Terra Dotta supports the use of dedicated document types as "attached documents" that can be used by applicants and admins as part of a program application. This article is focused on current functionality (i.e. as found in the Applicant Experience) and covers the following topics related to Application Documents:
- Understanding Application Documents
- Document Type Settings
- Configuring Applicant-Attached Documents in Program Applications
- Applicants: Attaching Application Documents
- Admins: Attaching Application Documents
- Requiring Attached Documents
- Attached Documents: Search & Notification Options
- Frequently Asked Questions
Important Considerations
As you get started with managing application documents, keep the following consideration in mind:
- The program-level settings discussed in this article must be made from the "Settings" tab of the classic Program Builder. It is not possible to make these configurations in Program Wizard at this time.
Understanding Application Documents
There are three options for how an applicant can upload documents in Terra Dotta:
1. Via an applicant parameter that is the "File" type. See the Managing Applicant User Parameters Knowledgebase (KB) article for details.
2. Within a questionnaire containing a "File Upload" question item type, allowing the applicant to directly upload one or multiple files as a response. See the Applicant File Uploads KB article for details.
Important Note: The ability to upload a file using Question Item > Question Type > Essay is classic functionality that is not supported in the Applicant Experience.
3. With the use of document types as "attached documents" displayed in the "Documents" tab on an application page.
This article focuses on option #3.
In general, allowing applicant attached documents is supplemental to an application, and these documents are not considered application requirements unless configured to act as such (see the "Required Attached Documents" section of this article for configuration details). With this in mind, incomplete document submissions do not affect the "Complete" status of an application and are not included as missing items in reminder emails.
If you want to mandate the submission of a particular document, consider these options:
- Deploy a questionnaire containing a required "File Upload" question item.
- Require that a document be attached to an application. This configuration is discussed under the "Required Attached Documents" section of this article.
Document Type Settings
General Configurations
Document types are created under the Settings > System Features > Process Options tab with the following options:
- Applicant File Uploads: When enabled, this setting allows document submissions from non-admin users. It also allows an admin to select applicable document types for a program under the "Settings" menu of a program in the classic Program Builder.
- Maximum File Size: Limits the size of documents that can be uploaded to applications or submitted through "file upload" question items.
- Available Document Options: Lists the document types that currently exist in the system.
Adding or Editing Document Types
Document types can be added or edited by clicking the "Edit" link next to "Available Document Options". This action will trigger a modal to appear that is divided into two sections.
New Type
1. Use the textbox next to "new type" to enter in the name of a desired document type. This might be something like "Passport Copy" or "Travel Document".
2. Click "Add" to save your changes. The document type will now appear as an available option.
Available Options for Applicant File Upload
This section organizes information into columns as follows:
- Attachment Type: This is the name of the document type as entered in the "New Type" field.
- Actions: Choose to edit the name of an existing document type or delete it ("X" icon). A document type can only be deleted if it is not deployed to any programs.
Configuring Applicant-Attached Documents in Program Applications
An admin is able to enable the appearance of a "Documents" tab in a program application from which an applicant can upload specified document types. This action can be configured on a per-program basis or for multiple programs at once.
To enable the use of attached documents, use the following steps:
1. Navigate to the "Settings" tab of your desired program’s Program Builder.
2. From the "Allow Applicant Attached Documents" drop-down menu, select your desired option from the following list:
- No: Applicants cannot upload documents on their application.
- Yes: Pre-decision: Applicants can attach documents on their application at any time.
- Yes: Post-decision: Applicants can attach documents on their application after the post-decision phase has been reached. Note that the decision date must be reached for "Accepted/Committed" applicants in order to be able to attach documents.
- Yes: While Abroad: Applicants can attach documents after their first application itinerary record start date has been reached.
- Yes: Returnee: Applicants can attach documents after the latest application itinerary record end date has passed.
3. Click the edit icon next to "Available Document Options". A modal will appear from which you can select the desired document type(s) that applicants to this program can upload. Click "Add" to move the document type from the "Available Options" section down to the "Selected Options" section. A document can be removed from the "Selected Options" section by highlighting it with your cursor and clicking on "Delete Selected".
At least one document type needs to be selected. When you've finished with your selection, click "Update".
Your selected option(s) will now appear next to "Available Document Options".
At this point, your configurations are program specific. If you wish to apply these settings to multiple programs, click the "Apply applicant attached document settings to multiple programs" button. This action will trigger a list of all programs and program groups to appear from which you can make your selection. Choosing a program and/or program group means that you wish to apply the document types and phase deployment settings. Click "Update" to preserve your changes.
