Application submissions may require both online submissions as well as physical submission of printed documents at the university. After creating an application, the applicant is directed to the Program Application Page (Pre-Decision).
On the right side of this page, the following sections are displayed for the applicant’s reference:
- Material Submissions - This contains a list of documents that may need to be printed out and mailed in.
- Signature Documents - The items listed under signature documents are documents that require a legal signature. Typically, these are consent forms. The StudioAbroad application is set up to accept digital signatures of applicants over 18 years of age, which are considered legal signatures.
- Recommendations - Recommendations are required for applicants looking to study at foreign universities. The number and type of recommendations can vary for each program. StudioAbroad can be configured to support online recommendations or to provide a printable recommendation form for recommending faculty.
- Application Questionnaires - The last set of submissions are the questionnaires. Application questionnaires can be completed and submitted online.
Note: The requirements for a program are specified by the Program Admin, who is also responsible for the content of all the questionnaires and forms. Applicants are expected to meet all program application requirements specified on this page for the application to be accepted and considered complete.
The Applicant home page displays a list of all programs that an applicant has applied to.
You can set a limit to the number of applications users are allowed to create for each application cycle. To file an application for another program in the same term, applicants will have to withdraw the previous program application.
Submitting Application
To submit an application, applicants need to meet the program application submission criteria. These criteria are specified by the Program Admin. To complete an application, applicants must submit the following:
- Material Submissions
- Signature Documents
- Recommendations
- Questionnaires
Material Submissions
To submit materials, perform the following steps:
- Click each item in the Material Submission section. A new window with instructions to submit the material or document or the document itself is displayed. Click the Print button to print the document. Applicants are expected to submit these documents according to the instructions specified.
- Once the documents are submitted to the university, the receiving staff member files these against the applicant's application and marks these as received. Applicants can verify whether or not all materials have been marked as Received on the Program Application Page (Pre-Decision). Once the material is received, they will see a check mark in the box beside that material.
Signature Documents
To sign documents online, applicants must perform the following steps.
- Click the items listed in the Signature Documents section. A new window containing the document is displayed.
- Click Sign Digitally at the bottom to sign the document. The Electronic Signature window is displayed.
- Click Accept, if you agree with the document contents and electronically sign the document.
- Applicants can return to the Program Application page to check if their signature has been marked as received on the application.
Applicants are required to provide recommendations for both incoming and outgoing programs. StudioAbroad enables the university to support two types of recommendations:
- Electronic recommendations
- Printed recommendations
To request an electronic recommendation, applicants must perform the following steps:
Click the Request Electronic Recommendation link. The Recommender Information form is displayed. Applicants can use this form to search the database for faculty members by
- Name
- Phone number
- email address.
Off-campus faculty recommendations can also be procured by manually entering the details of the faculty member.
Applicants must specify the following information in the form:
- Information about the courses they may have taken with the faculty member
- Any additional notes for the faculty member
- Waiver of rights to read recommendations professors may make for the applicants
- Click Save to request for the recommendation from the staff member. An alert prompts the applicant to confirm their request. Click OK.
- After the faculty member has completed the recommendation and after it is received by the university, a notification appears in the Program Application page in the Recommendations section.
- If applicants do not want to use the electronic recommendation medium, they can click View/Print recommendation Form. The Recommendation form is displayed.
- Print a copy of the form. Applicants must then give it to the faculty member from whom they want to request a recommendation. Instructions to submit this to the university should typically be available in the form.
- After the recommendation is received by the university office, it is marked as received on the Program Application page in the Recommendations section.
To complete and submit the questionnaires, applicants must perform the following steps.
- Click the questionnaire title under Application Questionnaire (s) section on the Program Application Page (Pre-Decision). The questionnaire is displayed with instructions for completion.
- Enter information in the various fields. Applicants can save their answers and return later to complete the questionnaire by clicking Save. When the questionnaire is ready for submission and review, click Submit.
- After the questionnaires are received for review by the office, it is marked as received on the Program Application Page (Pre-Decision) in the Application Questionnaire (s) section. The responses can be viewed by the administrative staff.
Note: Applicants cannot change their answers to the questions on a questionnaire after submission unless the questionnaire was configured to allow this