There is a stock report available free of charge that will allow an admin to generate a report that includes all comments posted on applications or profiles for a specific group of applications/profiles and within a specified date range.
Once installed, the report will be available in the 'Stock Reports' section within the 'My Queries and Reports' panel on the admin homepage. It will be accessible by all administrators with the permission "Applicant Admin: Stock Report".
- When the admin clicks on the report, they will be prompted to select a saved query that will be used to determine the group of applications/profiles included in the report.
- Note: If the admin selects an application query, the report will display only application comments associated with those applications and will not display any profile comments associated with those applicants. Likewise, if the admin selects a profile query, the report will display only profile comments associated with those profiles and will not display any application comments associated with those profiles.
- The admin will be required to indicate the date range for comments to be included.
- After the saved query and dates are selected, an Excel file will be generated that will show all comments posted within the date range for the group of applications/profiles determined by the saved query.
This is a stock report and the data columns included in the report are pre-defined. If you require additional data columns in the report, we can make adjustments as a professional service for a fee. The data columns included in the stock report are as follows when the stock report is run using an application query:
- Application ID
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Last Name
- Program Name
- Term
- Year
- Status
- Commenter Name
- Date of Comment
- Application Comments
The data columns included in the stock report are as follows when the stock report is run using a profile query :
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Last Name
- Profile Status
- Profile Creation Date
- Saved Programs
- Commenter Name
- Date of Comment
- Profile Comments
You can add this stock report to your site by taking the following steps.
Admin Home > Stock Reports > Browse TDCL > Install Requested Stock Report