Cost Sheets is a system designed to support both admins and applicants with one of the most important aspects of studying abroad: understanding and managing program costs. Consider the ways in which your communication of program costs can be supported through the use of parameter-mapped cost items, cost sheet templates, application cycle-specific cost sheets, real-time calculations, and more.
This article covers the following topics related to Cost Sheets:
- Understanding Cost Sheets
- Creating a Cost Sheet
- Configuring Cost Item Types
- Copying Previous Year's Cost Sheet
- Applying a Cost Sheet to a Program Brochure
- Applicant Cost Sheet View
- Admin Cost Sheet View
- Using Cost Sheet Templates
- Reporting Options
- Frequently Asked Questions
Important Considerations: Before getting started with Costs Sheets, note the following:
- In order to take advantage of the benefits offered in Cost Sheets, a site must have the Applicant Experience enabled.
- Costs Sheets is a separate system from the classic Budget Sheets feature. Any data entered into a budget sheet can not be transferred over to Cost Sheets. This includes budget parameters.
- A suggested best practice in getting started using Cost Sheets is to create a desired template that can be saved and applied for future use as needed.
- These applicant and program parameters are supported in Cost Sheets:
- Single Selection
- Yes/No
- Data Lookup
- Data Lookup with Search
- Text interface is available to modify how cost categories appear to applicants. See the "Applicant Cost Sheet View" section of this article for details.
Understanding Cost Sheets
The Cost Sheets system gives admins and applicants a comprehensive set of tools for use with what is often a very nuanced topic: determining the costs that are associated with a study abroad program from one applicant to another. Admins have access to a variety of options in the cost sheet builder space for this very reason and should spend some time navigating the builder to understand how each cost item category, cost item type, and related options can be used to construct the desired cost sheet - and how templates can be incorporated for future updates. Consider pulling your team together to brainstorm the possibilities that await to best meet your business needs.
Applicants are able to access an interactive cost sheet from the financial section of your program's Program Wizard brochure. After applying for a program, a cost sheet will appear directly from the application page in the "Program Info" tab. Here, applicants can continue to modify the cost sheet, save their changes, and print as needed. As you transition to using Cost Sheets, you might find it helpful to communicate these exciting changes to your relevant constituents.
The following permissions are needed for use with Cost Sheets:
- To access, create, and edit Templates > Cost Sheet Templates from the Admin Console = Program Admin: Templates.
- To access, create, and edit Cost Sheets from Program Wizard > Dates & Costs tab = Program Admin: Program Wizard.
- To view Cost Sheets in Application Admin Manager = Application Admin: Overview.
Creating a Cost Sheet
Cost Sheets can be created from scratch, by copying a previous year's cost sheet items, or by applying a saved template. The following steps outline how to get started building a completely new cost sheet which can later be saved as a template. Look here for all the details on the configurations of the cost sheet builder.
1) Navigate to the Admin Console > Program Finder. Locate your desired program, and click on the edit pencil. This brings you into the Program Wizard. Navigate to Step 2, the "Dates & Costs" section.
2) From the "Dates & Costs" section, use the year dial to locate your desired program year. Then locate your desired term under the column header of "Term" from the data table. Click on the "+" icon under the column header "Cost Sheet" for your desired term to create a cost sheet.
A cost sheet modal will appear.
Note the following options and configurations:
- The program name and app cycle appear in top header.
- "Public" Toggle: By default, a cost sheet is set to public.
- Apply Template: Use this drop-down menu to select and apply a Cost Sheet Template.
- Add Notes: Add and edit notes that will appear on your cost sheet. These notes are app cycle specific. Images are not supported in Cost Sheet Notes.
- Save & Close: Preserve your changes and close out of the builder.
- Save as Template: Preserve your changes so that they become a template to be used later, if desired.
- Add Cost Item: Use the "+" icon to get started building a cost sheet from scratch, or to add more cost items after a template has been applied.
3) Click the ""+" icon to add a cost item. A drop-down menu with three different cost item categories appear:
Billable Costs
- These are expenses that will be charged to the applicant by the institution.
- Examples: An application fee that everyone must pay as part of the application submission process, tuition fees based on what kind of residency status an applicant has.
