The Application Admin Manager is a sophisticated management interface dedicated to the view and edit actions that an admin routinely performs on a program application. This is a feature of the Admin Console.
This article discusses the following topics related to the Application Admin Manager:
- Access and Permissions
- Understanding the Application Admin Manager
- Requirements
- Profile
- Activity & Notes
- Documents
- Course Approvals
- Reviews
- Payments
- Frequently Asked Questions
Application Admin Manager Important Considerations
- Should the admin need to mark a process element as received, if the app cycle in question uses Deployment Rules, the admin must mark these requirements as received from the Admin Console, not the Classic/Legacy interface.
The following admin actions are not available in Application Admin Manager:
- Copying questionnaire responses from an application.
- Copying a recommendation from an application.
- Deleting a recommendation request.
- Marking an application as "non-processed".
- Printing an application.
- Creating profiles and profile comments. Instead, admins can use the Admin Console's Navigation Menu to navigate to the Profiles > Profile Search menu to take action.
Access and Permissions
Any admin user is able to access the Admin Console. However, only users with the following permissions will be able to search for applications in the Application Finder (required in order to arrive at the Application Admin Manager):
- Applicant Admin: Applicant Search (simple)
- Applicant Admin: Applicant Search (advanced)
The full view of an application can be accessed by users with the following permission:
- Applicant Admin: Application Admin: Overview
In order to perform a batch or individual status change, the following permission is needed:
- Applicant Admin: Application Admin: Batch Application Status Changes
In order to view the logs recorded in the "Activity & Notes" tab, the following permission is needed:
- Applicant Admin: Application Admin: History Log*
*When viewing advising program applications, this permission is needed to view the application comments located in the "Advising" tab.
In order to add and delete application comments, the following permission is needed:
- Applicant Admin: Application Admin: Comments (Add)**
**Again, this permission grants both the ability to add application comments and delete them.
Important Note: See the Admin Console for Terra Dotta Study Abroad article for information on DAOs (data access objects).
The Application Admin Manager can be accessed as follows:
1) From the Admin Console, navigate to the "Applications" menu.
2) Click on "Application Finder". Search and locate a program application you wish to view in full.
3) Click on the "Access Full Application" icon from this applications "Actions" column. This action will automatically direct the admin to view the application in its entirety from within the Application Admin Manager. From here, an admin can examine the application-related information, make desired updates, and easily return to the search results by clicking the "Return to Search Results" icon.
Understanding the Admin Application Manager
An admin's view of an application is divided into two main sections in the Application Admin Manager: the header panel (top) and navigation panel (bottom).
Header Panel
The header panel provides an at-a-glance look at relevant application information, dates, overall progress, and action options which include the following:
- Applicant Name: The first, middle, and last name of an applicant appear as applicable.
- Program Name & App Cycle
- Program Location
- Application Status: Click the edit widget to change the status. An option to send a status change notification will appear with the default setting of unmarked. This means that the status change email will not be sent unless the admin checks the "notify applicant" box. Note the following actions related to this feature:
If you change the status of an application (either via batch action or from the application page) in the Admin Console and check the box to send a notification - and the decision date is the current date or in the past, then the status change email will be sent immediately to the applicant and logged in the application's email log.
If you change the status of an application (either via batch action or from the application page) in the Admin Console and check the box to send a notification - and the decision date is in the future, then the status change email will not be sent until the decision date is reached. This email, once sent, will be logged in the application's email log.
If you change the status of an application (either via batch action or from the application page) in the Admin Console and do not check the box to send a notification, then a status change email will never be sent.
- Application Phase
- Application Type
- SIS Refresh Status: See the Getting Started With the SIS Refresh article for details.
- Deadline Date: Use the calendar widget to waive a deadline by extending the date into the future.
- Decision Date
- Start Date
- End Date
- View as User: Swap views and see an application as it would appear to your applicant. Decision letters are also viewable by admins. This view will always be reflective of the Application Page, even if your site does not have the Applicant Experience enabled. The "View as User" button only provides admins with a view of how an applicant sees their application in its current state. It is not possible for an admin to complete requirements or submit an application using this feature. Any actions made by the admin on the application page from this view will not be saved.
- Application Tags: A drop-down menu allows you to easily locate and apply an application tag.
Application Requirement Progress Wheel: Quickly see how much of the application the applicant has completed. This progress wheel updates as items in the application are completed.
- When an application is in a rules-based app cycle, hover text will appear over this progress meter to display the data and time for when the application was last refreshed. If the requirements for an application have not yet been refreshed, such as when an application is initially created, then the data and time stamp are not displayed.
