Travel Registry's Staff Management page allows permissioned Travel Admins to manage other users and their access to the functionality on both the Travel Registry Public site, as well as the private Travel Registry Administrative site. Travel Registry staff are managed at the Group and User level.
This article discusses the following topics:
Access and Permissions
The Staff Management page is accessed by navigating to Trave Console: Travel Admin>Staff Management
In order to access the Staff Management page, the admin must be in the following permission group:
- Travel Admin
Staff Groups
Staff Management's Groups page allows travel administrators to manage their existing user groups, as well as create new groups and that bestow customizable permissions to all users in the group.
On this page, existing groups can be edited by clicking the edit pencil in the Actions column:
Groups can be deleted by clicking the red "x" icon in the Actions column.
Adding Users to a Permission Group
New users can be added to pre-existing permission groups by clicking the pencil icon on a group:
From this page, admins can adjust the account as needed, and also add users to the group by searching their name or email in the “Add User” field at the top of the page:
Users can be added to the group later at later time as needed. Group permissions can be added/taken away from existing groups at any time. Editing a group's permissions will directly impact the access of the users in that group. Users will see these changes the next time the log in.
To navigate back to the main staff groups page, click the Manage User Groups button in the top right of the page.
Creating a New Group
A new group can be created by clicking the Add Group button in the top right:
Clicking the Add Group button brings the Admin to the Permissions: Add Custom User Group page. From this page, the admin can name the new group. If they would like, they can opt copy the permissions from an existing group to use as the basis of the permissions for the new group. If an account type other than "All" is selected in the Account column, the administrator will be prompted to specify the campus this group applies to:
After adding the group by clicking the Add button, the admin is prompted to configure which permissions members of this group should be given. Any permissions copied from the existing group chosen in the Copy From menu will already be selected for the new group.
Staff Users
The Users section of the Staff Management page displays a list of all of the users on the travel registry website who have been added to staff group. User details and permission groups can be edited by clicking the edit pencil to the right of the user's name:
Clicking the edit pencil takes the admin to the User Search page. The user's information is displayed at the top of the page. Below that, admins can assign the user to additional groups. The page also lists the groups to which the user already belongs, with the option to remove the user from any group by clicking the red 'x'.
Creating a Travel Registry Account for a User
A new staff member can be added by clicking the Add Staff Member button in the top right of the page:
Clicking the Add Staff Member button brings the admin to the Add Staff Member page, where the admin can search their respective campus SIS/HR directory for the user they would like to add and assign them to their necessary permission group(s).
Note: A user must be assigned to a permission group in order to be created as a staff member.
Important Note: If the admin wishes for the user's account to be integrated with their SIS/HR file, they must enter their email or login ID into the section entitled Campus Login ID and click the tab key. Clicking the tab key should auto-populate the user's information in the consecutive fields. If the user's information does not populate they are likely not included in the administrator's SIS/HR datafile. If the information is not entered in the described method, and the consecutive information does not auto-populate, a non-integrated external account will be created for the user. This means the user will not be able to log in via the administrator's internal SSO login and their profile will not be connected with the SIS/HR datafile.
If a user does not exist in the SIS/HR file, or the site is not SIS/HR integrated the user can be added to the site as an external user. To do this, manually enter the user's details in the available fields, add the user to at least one permission group, and click the Add User button. The user will be sent their external login credentials via email.