Non-Billable Costs
- Other expenses (often referred to as "out of pocket") that the applicant should expect to pay.
- Examples: Airfare, books and supplies, health insurance, cell phone.
Cost Reduction
- Resources that will help cut program expenses for the applicant.
- Examples: Grants, scholarships, loans.
Important Notes:
- Billable Costs will always appear as the first section of a cost sheet, followed by Non-Billable Costs and Cost Reduction items.
- Within these respective cost item sections, it is possible to manually reorder items to appear as desired.
- Text interface can be modified for the cost item categories. See the "Applicant Cost Sheet View" section of this article for the identifiers.
Make your selection, for example, by clicking on "Billable". This will add a cost item section to your Cost Sheet builder.
4) Each cost item section contains the following configuration options:
Item Name
- Assign a name to your cost item. (e.g. Program Application Fee).
- 200 characters maximum.
Item Hint
- A short phrase that offers additional context for the applicant.
- This information appears on the cost sheet along the same row as the related cost item.
- 100 characters maximum.
- Important Note: Curly brackets "{}" are not supported by this field and should not be used.
(Cost Item) Type
Cost items are assigned a "type" which serves as a tool that allows an admin to define how a specific cost might apply to an applicant. There are six types of cost items:
Applicant Parameters: These pull from an applicant parameter, such as "degree level" or "major", configured under Settings > Applicant Params.
- It is important to review the details under the "Applicant Parameters" section below to fully understand how this cost item type option will appear when configured to your applicants.
- Fixed: This is a set, definitive expense that appears the same for all applicants. This cost cannot by modified by the applicant (e.g. application fee, health insurance)
- Manual Entry: This type allows an applicant to enter a value for the cost item based on whatever they confirm the expense for themselves to be. (e.g. airfare, financial aid)
- Optional: Use for expenses that might not be required by everyone. An admin can enter a value in the builder, and an applicant selects whether or not the cost is applicable. If it is, the value remains calculated into the program costs. If it is not, a check box next to "Not Applicable" is populated - and the value changes to zero. (e.g. visa fees, passport fees, immunizations.)
- Program Parameters: These pull from a program parameter, such as length of study, configured under Settings > Program Params.
- Selection List: An admin supplies both the option value and its associated amount in order to create a picklist for this cost item type. Applicants can then choose an option value from the selection list which automatically populates their cost sheet with the associated amount.
Current Position
- Cost items can be reordered within each category.
- "Current Position" refers to the order a cost item currently holds.
Show Glossary
- An item's glossary text is a detailed description of the cost item.
- Click on "Show Glossary" in the Cost Sheet Builder to access the field in which you can add your desired text. After entering your text, click "Hide Glossary" to tuck this section away.
- For an applicant: when a glossary description is available, an info "i" icon will appear on the Cost Sheet next to the cost item. After clicking on this icon, a modal appears containing the full description.
- 4000 characters maximum.
Take action by clicking on the following icons within a cost item:
- Manually Reorder Elements: Click on the six dot icon and drag a cost item entry within a category to change its position.
- Duplicate Entry: Click on the double sheets icon to create a copy of a cost item entry.
- Delete: Click on the trash can icon to delete a cost item entry.
Configuring Cost Item Types
Let's look at how you might consider making configurations using each one of the cost item types available in Cost Sheets. (Then make sure to read the "Applicant Cost Sheet Experience" section of this article to gain an understanding of how these configurations appear to an applicant in Cost Sheets.)
Applicant Parameters
When the cost item type of "Applicant Parameters" is selected, the admin assigns amounts based on distinct applicant parameter values, such as undergraduate, graduate, internal, and external. The system will check to see if an applicant has a value for the specified parameter from which an amount will be assigned. This amount is what will appear any time an applicant is logged into their site and viewing a cost sheet. When an applicant is not logged into their site and views a cost sheet from a public page, they will see a drop-down list from which all possible applicant parameter values will appear.
Important Note: If an applicant parameter that has been configured as "internal only" under Settings > Applicant Params is selected for use as a cost item in a cost sheet, it will appear to all applicants (i.e. internal and external users) who are logged into their site. It's the cost item value that will appear to the applicant based on their unique attribute. With this in mind, the default amount should always be used and set to "0.00" for applicant parameters that are based on user type. This default amount will appear on the applicant's cost sheet when the cost item is not applicable.