Applicants: Attaching Application Documents
If an applicant’s program has at least one document type enabled and the applicant is in the relevant phase defined in the program settings, then they will see a tab titled “Documents” on their application.
The "Documents" tab is divided into two sections:
- Attached Documents: Applicants can view uploaded files by file name, document type, and date uploaded.
- Upload New Documents: Applicants can upload files here for specified document types.
It is possible for an applicant to submit multiple files associated with the same document type. Applicants cannot delete or replace documents from the application. However, admins can make these changes from the "Documents" section in Application Admin Manager.
Uploads are restricted to the account's allowable file extension types. Installed clients can see and edit the allowable file extension types under Maintenance > Environment Settings > Allowed Uploaded File Extensions. Hosted/SaaS clients can open a case, and Terra Dotta Support will let you know the allowable file extensions for your site and make requested adjustments. By default, the following file types are permitted to be uploaded:
- doc,docx,xls,xlsx,pdf,jpg,jpeg,gif,png,txt,ppt,pptx
Important Note: The "Documents" tab does not appear on OneStep forms. While the tab will not appear on the actual OneStep Form, you may still configure the panel to appear on the application's page. After an applicant completes the OneStep Form and clicks into their application via the Applicant Home page, the "Documents" tab will appear as long as you have enabled this within the "Settings" tab of the program in Program Builder.
Admins: Attaching Application Documents
Admins with the required Applicant Admin: Applicant Search permissions can both view attached application documents and add additional documents via the "Documents" section of the Application Admin Manager.
This tab organizes information into columns as follows:
- Document Name: This lists the document type, if one was selected, followed by the name of the uploaded document.
- User: This is who uploaded the document.
- Uploaded: This is the date the document was attached to the application.
- Internal Use: Will populate with "Yes" if not visible to the applicant or "No" if visible to the applicant.
- Actions: Use the trash icon to delete an upload.
An admin uploads a document by using the drag/drop option or browsing to select a file. Then, a document type can be assigned to the document by using the "Document Type" drop-down menu. However, it is not required that the admin select a document type. Before uploading the document, the admin can choose whether or not to mark the document for internal-use only or to send an email notification to the applicant. The "internal-use only'" checkbox will hide the document from the application so that only admins will have access to view the document. If the document is made visible to the applicant, the applicant will see the document in the "Documents" tab of their application.
Batch Attach File
An admin can attach a single document to multiple applications at once by using a batch action as follows:
1. Navigate to Admin Console > Application Finder.
2. Apply the filters as desired to generate your list of applications.
3. Check the batch action box to the left of the "Applicant Name" column. This will automatically select all applications in your search results. From the "Batch" drop-down menu, select "Attach File".
4. Add the desired file, make your desired configurations, and select "Update".
Requiring Attached Documents
It is possible for an admin to require that a document be attached to an application in order for the applicant to submit the application. With this configuration, an attached document is treated as an application requirement and is counted in the application's progress wheel.
To require an attached document:
1. Navigate to the "Settings" tab of the desired program in Program Builder.
2. Next to "Submit Button", check the box next to "Enabled". This feature must be in use in order to require an attached document as part of an application.
3. From the "Document Type Requirements" box, select the required attached document(s). This list will populate with all document types that currently exist on your site.
4. Click "Update" to preserve your changes.
Now when an applicant creates an application for this program, the document type from step #3 above will appear in the "Online Requirements" section of their application. It will be counted as a requirement in the progress wheel as well and must be uploaded in order to complete the application and trigger the appearance of the submit button.
The required attached document can be uploaded from the "Requirements" or "Documents" tab of the application. Once uploaded, this item will appear in the "Completed Requirements" section of the application page.
Attached Documents: Search & Notification Options
An admin is able to search for applications that do or do not contain a specific document type by using the advanced application search. Navigate to Applicants > Advanced Search. From the query wizard, select "Application Parameters" and click "Next". Under the "Application Activity" section, locate "Attached Documents". From here, make your desired configurations and click "Search" to generate results.
To receive a notification when a certain document type is uploaded:
- Run an advanced search for that document type as noted above using the "is attached" search option.
- Save the search.
- Create a query watch to send an email notification as new applications appear in the query results.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. My program has allowed applicant attached documents for the pre-decision phase. However, I want to change this configuration. What steps do I need to take?
If you want to remove the option to allow applicant attached documents for a program, follow these steps:
- From the "Settings" tab of the program in the classic Program Builder, you must first make sure that you delete any available document options that were selected for the pre-decision phase.
- After all available document options have been unselected and your changes have been saved, select "No" from the Allow Applicant Attached Documents menu. Then save your changes.