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The Account Information Admin tool enables you to provide your account with the information that it needs to automate a number of tasks and identify itself to site visitors.
Go to Settings > Account Info. Changes made to this page go into effect immediately after saving.
On this page you are giving the software the information it needs to direct email, provide contact information to users, and fill in institution-specific data in forms and submission materials.
- Account (Office) Name: this name will be displayed as the title of the browser window for your users. Usually, clients put their office name here.
- Institution Name: the full name of your university or company.
- Institution Abbreviation: the abbreviation for your institution/company. When an applicant clicks the "Apply Now” button, they will be asked if they are a registered user at "TDU" (your abbreviation). If you do not have an abbreviation or you do not wish to use the abbreviation, you should repeat your institution name in this field.
- Keywords: enter keywords that people might use in a search engine when searching for your site.
- Institution Time Zone: choose the main time zone of your university or company. The time zone you choose will be reflected in the 'history log’ function that assigns a timestamp to users’ actions within the software; it also is used for application deadlines and other essential functions. Daylight Saving Time: When you are assigning a time zone, be sure to choose either "standard” time or "daylight” time, depending on whether you are currently observing daylight saving. When daylight saving ends (or begins), the software will automatically adjust the time setting accordingly if DST is observed in your area. Please note that this applies only to clients hosted in Terra Dotta's server environment. Clients who are running TDS on their own server instance will need to manually adjust their time zone.
- Campus Login Information URL: this is the website your university uses to address issues applicants have with their secure campus login credentials. This URL will be visible to the applicants on the login page.
- Campus Login Label: specify if your institution uses a special name to refer to their login credentials, for example: 'TDU-ID' or 'LionsLink.'
- Contact 1 Name: information for Contact 1 is used throughout the site. All emails automatically generated within the site will be sent from the Contact 1 name and email address. If your institution is going to use auto-reminders, they will be 'from' the name and email address provided for Contact 1. Contact 1 can be set up as a generic name and email address. For example: Office of International Programs, oip@terradottauniversity.com. This email address should be one that multiple people can check periodically.
Contact 1 Email: enter the email address for Contact 1 here. Contact 1 email address functionality is as follows:
- Used if there is no "to" field selected for outgoing messages (any).
- Used if there is no "from" field selected for outgoing messages (any).
- Is the "to" and "from" address for SIS execution stats
- Displayed as plain text for users to contact throughout the site
- Is the sponsor email for Directory programs. This email address will receive the login credentials the first time a program is published to the Directory.
- If Contact 2 is empty, then Contact 1 will also receive information requests and login assistance requests.
- Contact 2 Name: This field is optional. It is used for your secondary contact and receives login assistance requests and information requests generated by the student clicking the 'Request Info' button on a brochure page. If there is no Contact 2, then Contact 1 will receive these emails. (If there is no Contact 1, then Contact 2 will take on all of the roles that Contact 1 fills.)
Contact 2 Email: This field is optional. The Contact 2 email address will receive the following:
- information requests emails
- login assistance emails
- Account Address: enter the mailing address and fax number (if applicable) for your office. This address is used throughout the site and in material submissions where you choose to provide mailing instructions.
- Campus Login Info: enter any additional information or instructions you want the applicants to see when they go to the login page on your site.
- Federal School Code (FSC): find your institution in the list. This information is optional, but if you select it, your institution will not appear in the list of home institutions for external students to select as their home institution when first logging into the site.
- GDPR Applicant and Prospect Consent Messages: These fields allow you to configure the consent messages site users will see and need to agree to in order to use the site if the GDPR Consent setting has been enabled in Settings > System Features > Administrative. Please refer to our article on GDPR User Consent for more information.