This page is accessible only to administrators with the Program Admin permissions. To access the Advanced Search tool, click Search in the Program Admin link on the left navigation menu on the Admin home page.
The Program Admin can perform the following tasks:
- Simple program search
- Advanced program search by:
- Program Name
- Location/Term
- Program Parameters
- Sort Options
- List all programs
- The search form can be used in any combination.
- The list boxes allow you to select multiple values within them by holding the Control/Command key while clicking.
- At any point during the search, you can abort the search by clicking Cancel. This reverts you to the Admin home page.
- You can also reset the search criteria by clicking Reset.
Performing an Advanced Search
To perform an advanced search:
- Click Search in the Program Admin menu.
- To search for a particular program, enter the name in the Program Name field.
- To sort the results, select the sort criteria from the Show field. For example, to search for Active Incoming Programs, select Incoming Programs and Only Active from the options listed.
1. Location/Term
- City
- Country
- Region
- Term
- Partner Institution
After you click Search, you can click any program name to view the details, or click the magnifying glass to view the program brochure.
Listing All Programs
You can access the List All page to list all the programs offered or supported by your university.
To do this, click the List All link above the Program Search form on the Advanced Search page. You can also access the List All tool in the Programs dropdown of the navigation menu.
All available programs on your site can be found here. By default, the system will first display any programs that have not been assigned to a program group and are marked as "uncategorized."
You can change which program group is displayed by clicking the program group dropdown and selecting a group. The numbers displayed in the dropdown correspond to the number of programs currently assigned to your particular program groups.
- To view a program brochure, click magnifying glass located next to the program name.
- To edit a program from this list, click magnifying glass located to the right of the name of the program.
- To group programs from this page, select the required programs from the list by selecting the check box preceding the name of the program. Then select a group, to move them from the drop-down list box Move marked programs to, on the top right of the page.
- The List All option enables you to sort results by column. Click the title of the column by which you want to sort the results. For example, if you want to see all the programs listed by city, click City at the top of the column. The list is reorganized, showing the list in alphabetical order, according to the destination city of the program.
Performing a Simple Search
Simple searches are best used when performing broad searches. This is similar to the Simple Search available from the public Web site.
To perform a simple search, perform the following steps:
- Outgoing
- Incoming
- Scholarship programs