked as "N/A" by an admin. However, it can be marked as "read" by an admin from the "Requirements" tab of an application in Application Admin Manager.
- After Learning Content is marked as read by an applicant (or admin), it remains accessible to an applicant from the "Program Info" tab of their application for the duration of their application's lifecycle.
- If Learning Content is marked as a prerequisite for an assessment, then both process elements must be deployed to the program application. In this way, the applicant will not be able to attempt the assessment until the Learning Content is marked as "read".
Learning Content Overview
- A video with tips for staying safe while traveling
- Packing list
- Website link to regulatory information for working in the destination country
- Cultural information about the destination country
- Using an ATM or opening a bank account in the destination country
- Pre-Departure Information
- Information about alcohol/drug abuse while abroad
- Information about Culture Shock and Re-Entry
Incomplete Learning Content requirements will be included in reminder emails sent to applicants. The system will not mark an application as "Complete" until all requirements have been completed, including any Learning Content.
From the main "Learning Content" tab in the Content Management section of the Admin Console, Learning Content information is organized into columns as follows:
- The default setting of this column is alphabetically from A to Z.
View Rules
- See the Deployment Rules to which your Learning Content has been assigned, if applicable.
- Make changes to your existing Learning Content.
In addition, a keyword search bar can be used to locate desired Learning Content.
Creating & Editing Learning Content
To create Learning Content, navigate to Admin Console > Content Management > Learning Content and take the following steps:
Configuration Settings
Click on the "+" icon in the lower right corner of the page to open a new Learning Content creation modal. You'll be presented with the following configuration settings:
Learning Content Title
- This is the name that will display on the application.
- Enable the Learning Content for use.
- When a process element is not "active", it is considered to be "retired".
Is this a conditional submission?
- Allows for the option to make the Learning Content not applicable to applicants who don't select the desired response to the conditional question.
- After this setting is enabled, the admin is prompted to enter a conditional question and select a response of "Yes" or "No".
- If an applicant responds to the conditional question with the selected response, then they will be presented with the Learning Content. If not, then they will not be presented with the Learning Content, and it will be marked as "N/A". An admin will see "N/A" displayed in the "Submitted" column for that Learning Content in Application Admin Manager.
Use the WYSIWYG editor to create instructions that will appear to applicants when viewing the Learning Content. Options include:
- Access to the Document Center
- Mail Merge fields
- Embed Media
- Styling
- Insert Web Link
At the bottom of the page, an admin can click:
- Cancel: Use this action if you don't want to preserve any of the changes you've made.
- Add: Use this action to preserve your changes after all desired content has been added.
- Add & Create Assessment: Use this option to preserve your changes and navigate directly to the Assessments builder in Content Management. This allows you a direct way to create an associated assessment for which you can assign your Learning Content as a prerequisite. See the Using Assessments article for details.
From the main Learning Content page, click the "edit" icon to make any future desired changes.
Important Note: The cascade wizard in Content Management will only display and apply changes to rules-based app cycles. This action will not apply changes to any process map-based app cycles that might be using the Learning Content. Instead, an admin would need to click the green "Update" arrow from the applicable Learning Content menu in Process Maps > App Cycles for an update to occur.
- Click the "Edit Content" icon next to the Learning Content you wish to retire.
- Click the "Active" toggle to disable the Learning Content.
- Click "Update" to preserve your changes.
After an applicant has created a program application to which Learning Content has been assigned, the Learning Content will appear in the list of requirements on the application page. An applicant will click on the title of a Learning Content to open the requirement and view the information provided. When ready, the applicant will click the "Mark as Read" button to officially complete the requirement. After an applicant has marked the Learning Content as "read", they will not be able to undo this action.
Examples of what an applicant might see on their application page are as follows:
- Text with a hyperlink to another website containing important information.
- An embedded video.
If a Learning Content has been assigned as a prerequisite for an assessment - and both requirements appear in the same program application, then the applicant will not be able to attempt the assessment until the Learning Content has been marked as "read".
If a Learning Content has been assigned as a prerequisite for an assessment but both requirements have not been deployed to the same program application, then the applicant will be able to attempt the assessment before having read the Learning Content.
Admin Perspective
From the "Requirements" tab of an application in Application Admin Manager, an admin will see any Learning Content that has been assigned to the application. An admin can preview how the Learning Content appears to applicants by clicking on the hyperlinked name of the Learning Content. After a Learning Content has been marked as "read", the date on which this action took place will appear under the "Submitted" column. Hovering over the "Submitted" column will display a checkmark icon that an admin can click to manually mark a Learning Content as "read".