This article provides an overview of the functionality related to the Program Builder, including the following:
Program Builder Navigation & Features
- Navigate to Programs > List All. This opens a new page with a list of all the programs currently in your catalog.
- Click the pencil icon located to the right of the name of the program that you want to edit. The Program Builder page for that program opens with several tabs.
- Edit the information related to a program by clicking the tabs under the header.
This tab includes a general description of the program such as the name of the program, the program's home page URL, and so on. Using this tab, you can change the program name; provide the URL for the home page of the program, if any, in the space provided; and include internal program notes in the space provided.
If there is an active Application Cycle that matches this program's available terms AND the program brochure URL shows up on a webpage somewhere, a person will be able to apply to it. You should uncheck all the terms for an inactive program and ensure that a URL to the brochure page does exist anywhere else on your site to ensure users cannot not apply.
This tab enables you to select the settings for a program. Using this tab you can perform the following tasks:- Select the program type, select the status of new applications, and provide the Access URL for the program. When applicants click this link, they are directed to the Program Brochure page.
- Generate HTML with specific text for the 'Apply Now' function
- Create Applicant Instructions that will appear on the application page during the specified phase
- The four plain text fields labeled for the application phases are used for entering in the text that is desired on the application pages of the applicants to the program.
The text in this field can include HTML tag to change the style of the text or include hyperlinks. It may also be necessary to wrap the paragraphs in <P> and </P> tags if you have multiple paragraphs of instructions that you wish to be separated when viewed by the applicant.
The post-decision phase instructions can also be appended to the decision letter for accepted applicants by marking the checkbox under the post-decision phase instructions.
- The four plain text fields labeled for the application phases are used for entering in the text that is desired on the application pages of the applicants to the program.
- Control the Journal settings for the program
- Set the required number of recommendations for each recommendation type
- Enable or disable advising requests, advising requirements, and applicant parameter requirements
- Enable or disable the 'Save This' button to permit applicants to save programs of interest to their profile
- Allow unlimited applications - by selecting this box, the administrator is allowing applicants to override the maximum number of applications (set at the system settings level) allowed during the term. Selecting this box does not allow for unlimited applications to the specific program UNLESS the System Features setting (Settings > System Features > Process Options tab) is checked to allow multiple applications for the same program in the same application cycle.
- Allow applicant attached documents ( Terra Dotta 15 and higher) - configure whether applicants can attach documents through the Attached Documents panel of their application. Configure the phase at which the Attached Documents panel appears, and which document types are available. This portion of the Settings tab appears if you have configured document types in Settings > System Features > Process Options.
By default, deadlines and decision dates are pulled from the information you enter when creating app cycles. This tab enables you to change those dates on the program level if needed. It is also where the start date and end date for each application cycle can be defined for this program. Start and End dates must be entered in order for application itinerary records to be created. These result in the applications moving into the 'While Abroad' phase. There is a feature that will allow you to 'Apply Dates to multiple programs' that you can use to save time. You can use the dates specified by the sponsors of the program to schedule your deadlines if this program is subscribed to the Study Abroad Directory. You can find these dates under the header Sponsor Date Records for this Program.
- Select an app cycle from the drop-down list box at the bottom of the page under the header Add New Date Record. Click the Add Term button. A new section appears on the page where, you can add the dates for the app cycle that you have selected.
- You can edit the dates for a term by clicking the pencil icon located to the right. A new section appears on the page, where you can edit the start and end dates, application deadline, decision date, and term notes. The system will also automatically create a corresponding program itinerary (in the Itinerary tab) with the set start/end dates unless you uncheck the "Create program itinerary record with these dates" option.
This tab enables you to construct the program brochure content, which is available for the applicants to view when they are searching for a program. You can create a brochure and provide a link to the same in the text box Friendly URL Label. Alternatively, you can build the brochure within the application using rich text formatting and uploaded images. You can do this using the WYSIWYG Editor provided on this tab.
If you're utilizing the Program Wizard functionality, you can migrate your existing brochure content into the Program Wizard using the "Migrate Brochure" link.
Clicking the "Migrate Brochure" link will automatically capture any content in the classic brochure builder and migrate it into the Program Wizard builder. The migration will capture most text formats and styling. The text content from the brochure will be added to the Wizard as a single content widget. Photos and embedded videos will be separated into individual photo and video widgets respectively. All content will be added to each section of the brochure.
To migrate your legacy brochure content, follow these steps:
1. Click the "Migrate Brochure" link. A warning modal will appear asking you to confirm that you understand that this action will replace any brochure content that might exist in Program Wizard for this program with the legacy content. Click "OK".
