This KB article provides an overview of manually creating a new F-1 student profile that is not integrated in ISSS Student.
For information on creating a new J-1 student, refer to this KB: Creating a J-1 Student.
Navigating to Create F-1 Student
To get started, navigate to the Student List. Generate a new F-1 student by clicking on the + Create Student button in the upper left corner and selecting F-1 Student from the dropdown menu. Note: The required student’s information will need to be inputted in one sitting, there is currently no functionality to save the information to return to at a later time.
You will then need to complete the following sections:
- Personal Information
- Program Information
- Contact Information
- Dependent Information
- Financial Information
Anything with an * in the field is required in order to create a student.
Personal Information
- User Name*
- First Name
- Last Name*
- Gender
- Date of Birth
- Birth City
- Country of Birth
- Country of Permanent Residence
- Country of Citizenship
Program Information
- Program Start Date
- Program End Date
- Initial Session Start Date
- Campus Site
- Primary Major
- Secondary Major
- Minor
- Education Level
- Months in Academic Term
- Border Commuter
- English Proficiency Required*
Contact Information
- Email Address
- Phone Number
- US Physical Address
- US Mailing Address
- Foreign Address
Dependent Information
To enter information on any dependents, begin by clicking on the circle button with the +. This will allow a section to appear with information to be completed. Click on the circle button with the + multiple times for additional dependents.
- First Name
- Last Name
- Relation
- Email Address
- Gender
- Date of Birth
- Country of Birth
- Country of Citizenship
Travel Information
- Passport Information
- Passport Number
- Passport Expiration Date
- Country of Issuance
- Port Information
- Port of Entry
- Date of Entry
- I-94 Admission Number
- Port of Departure
- Visa Information
- Visa Number
- Visa Issuance Date
- Visa Expiration Date
- Visa Issuance Post
- I-901 SEVIS Fee Information
- Transaction Type
- Transaction Date
- Transaction Amount
- Fee Payment/Cancellation Receipt Number
Financial Information
- Tuition Amount
- Living Expenses Amount
- Dependent Expenses Amount
- Personal Funding Amount
- Other Expenses Amount
- Other Expenses Remarks
- School Funding Amount
- School Funding Remarks
- Other Funding Amount
- Other Funding Remarks
- On Campus Employment Funding Amount
- Remarks
Additional Information:
- Is this a change in your funding course
- Please list any scholarships that students has received
Once the information has been completed, click on the Create button in the lower right-hand corner to save.