Non-Processed Applications
Applications marked as "non-processed" will display a lock icon next to their program name in the Application Admin Manager. In addition, the program name and location will appear in red font.
Important Note: It is currently not possible to change the status of an application from or to "non-processed" in the Application Admin Manager. Admins who need to access this option should do so from the "Status" tab of the classic application admin interface.
More Application Actions Menu
In addition to the information above, the header panel contains a discreet menu which consolidates the main action-based options that an admin may need to take on an application.
Click on the "More Application Actions" menu icon to view a drop-down menu of the following options:
- Send Email: Add a subject line and use the WYSIWYG editor to compose your message. Emails can be sent from the logged-in user, Contact 1 email, or Contact 2 email. Contact email addresses are configured under Settings > Account Info. We recommend that you read the Using the WYSIWYG Editor article for full details on available options.
- View Itinerary: See the current itinerary consisting of location, arrival date, and departure date. Make edits as desired, or add another itinerary record.
- Change Program: Apply the application to a different program and/or app cycle.
- Change Exchange: Remove or designate an application as part of an Exchange. For the latter, indicate the number of students for which this exchange will count towards the target ratio.
An indicator will appear over a double arrow "exchange" icon as a visual marker that this application is for an exchange.
- Ready for Review: Mark an application as "ready for review". Applications marked as "Ready for Review" will display an indicator to the right of the applicant's name in the header panel. The indicator, an eyeglass icon, expands to display "Ready for Review" when hovering your mouse over the icon.
- Other Applications: When an applicant has more than one application on a site, the option to view "Other Applications" will appear as a menu option. Any other applications will be displayed in a modal by program name, app cycle, and status. Clicking the ">" icon will direct you to the application page.
- Refresh Rule Requirements: When using Deployment Rules to deploy process elements to an application, an admin can use this feature to manually trigger the task to run to "refresh" or update an application. This action may be taken when an admin wants to ensure that the application contains the most current version of a process element or an updated list of application requirements.
- Add Dependent Applications
- Add Principal Application
The Principal/Dependent Applications feature allows two applications to be linked together in a principal-dependent relationship. After the applications are linked, the person with the principal application can be granted access to their dependent applications if the system-level setting is enabled.
A principal application can have multiple dependent applications; however, a single application can only be dependent to one other application.
When a dependent application has been linked to a principal application, an indicator will appear in the header panel of the application next to the applicant's name. Clicking on the indicator will route the admin to the dependent application.
See the Principal/Dependent Applications article for more details on the principal-dependent relationship in Terra Dotta.
Un-Submit Button
After an applicant has successfully submitted their application, a banner will appear under the header panel nothing the date and time of submission. The "Un-submit" button also appears as an option for admins who need to take this action.
Navigation Panel
The bottom half of the Application Admin Manager contains a navigation panel from which an admin can readily move through a series of key tabs: Requirements, Profile, Activity & Notes, Documents, and Course Approvals.
Important Note: The Course Approvals tab will only appear if the application was created for a program that had Course Approvals enabled before the application creation date. If the application was created and Course Approvals was enabled afterwards, then this option would not appear to the student, nor would it appear to the admin in the navigation panel.
All process elements that may be required as part of an application reside under the "Requirements" tab. Information is organized by columns in the following way:
1) Requirement Icon: A quick visual reference to the type of application requirement. Place your cursor over the icon to view the hover text.
2) Name: This is the name of the application requirement as it exists on your site.
If an requirement has been designated for internal-use only, then a badge will display next to the requirement name.
If a material requirement has notes, then a "notepad" icon will appear next to the material's name.
3) Type: A quick text reference to the type of application requirement.
4) Submitted: This is the date on which the application requirement was submitted. If nothing has been submitted, no date will appear.
These requirements are listed alphabetically by default and can be filtered based on application phase (use the dial to move between phases), application requirement type, and whether a requirement has been "Submitted" or "Not Submitted".
As you move your cursor down from one row of requirements to the next, additional information and action options will appear, giving an admin more tools with which to manage the application. Examples of these action options are demonstrated as follows:
Mark a material requirement as received (a check mark icon will appear) or unreceived (click the "X" icon). Add a note (click the paper sheet icon) and send a notification of receipt email to the applicant. Take an existing material and mark it as not applicable (click on "N/A"), noting that this will work for payments.
Important Note: Should the admin need to mark a process element as received, if the app cycle in question uses Deployment Rules, the admin must mark these requirements as received from the Admin Console, not the Classic/Legacy interface.