After selecting "Applicant Parameters" from the "Type" menu, a second drop-down menu for "Applicant Parameter" will appear from which you can select your desired parameter. The options that appear will be based on the applicant parameters that you have configured on your site under Settings > Applicant Params. In my example below, I've selected my applicant parameter of "Residency".
Next, use the "Add App Param Value +" link to select the parameter values for which you'd like to assign an amount. For example, for my applicant parameter of "Residency", I would see these parameter values in the drop-down menu:
This cost sheet is for a program that is only offered to undergraduates, so I have not selected the values related to graduate students.
Each time you select a parameter value, this action will trigger the appearance of a new amount field in the builder in which you will need to enter the respective amount for that value.
The amount entered in the "Default Amount" field will appear to an applicant in the event that they don't have a value assigned for the applicant parameter, so it is important to populate this field accordingly.
After selecting the option of "Fixed" from the "Type" menu, an amount field will appear in which you will need to enter the respective amount for this cost item.
Consider using the "Item Glossary" option to add in additional details for applicants about what expenses this cost item includes.
Manual Entry
After selecting the option of "Manual Entry" from the "Type" menu, a default amount field will appear in the builder. In this way, it is possible to set a default amount for the manual entry field in cases where an office feels it would be beneficial (and present a more realistic total budget) to their applicants. A notation will display reminding the admin that the applicant is able to modify this amount in the cost sheet.
In the example below, the cost item is "Airfare & Transportation", an expense that will vary from applicant to applicant. With the use of manual entry, a blank amount field will appear to the applicant in the cost sheet in which they will be able to define the applicable amount (based on the most cost effective flight they were able to book, for example). By using the "Item Hint" section, the admin is able to populate a quick tip or reminder to applicants that will appear on the cost sheet about this cost item. The default amount is set to $800 instead of $0 to ensure that the applicant has a more realistic expectation of the total program budget.
After selecting the option for "Optional" from the "Type" menu, an amount field will appear in which the admin can define the amount associated with this cost item.
Applicants will see this cost item and amount along with an option to select "Not Applicable". By using the "Item Glossary" section, the admin can provide additional details to help the applicant determine whether or not this cost applies to them specifically.
Program Parameters
After selecting "Program Parameters" from the "Type" menu, a second drop-down menu for "Program Parameter" will appear from which you can select your desired parameter. The options that appear will be based on the program parameters that you have configured on your site under Settings > Program Params. In my example below, I've selected the program parameter of "Program Length".
Next, use the "Add Parameter Value +" link to select the parameter values for which you'd like to assign an amount. For example, for my program parameter of "Program Length", I would see these parameter values in the drop-down menu:
This cost sheet will be used with my Global Summer programs that offer options of study for 2, 4, and 6 weeks, so I have selected those values accordingly.
Each time you select a parameter value, this action will trigger the appearance of a new amount field in the builder in which you will need to enter the respective amount for that value.
The amount entered in the "Default Amount" field will appear to an applicant in the event that they don't have a value assigned for the program parameter, so it is important to populate this field accordingly.
Selection List
After selecting "Selection List" from the "Type" menu, a blank "Option Name" field will appear in which the admin can assign a value. If the list is based on "Housing", then a value such as "Dormitory" might be entered.
Next, click the "+" icon to the right of the "Option Name" field to add the option value and assign it an amount. If an applicant selects the option value from the picklist, then this is the amount that will populate on their cost sheet.
You can continue creating option values and clicking on "+" to add them and their respective amount to your selection list.
Again, applicants will see the Cost Item Name along with a drop-down menu from which they can choose the relevant response. This action then populates their cost sheet with the corresponding cost item amount.
Copying Previous Year's Cost Sheet
When a previous year's cost sheet is available, a "Copy Previous Year" button will appear at the top of the cost sheet builder in Program Wizard. Clicking this button will automatically copy the previous year's cost sheet into your app cycle. If any data had already been entered, then it will remain alongside the newly added cost sheet data.
