A non-processed application is used when an office needs to keep an application on file for an individual but does not need the applicant to log in to their site to take action on the application. This article covers the following topics related to non-processed applications:
- Understanding Non-Processed Applications
- Marking an Application as Non-Processed
- Applicant View of a Non-Processed Application
Important Notes:
- The ability to create or designate an application as "non-processed" is available in both the modern Admin Console and Classic.
- Notifications configured with Application Triggers will be sent to applications when the respective conditions are met, even if those applications are flagged as "non-processed".
Understanding Non-Processed Applications
Admin Console:
To mark an application as non-processed, navigate to Admin Console>Application Finder>Select Application and open the kebab menu in the top right corner of the application. Select Mark as Non-Processed from the menu:
Selecting Mark as Non-Processed opens the Non-Processed Application modal:
Checking the Non-Processed box and clicking Update marks the application as non-processed. To reverse this action, uncheck the box and click Update.
Applications are indicated as non-processed with red title text and the non-processed icon:
Note: At this time, it is not possible to create an application in the admin console as non-processed. Applications must be created, and then marked as non-processed. As such, any automated notifications configured to send upon new account/application creation will be sent to applicants.
There are two ways to mark an application as non-processed in the classic administrative interface:
1) When an admin creates a new application.
Navigate to Applicants > New Application. Whether the admin needs to create a new application for a current applicant or a new applicant, a checkbox for "non-processed applicant is provided".
Select the applicable checkbox and proceed with with either searching for the existing applicant (via "Applicant Search" as in the example below) or creating a new applicant (via "New Applicant").
Once the application has been created, a notation of "non-processed application" will appear below the applicant's name on the application admin interface.
2) When an admin makes an update via the "Status" tab of the application admin interface:
An existing application can be marked as "non-processed" when an admin navigates to the "Status" tab of the application admin interface. Select the "Yes" option for "Non-Processed" and click "Update" to save your changes.