Erase Responses: This action unreceives and completely resets a submitted questionnaire.
- If the responses of a submitted questionnaire are erased, then the newest version of that questionnaire will be deployed if the application continues to meet the conditions of the rule that originally deployed that questionnaire.
- If the responses of a submitted questionnaire are erased - and the application no longer meets the conditions of the rule that originally deployed that questionnaire, then that questionnaire will be removed from the application the next time that application is updated by the rules task. The "Refresh Rules Requirement" option can also be used to update that application.
- A questionnaire must be submitted in order to erase its responses.
- Unreceive Questionnaire: Use this option when an applicant needs to correct something on a previously submitted questionnaire. The applicant should take action and click "Done" to re-submit the questionnaire.
- Edit Responses: This action allows the admin to modify responses of the questionnaire.
Mark Not Applicable: This action marks the questionnaire as "N/A" for the application. The progress wheel is updated to reflect this change.
- If a questionnaire has been marked as "N/A", the system views this as an action taken on this requirement. Therefore, a questionnaire marked as "N/A" would remain on the application if the application were to no longer meet the conditions of the rule which originally deployed the questionnaire.
- Mark as Applicable: This action marks the questionnaire as a requirement of the application. The applicant must complete the questionnaire as it is a requirement of the application.
Admins can use the "Generate Recommendation Request" icon to send a recommendation request to a recommender on behalf of an applicant or add the recommendation request as "received" such that it appears as a completed requirement on the application. See the "Requesting a Recommendation" section of the Recommendations for Terra Dotta Study Abroad article for details.
The "Profile" tab contains applicant data information, such as a phone number, email address, home and partner institutions, applicant parameters, and core data requirements.
Addresses are listed in their own respective section. An admin has the ability to make updates to an applicant's profile from this tab.
If the "Track Changes" option is enabled for an applicant parameter, a "change history" icon will appear next to the applicant parameter in the "Profile" tab.
Clicking on the icon will open a window where an admin can view the applicant parameter history.
Language Skills
When enabled, a stand-alone "Languages Skills" section, appears to applicants as an option to add information to their profile related to language proficiency. A language framework is provided from which the applicant can select a language and their corresponding language level based on the respective rubric being used.
An admin is able to enable this feature by navigating to Staff > Department Management > Settings. Choose between the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) or Interagency Language Roundtable (ILR). Checking the box next to "Show Language Skills on Student Profile" enables this feature on all student profiles.
Activity & Notes
The "Activity & Notes" tab combines several sources of activity data where information is organized by Activity, Source (of activity), User (who performed the activity), and Date & Time (when activity occurred).
The activity data will display all information together by default but can be easily filtered in two unique ways:
- The "Activity Source" drop-down menu of options. These include application comments, reviews, activity logs, email logs, profile comments.
- By keyword. Simply enter your text into the "Filter History Log" filed and press "Enter".
Admins can take the following additional actions from the "Activity & Notes" tab by clicking on the "+" icon:
- Add a comment which will display as a recent activity.
- Add a review to an application at any time.
The items per page option at the bottom of the page will always default back to 10 items.
Review Functionality
Important Note: The review functionality is available for any admin user and not just assigned reviewers. Once a review has been made, it can also be deleted from this tab of the navigation panel.
From the "Documents" tab, an admin can add a document to an application with these steps:
1) Drag and drop a file to upload directly into the tab, or click the "Browse" button to locate the document of interest. It is not possible to select a file that was created via the Document Center with merge fields.
2) Use the "Document Type" menu to assign a relevant document type. The options populated in this menu reflect those which have been created under Settings > Process Options > Application File Upload. From the "Available Document Options" section of this page, click "Edit". This directs you to a page where you can create a new type of document to be included in the "Document Type" menu.
3) Choose to mark the document for internal-use only and/or deploy an email notification to the applicant.
4) Click "Upload" as the final step to add a document.
Once a document has been uploaded, it can be viewed by clicking on the "download" cloud icon next to the file name.
Course Approvals
As mentioned above, the "Course Approvals" tab will only appear to an applicant and an admin if the application was created for a program that had Course Approvals enabled before the application creation date. If the application was created and Course Approvals was enabled afterwards, then this option would not appear to the student, nor would it appear to the admin in the navigation panel.
The form presented to admins in the "Course Approvals" tab mirrors the form that applicants see on the Application Page. This is designed to give an admin an efficient way to aide applicants in creating and submitting a course approval request to keep this process moving along.