2. You will be routed to the program's "Brochure" tab in Program Wizard. You must enable the option to "Use Program Wizard Brochure" by clicking the applicable toggle and then clicking "Save" at the bottom of the page. Otherwise, your public site will continue to display the brochure content as built in the classic program builder.
This tab enables you to assign the location(s) of this program. You can use the field box to search for a location. Results will appear as you populate the box. You can select more than one location from the available list box by holding down the Control/Command key on your keyboard while clicking the locations. Click "Add selected" to apply the selected locations to the program. To remove any location from the "Currently assigned" list box, click the 'x' icon to the right of the location name. If this program is subscribed through Study Abroad Directory, the locations assigned to the program by the sponsor are displayed above the location selection interface. You can use the Sponsor Assigned Locations field to assist you when you assign locations to your program.
A program's assigned locations will be available to administrators that are creating program itinerary records.
This tab enables you to select terms for the program. To do this, select the check box preceding the name of the term. If this program is subscribed through Study Abroad Directory, the terms assigned to the program by the sponsor are displayed above the term selection interface. You can use the Sponsor Assigned Terms field to assist you when you assign equivalent terms to your program.
This tab enables you to assign program parameter values. If this program is subscribed through the Study Abroad Directory, you can assign the parameter values in accordance with the sponsor-assigned program parameter values.
Note: After a program has had a program parameter value assigned to it, it may be desired to clear it out (remove the value that was assigned). This cannot be done by clicking on the edit pencil and removing the current value and updating. The administrator is instructed to select a valid option value.
A program parameter can be cleared out on the 'parameters' tab of the program builder by clicking on the red 'X' under the actions column (instead of the edit pencil). This doesn't delete the program parameter. It only removes any assigned parameter values for that parameter for that program.
To see a preview of the documents, click the names of the documents.
Due Dates: To set the due date for an element, click the plus "add" button or the edit pencil (if a date has already been entered). This will bring you to the "Batch Applying Process Element Due Dates" screen where the new date can be applied to multiple process elements of the same type for that program.
- Any date entered here will override the application cycle-level due date set in Process > App Cycles for the chosen element(s). Dates set at the program level will be denoted by an asterisk (*).
- You can remove an existing due date by blanking out the date field on the update screen and updating the page.
- Process element due dates serve only as a visual indicator on the applicant home and application view and will not lock an applicant out of the process element until the overall application deadline has passed.
This tab provides information on the participating alumni of the program. The information is classified under three tabs depending on the status of the information. They are the following:
- Pending
- Published
- Rejected
The Feedback tab enables you to publish applicant responses to testimonial and program questionnaires for applications to the program. You can publish a testimonial or review to the Programs Brochure page by clicking Publish located to the right of the applicant response. To take a testimonial or review off a published page, click Unpublish.History
This tab is a running list of all changes that are made to the program. You can look here to see what has been added/removed from the application to the program, who made the change and when they made it.OneStep
This tab allows for a simplified version of an application/registration in Terra Dotta software that can be configured for some program types. Applicants/Registrants who use the OneStep form will see all requirements on one page to make the process as straightforward as possible. The OneStep is ideal for collecting student and faculty travel registrations that don't require the traditional 'application' process, but are used to simply collect basic travel dates, locations and a few other items. It is in this tab that admin may configure proxy registrations as well.Budget Sheets
The Budget Sheets tab on the program builder enables you to create a budget sheet for each term your program is offered. Select a term from the drop-down list box then click the Add button located next to the list box. The selected term will now appear in the “Program Term Budget Sheets” section below.There are four user types that can be associated with each budget sheet: ‘Internal, External, Exchange (Internal), Exchange (External)’.
Check the box for each type of user you’d like to be included in this term’s budget sheet for this program.
In the Actions column, you can
- export the budget sheet as an MS Excel file by clicking the Excel icon located to the right of the name of the budget sheet.
- click the red ‘X’ icon to delete a budget sheet.
- click the pencil icon to edit a budget sheet. This will open a new page:
- From the here, you can insert a budget parameter previously created in Settings > Budget Params to the budget sheet from the “Parameter” drop-down list box. [example] Selected parameters appear under the “Budget Item” heading below.
- You can include any notes you may need in the WYSIWYG Editor at the bottom of the page. These notes will be publicly accessible in the Budget Sheet section of the program brochure.
- Whether or not you are able to edit the dollar amount for each item is determined by the type of budget parameter configured in Settings > Budget Params. For more information on editing budget parameters, refer to the KB article “Managing Budget Parameters.”
- You can click the red ‘X’ to delete an item from the budget sheet.
