This Knowledgebase Article reviews ISSS Student from the student's perspective in the Invited Stage. To preview from the Pre Arrival, Check In, Continuing, Post Completion/Graduated, and Archived Stages, check out the KB Article: Student Perspective > Pre Arrival, Check In, Continuing, Post Completion/Graduated, and Archived Stages.
When the student first logs in, they will land on the Welcome tab of their Student Portal. This is the page that they will see first every time they log in. The Welcome tab can be named anything, as in this example, it is called Important Updates.
The Welcome tab is where the ISSS Admin configures any information that the students need to know such as updates, announcements, links to other pages, videos, or any other information. For more information on configuring this information, refer back to the Knowledgebase Article on Student Portal Wizard: Invited Stage.
Location Information
The Location section contains all information and instructions relating to the student's current location if they are currently in the United States. Here the student can review any content that the ISSS Admin has configured for any information and questions for students who may already be within the U.S.
Personal & Program
The Personal & Program tab is where information about the student and the program is housed. This tab can be pre-configured in the Student Portal Configuration Wizard so that the entries are editable by the student, read-only, or entirely hidden from the student.
This tab houses the following:
Personal Information
- Given Name
- Family Name
- Gender
- Date of Birth
- Birth City
- Country of Birth
- Country of Citizenship
- Country of Permanent Residence
- Visa Type
- SEVIS First Name
- SEVIS Last Name
- US-Born Non-citizen Reason
- Middle Name
Program Information
- Campus Site
- Primary Major
- Secondary Major
- Minor
- Education Level
- Education Level Remarks
- Program Start Date
- Program End Date
- Border Commuter
- English Proficiency Request
- Meets English Proficiency
- English Proficiency Remarks
- Initial Session Start Date
Contact Information
- U.S. Physical Address
- Foreign Address
- U.S. Mailing Address
- U.S. Phone Number
Dependent Information
- First Name
- Last Name
- Gender
- Relationship
- Date of Birth
- Country of Birth
- Country of Citizenship
- Reason for Termination
- Termination Remarks
Financial Details
The Financial Details tab contains all information related to the finances of the student. This page has a section at the top configured by the ISSS Admin with any information, instructions, or links for the student to review. Below the information content is the Financial Information section.
The Financial Section can be configured by the ISSS Admin to have the fields be editable by the student, read-only, or hidden from the student. The following information can be displayed to the student:
- Tuition Amount
- Dependent Expenses
- Living Expenses Amount
- Other Expenses Amount
- Personal Funding
- Other Funding
- Other Funding Remarks
- School Funding
- School Funding Remarks
- On-Campus Employment Funding
- Months in Academic Term
- Other Amount Remarks
The Completed section is the final step of the Student Portal set-up for the Invited Stage. This is where the ISSS Admin can configure a message to show the student once they have completed all the steps in the previous sections. This should also include instructions for completing the I-20 request and what they will be doing next.