Important Note: This article is based on classic Terra Dotta functionality. For current query and reporting options, see the Analytics for Terra Dotta Study Abroad article.
A common report that an office will want to generate is a report that has a list of all the program start and end dates. While the software does not have native functionality for generating this kind of report based on program catalog data, the application search's report wizard can be used to generate this type of report for outgoing program types. Risk management programs utilize the application itinerary rather than program start and end dates. When pulling a report of start and end dates for risk management programs, the "Itinerary" within the Report Wizard's "Additional Information" section should be selected.
These steps will allow you to generate a list of start and end dates for outgoing programs that have applicants participating in them:
1. Go to Applicants > Advanced Search.
2. Run an application query for a specific application cycle(s), all outgoing/incoming applicants, and a status of 'Committed.'
3. On the results page of that search, select 'Create report' from the 'Options' menu.
4. Select the following columns for output:
- Program name
- Term
- Year
- Program start date
- Program end date
5. Export this report into an Excel file
6. Delete the First, Last, and Middle Name columns in this Excel export
7. Select all cells of the spreadsheet
8. Use the Advanced Filter function of Excel to show unique records only (Refer to Excel help documentation for more information about using this function - search term: remove duplicate rows)
This should produce a list of all the outgoing programs in which you have participants along with the start and end dates of those programs.
Important Note: When running the Data Import/Export tool's export for program dates, there are a number of application cycles that programs are accepting applications for that are not represented in the export. This is because the Data Import/Export tool's export for program dates exports all existing program date records in the system. This doesn't mean there will be a record in the export for every application cycle for which a program accepts applications. It will only include the application cycles for which there has been a program date record created.
If it is desired to use the Program Dates export as a way to find programs without start/end dates and enter them through an exported spreadsheet, it will be necessary to use the 'apply dates to multiple programs' function on the 'dates' tab of a program to batch apply the app cycle defaults for a program to your program catalog before performing the Program Dates export. You can do this without creating the start and end dates.