For more details, refer to the article on Course Approvals.
After an application has been marked as ready for review as part of Reviewers Management, a "Reviews" tab will automatically appear within the Application Admin Manager. To learn more, see the Reviewers Management Knowledgebase article.
In Application Admin Manager, a dedicated "Payments" tab will appear when an admin views an application that contains a payment material. Note that a TD Connect Payment Gateway integration must be configured to benefit from this feature.
Information is organized in columns, from left to right, as follows:
- Title: This displays the name of the payment material.
- Current Amount
- Determined By: This is the method by which the payment amount has been determined.
- A "fixed" amount is configured in the payment material.
- A "manual override" displays when the admin edits the default amount.
- Payments: This column tracks payment history.
- Actions: An admin can edit, cancel an edit action, or reset the "Current Amount" to the default.
After a payment has been paid and information is a payment history is available to view, the icon under the "Payments" column will become clickable. Clicking that icon will expand the row to display the full payment details.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can I complete a requirement or submit an application when viewing an application as the applicant with the "View as User" feature?
No, you cannot. This feature is designed to give the admin a look at how the application currently appears to the applicant.
2. A questionnaire was deployed to an application based on an applicant parameter. The applicant completed the questionnaire. The applicant's applicant parameter has been changed, so we no longer want this questionnaire to appear on the applicant's application. How do we remove the questionnaire from the application?
Navigate to the "Requirements" tab of the application in Application Admin Manager. Locate the questionnaire of concern, and from the actions column, click on the option to "Erase Responses". This action will unreceive and completely reset the submitted questionnaire. The next time the application is updated by the rules task, the questionnaire will be removed. You can also use the "Refresh Rules Requirement" option on the application to trigger an update of the application.
Important Note: If you only click on the option to "Unreceive Questionnaire", this action will not clear the original responses for that questionnaire in the database. Therefore, the questionnaire will continue to appear on the application. In this case, you'd need the applicant to either submit the questionnaire - or you as the admin could use the "Edit Responses" option to complete the questionnaire and click "Done". Then, you'd click on the option to "Erase Responses" to unreceive and completely reset the questionnaire. The next time the application is updated by the rules task, the questionnaire will be removed. You can also use the "Refresh Rules Requirement" option on the application to trigger an update of the application.
3. My applicant has submitted a questionnaire that contains a multi-file upload question item, and I want to add an additional file to this question item. How can I do this?
First, note that the multi-file upload question item is only available for use in the Applicant Experience and is not supported in the classic interface. This means that as the admin, you must use make edits to this question item for an application in the Admin Console's Application Admin Manager and not in the classic interface. (If you attempt to use the classic view of the application and take action in the "Questionnaires" tab, then the system is only going to display one of the uploaded files and not allow you add any more files.)
If an applicant submits a questionnaire containing a multi-file upload question item, then locate the application in Application Finder and open it to view in full in the Application Admin Manager. Next, click the edit pencil for the questionnaire (hover your mouse over the row for that questionnaire to locate the edit tool). This action prompts the questionnaire edit modal to display from which you can view the question item, all uploaded files to that question item, and upload additional files as needed.
4. When I click on the hyperlinked questionnaire name in the "Requirements" tab for an application, why don't I see a WYSIWYG editor for the essay question items?
An admin is able to click on the hyperlinked questionnaire name in the "Requirements" tab to view the questionnaire, even if the questionnaire has not yet been completed by the applicant. If an essay question item has not yet been started, then no text will appear for that question item. If a response has been entered and auto-saved, then that text will appear. After the questionnaire has been completed and submitted by the applicant, then the full response will appear to the admin.
An admin will only see the text response and will not see the WYSIWYG editor that appears to the applicant.
For example, an applicant sees the following on their application page, and the text entered has been auto-saved:
The admin would see the following in Application Admin Manager:
5. Is it possible to batch download documents from applications?
It is not. Documents can be downloaded one at a time from applications.
6. I've received a PDF of a completed recommendation form for a student's application. How can I mark the recommendation as received?
First, upload the PDF of the recommendation form to the "Documents" tab of the application.
Next, from the "Requirements" tab of the application, hover your mouse over the recommendation requirement. Click on the "Generate Recommendation Request" icon that appears. This will open a modal from which you can generate the request for the desired recommender. Use the "Comments" field to make note that the completed PDF has been uploaded as a document. Then click on "Add as Received" to update the application so that this recommendation requirement displays as completed. No notification will be sent to the recommender.