Applying a Cost Sheet to a Program Brochure
A widget must be added in the "Brochure" section of Program Wizard in order for a cost sheet to appear in your program brochure. Use the following steps to get started:
1) Navigate to the Admin Console > Program Finder. Locate your desired program, and click on the edit pencil. This brings you into the Program Wizard. Navigate to Step 4, the "Brochure" section.
2) From the "Add Section" drop-down menu, select the "Costs/Scholarships" section.
Then click on the "+" icon that appears in this section to view a list of widgets. Select "Cost Sheet".
3) A placeholder will appear, representing where the assigned cost sheet will appear in the program brochure.
Applicant Cost Sheet View
An applicant can access a cost sheet in two ways:
- From the program brochure.
- From their application page.
Important Note: The three cost item category headers appear to the applicant as "amounts" by default. They, along with the "Cost Sheet" field which appears to the left of the app cycle, can be customized using these text interface identifiers:
- Billable Amounts: 10288
- Non-Billable Amounts: 10289
- Credit Amounts: 10290
- Cost Sheet: 10291
Program Brochure View
From the "Costs/Scholarships" section of a program's brochure, an applicant can view the assigned cost sheet for any app cycle. (The drop-down menu only displays those app cycles where a closing date has been assigned and this date has not been reached.) Any cost item types based on an applicant parameter will display a drop-down menu where the applicant can select the value and generate the cost which applies to them.
Manual entry cost item types will display a field in which the applicant can add enter in an amount on their own.
Optional cost item types will display an amount along with a checkbox for "Not Applicable". When the check box is populated, the amount will be changed to zero - and the total will be recalculated accordingly.
Fixed cost item types will display a set amount that cannot be changed by the applicant.
Cost Sheet Notes
Notes are displayed at the bottom of the cost sheet.
Print Option
An applicant is able to print a cost sheet by clicking on the printer icon located in the app cycle header. The applicant's name will appear on the printed document below the program name and term.
Important Note: The currency symbol displayed in a cost sheet will be based on the site's locale setting which can be found under Settings > System Features > Features > Locale Setting. For example, if the locale is changed to "French (standard)", then the output will be in euros.
Application Page View
From the "Program Info" tab of their application page, an applicant can view the program's cost sheet. Any cost item types based on an applicant parameter will automatically be populated based on the applicant.
Admin Cost Sheet View
Admins can view a cost sheet in one of two ways:
- From the program brochure.
- By using the "View as User" option in the Application Admin Manager.
Program Brochure View
An admin is able to access a cost sheet as it appears to any applicant from the program brochure. A toggle switch can be used so that an admin can switch from the admin view - where drop-down menus for any parameter-drive values will appear - to an applicant view. In this way, an admin can make selections as the admin and toggle to the "applicant view" when working with prospective applicants to demonstrate what their view of a cost sheet would be from their application page.
Application Page View
To view a cost sheet as it appears to a specific applicant, an admin can use the "View as User" option in the Application Admin Manager.
1) Navigate to Admin Console > Application Finder. Locate the desired application.
2) Access the full application and click on the "View as User" button. A view of the application will appear in a new tab.
3) Click on the "Program Info" tab of the application to view the cost sheet.
From this view, an admin is able to interact with the cost sheet but cannot save any changes made.
Using Cost Sheet Templates
A template is a time-saving tool that can be applied as a pattern from which to create or update a cost sheet. A cost sheet template can be created in one of two ways:
- From the "Templates" section of the Admin Console.
- Directly from the cost sheet builder in the "Dates & Costs" section of Program Wizard.
Admin Console: Templates
The "Templates" section of the Admin Console is located in the "Programs" card. After clicking on the "Templates" link, navigate to the tab for "Cost Sheets".
From here, any existing cost sheet template appears with information organized in columns from left to right by template name, date last modified, and possible actions. These consist of editing, copying, or deleting a template.
Click on the "+" icon to access a new cost sheet template builder where cost items can be added before a new template is saved.
Program Wizard: Dates & Costs
From the Dates & Costs section of Program Wizard, an admin can access and open a cost sheet by app cycle. After opening an existing cost sheet, two options related to templates appear:
- Apply Template: Use the drop-down menu to search and select an existing cost sheet template.
- Save as Template: Preserve a cost sheet that has been created as a template to use for the future.
