There is a stock report available free of charge that will allow an admin to generate a report that shows all staff appointments within a specified date range.
Self-service stock reports can be accessed from the 'My Queries and Reports' panel of the Admin Home Page. Click the 'Stock Reports' file icon for an expanded list of any reports installed. A 'Browse TDCL' button appears, allowing clients to browse and import stock reports independently. Once installed, the report will be available in the 'Stock Reports' section and accessible by all administrators with the permission of Applicant Admin: Stock Report.
When the admin clicks on the report, they will be prompted to indicate the date range they would like to have displayed. After the dates are provided a table can be fetched that will list all staff appointments grouped by the date. Each appointment listed will display the time of the appointment, the staff member, the user that scheduled the appointment, and the appointment subject.
This is a stock report and the data columns included in the report are pre-defined. If you require additional data columns in the report, we can make adjustments as a professional service for a fee.