This tab enables you to view and add announcements related to the program. Program announcements appear on the Application page and can be used to provide updated information specific to the applicants' requested program(s). After the decision date, accepted applicants can receive new information through the announcements.- Date on which the announcement was posted
- Date on which the event is scheduled to take place
- Date on which the announcement expires, and also any action taken on the announcement.
- Click Add. A New Program Announcement page opens.
- You can provide the details of the announcements and then click the save button at the bottom of the page to save the information. Click Reset to make fresh changes or Cancel to ignore the changes and return to Program Announcements home page.
Exchange Balances
This tab is enabled only when the program is marked as Exchange Available. This tab enables you to view the ratio and quotas of the incoming and outgoing applicants. This information is only for the records. It does not limit the number of applications that can be filed for the program.Foreign Courses
This tab enables you to list all courses applicable to a program in a foreign location. It groups the courses under the headings of Standardized and Unstandardized courses.- Click Add New Course at the top on the left side of the Foreign Courses home page.
- A new page opens where you can provide details of the new program.
- Click Update at the bottom of the page to update the changes made.
This tab provides information if the program is associated with a Study Abroad Directory sponsored program. If the program is not associated with any, this tab provides you the option of linking your program to a Directory-sponsored program while retaining your current program data.
- Click Link to a Study Abroad Directory sponsored program. This opens a search tool for finding programs available in Study Abroad Directory.
- Click the magnifying glass icon located to the right of the program name to view the program. This opens the program brochure.
- Click Link to this program. Now the program built using your Program Builder is linked to this sponsored program in the Study Abroad Directory.
This tab enables you to perform the following tasks:- View/Add/Edit/Delete the contacts associated with this program
- Enter email addresses for people who should be notified when new applications are created for this program, someone requests more information about the program, or someone saves the program to their profile.
- Please note that notifications for new applications are delivered to the listed individuals only when the applicant creates a new application for that program. They are not sent when an advising application is created as a result of required advising - nor are they sent when an admin creates an application for a student.
- Click the Add a contact Manually link. This opens a new section on the page.
- Provide all the details in the spaces provided
- Click Add Contact at the bottom of the page.
The program itinerary records for a program are used as the template for the application itinerary records when an applicant applies to that program. The itinerary tab allows you to specify each leg of a trip.To add a program itinerary:
- Ensure that the program has a date record for the appropriate application cycle ("Dates" tab)
- In the Itinerary tab, select the appropriate application cycle and choose Add Itinerary Record
- Fill in the start and end dates for one location within the full itinerary. Then, choose the location from the drop-down Location list. (This list includes locations chosen in the Locations tab of the program builder.) When finished, click Next.
If there are existing applications for this cycle, a cascade wizard will offer to update these applicants' application itineraries to reflect the change.
Select any applications whose itineraries you wish to update, and click "Update". The application itineraries associated with these applications will be updated to reflect the change to the program itinerary.
Creating a New Program
- Click Cancel to quit creating or editing a program. This takes you back to the Admin home page.
- To reset the information in the form fields, click Reset at the bottom of the page.
To create a new program using the Program Builder, perform the following steps:
2. Enter values for the program parameters in the Program Description form provided.

- Program Name – It is best to come up with standardized naming conventions for programs at your institution before you begin creating lots of programs. For instance, you may wish to include your institution’s name for your faculty-led or exchange programs, or you might want to consistently include the host country or city in the program’s title (this increases searchability). Some institutions have put a '*’ at the beginning of their institution’s 'home-grown’ program titles, in order to bring these programs to the top of the search results (results are displayed alphabetically by program name). You can always edit the program name later, if you need to.
- Program Group - This field enables you to place the new program in the appropriate folder for organizational purposes - the list of Program Groups should be created prior to creating individual programs under Program Admin -> Manage Groups. For more information about groups, refer to the Knowledgebase article 'HELP: Managing Program Groups.’
- Program Type - This field enables you to specify if the program type and the users that will be allowed to apply to the program. You will also be able to identify if the program should have an 'Exchange' option, if the program type supports exchange balances.
- You can also set the 'default status’ of new applications in the 'Program Type’ section. The options for default status are: Pending, Approved, Committed or Waitlist. Most new programs will have a default status of 'Pending.
- Program Homepage - This field enables you to specify a URL for the program if the program has a dedicated external Web page.
- Active - This field enables you to specify whether or not the program is currently active. If it is not marked as active, it will not be visible to applicants who are searching the site for programs. New clients who are not live yet should mark programs as 'active' so that they do not have to go back later and change that setting for the complete list of programs.