Batch Applying Templates
It is possible to batch apply a cost sheet template from the Admin Console's Program Finder. A suggested practice might be to first filter based on program group. Then, select all program results. From the batch menu that appears, select "Apply Cost Sheet Template".
Next, make your desired configurations from the Batch Apply Cost Sheet Template modal.
Cost Sheet Template: Choose a template to apply to the selected programs.
Application Cycles: Choose one or more app cycles to which the template will be applied for the selected programs.
Replace Existing: Enable this setting if you want the cost sheet template to completely replace any cost sheets that might already exist for the program app cycles selected.
If the "Replace Existing" setting is not enabled, then the system will append, or add, the cost sheet template to the selected program app cycles. This means that if you already have cost sheets for the program app cycles selected, you will be adding to what already exists. If you have an existing cost sheet that contains the same cost items as your template, then you would create duplicates of those cost items if the "Replace Existing" setting is not used.
Make Public: This is an optional setting that allows the admin to determine if the cost sheet should be public after being applied. If this setting is not enabled, then the cost sheet will remain private.
After the desired configurations have been made, click on "Update" to apply your changes. A report will appear with a confirmation of whether or not the cost sheet was updated successfully. Some of the system messages that you might receive in the report are as follows:
- Inserted cost template because no cost sheet existed. If no previous cost sheet existed for the program's app cycle, then there would have been nothing for the system to replace or append.
- Appended cost template to existing cost sheet. If a cost sheet already existed for the program's app cycle - and the "Replace Existing" setting was not enabled, then the system would add to the existing cost sheet.
- Replaced existing cost sheet with cost template. If a cost sheet already existed for the program's app cycle - and the "Replace Existing" setting was enabled, then the system would replace the existing cost sheet with the template selected.
- This term isn't applicable to this program. If an application cycle is selected that is not applicable to the program selected, then the system won't be able to apply the cost sheet template.
Reporting Options
The Analytics tool can be used to report on the following data points related to Cost Sheets:
- Cost Sheet Item Name
- Cost Sheet Item Category
- Cost Sheet Item Type
- Item Applicant Parameter
- Item Program Parameter
- Application Cost Sheet ID
- App Cost Sheet Complete
- A cost sheet is considered complete when all manual entry fields have been populated with data.
- A cost sheet is also considered complete when it contains no manual entry cost items.
- App Cost Sheet Last Update
- Application Cost Sheet Amount
These data points are accessible from step 2 of "Fields" when creating a query or report in Analytics. See the Analytics for Terra Dotta Study Abroad article for more details.
Frequently Asked Questions
1 - We have a cost item type of "Applicant Parameters". When an applicant is not logged in and views this cost item from the brochure, what value do they see?
When an applicant is not logged into their site and views a cost sheet from a public page, they will see a drop-down list from which all possible applicant parameter values will appear.
If an applicant is logged in and does not have a value populated for the applicant parameter, then they will see the default amount for the cost item. (The same is true for any admins testing as applicants on their site.) For more details on applicant parameter cost items, see the "Configuring Cost Item Types" section of this article.
2. Is it possible to customize a cost sheet by adding letterhead?
No. At this time, the cost sheet printed output will display the program name, application cycle, and name of the applicant.
3. Do I have to convert from using classic budget sheets to cost sheets before I enable the Applicant Experience on my site?
No, you can continue to use your budget sheets after you have enabled the Applicant Experience on your site. However, a transition to Cost Sheets is highly encouraged as it will be the basis from which all future development related to managing program expenses is made. Remember that Budget Sheets and Cost Sheets are two different systems; therefore, any data entered into your classic budget sheets cannot be transferred over to cost sheets.
4. How long will a cost sheet be available to view on a program brochure?
In the "Costs/Scholarships" section of a program brochure, the app cycle drop-down menu only displays those app cycles where the closing date has not yet been reached. When the app cycle's closing date is today's date or any date prior to that, then the app cycle will no longer display as an option on the program brochure.
5. The data points of "Program Cost Sheet Amount" and "Program Cost Sheet Cost Key" have been removed as reportable fields in Analytics. What should I do with existing queries which were using these data points?
We recommend that you recreate existing queries which contained these data points using the data points specific to the application cost sheet instead.