Important Note: This article discusses classic functionality. For information on the modern applicant experience, refer to the Applicant Experience Knowledgebase article.
- Special characters (i.e. non-alpha numeric) are not recommended for use in program parameters as they may cause program search parameters to not appear in public searches.
- The parameter glossary is not supported in the Applicant Experience.
- Only program parameters configured as "Available for Search" will appear under the "Details" section of Program Wizard. If a program parameter is not available for search, it can be added using the "Information Sheet" widget in the "Brochure" section of Program Wizard.
Adding a Program Parameter
- Click the 'New Parameter' tab on the top of the page. A page will open that displays a form for adding a new parameter.
- Type the name of the parameter into the 'Parameter Name' field.
- Select a Parameter Type from the drop-down list box below the name field. If the type is a Yes or No parameter, then you do not need to specify any option information for the new parameter.
If the type is a Multiple Selection, Single Selection, Minimum Value or Maximum Value parameter, then a box called 'Parameter Options' will appear below the main box. These kinds of parameters require you to add the various options or values that could fulfill the parameter. Type each option into the blank field and click 'Add’ until you have entered all the options or you can enter a list of pipe character-separated values at once using the 'Add Options List' button.
Parameters that are 'multiple selection’ have two or more options that could apply to a program at the same time (for instance, many programs offer more than one type of housing).
Parameters that are 'single selection’ have only one option that can apply to a program at the same time.
Parameters that are 'minimum value’ or 'maximum value’ are numeric parameters and can have options along a number scale.
The most common example of this type of parameter is a 'minimum GPA,’ which when configured as a 'maximum value' program parameter accepts all values from a set value and below.
A 'minimum value’ is the same concept, but in reverse (accepts all values from a set value and above).
Note: While entering numeric data for a minimum or maximum parameter, it is important to format the numbers with the same number of digits per value. example, - if your values are between 1 and 20, you must enter the value for 1 through 9 as 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, and 09. This is done to avoid error results when applicants conduct a search.
Data Lookup - This parameter type is used when your database requires data in the form of a code or abbreviation, but you want the parameter's dropdown menu to display option values expressed in plain English. For example, a dropdown list might display 'Argentina', but the corresponding value stored in the database would be 'AR'. Codes and abbreviations are often used in SIS exports and SEVIS reporting. To create or import Data Lookup values for your site, go to Settings > Lookup Tables (see Value Lookup Tables for details).
Data Lookup w/Search - This parameter type functions like the Data Lookup with the addition of a keyword search box. The keyword search eliminates the need to scroll through extremely long dropdown lists. As the user starts entering the keyword, the dropdown list is populated with values that match the keyword. The user then selects a response from those results. As with the Data Lookup, the user will see option values expressed in plain English, but your database will store the corresponding code or abbreviation.
- A description of the parameter may be provided, so that users can understand the fixed data better. This description is typed into the Parameter Glossary field.
- The yes/no buttons next to the 'Available for search?' and 'Available for display?' text determines if the parameter can be used as a search filter by applicants and whether or not the parameter will be displayed on the program's brochure. If the parameter is displayed on the program’s brochure, then it will appear in the 'fact sheet’ at the top of the brochure.
- Click 'Save.' The new program parameter is listed in the Program Parameters page.
Editing a Parameter
- Click the edit pencil icon located to the right of the parameter's name.
- Make the necessary edits.
- Click 'Update.'
Deleting Parameters from the List
- Click the red 'X' icon located to the right of the parameter name. A dialog box appears asking you to confirm the action.
- Click 'OK' to proceed or 'Cancel' to ignore the action.
Below are common issues / questions that arise when managing program parameters:Description