This KB article provides an overview of manually creating a new J-1 Cohort in ISSS Student.
For information on creating a new F-1 student, see the following article: ISSS Student: Student List: Creating a Non-Integrated F-1 Student Profile.
For information on creating a new J-1 student see the following article: ISSS Student: Student List: Creating a Non-Integrated J-1 Student Profile.
- Navigating to Create J-1 Cohort
- J-1 Cohort Template
- Uploading J-1 Cohort Template
- Creating J-1 Students
Navigating to Create J-1 Cohort
To get started, navigate to ISSS Student by clicking on SEVIS Admin > ISSS Student. Generate a new J-1 Cohort by clicking on the + Create Student button in the upper left corner. Note: The required cohort’s information will need to be inputted in one sitting, there is currently no functionality to save the information to return to at a later time.
J-1 Cohort Template
In the upper right-hand corner of the screen, you will find the button to download the pre-set template for the J-1 Cohort. Clicking this button will download an Excel spreadsheet populated with the following rows:
- Email*
- Family Name*
- Given Name
- Suffix
- Passport Name
- Preferred Name
- Date of Birth*
- Gender
- City of Birth
- Country of Birth
- Country of Permanent Residence
- Foreign Address Line 1
- Foreign Address Line 2
- Foreign Address City
- Foreign Address Province/State
- Foreign Address Country
- Foreign Address Postal Code
- Foreign Address Country Code
- Foreign Telephone Number
- EV Category
* Required fields. To ensure a clean import, check to make sure the Family Name and Email fields have valid values. Rows with blank or incorrect values will be skipped and not imported.
Input the information for each of the J-1 students in the cohort into the spreadsheet and save file.
Uploading J-1 Cohort Template
Once the J-1 cohort template has been populated with information for each of the students, it is ready to be uploaded. You can either drop the files into the grey square or click on the Browse button to upload the document.
A table will automatically appear after the file has been selected and will display the UUUID, Username, Email, Family Name, Given Name, Suffix, Passport Name, and Preferred Name. Clicking on the Gear Wheel button above the table to the right allows the ISSS Admin to adjust which columns display in this table. Search for students in the Search Student field to the left above the table.
If there is an error in the document selected, for example, the wrong document selected or a misspelled name, click on the Cancel and Re-Import button to start this process over.
Creating J-1 Students
Once the information has been verified and ready for students to be created, mark the checkboxes of the students to create profiles for and click on the Create J-1 Students button.
A new window will appear to add program information, site of activity, and funding information for the cohort. Along the top is a dropdown menu with templates that can be used to populate these fields. The following information is available to be populated for the students:
Program Information
- Program Start Date
- Program End Date
- Subject/Field of Study
- Program Number
- Position
- Exchange Visitor Category
- Subject/Field of Study Description
- Remarks
Site of Activity
- Site Name
- Address
- Primary Site? (Yes/No)
- Remarks
- Site of Activity Address Override Code
- Site of Activity Address Override Remarks
Funding Information
Received from US Government? (Yes/No)
- Sponsor
- Home Country Government
- Binational Commission
- Personal
US Government Organization
- Other: US Government Organization
- Amount
International Organization
- Other: International Organization
- Amount
Other Organization
- Name
- Amount
Once the information has been provided, click the Submit button.