Important Note: This article discusses classic functionality. For information on the modern applicant experience, refer to the Applicant Experience Knowledgebase article.
The panel Itinerary Warnings panel of the Admin Home page (shown below) will display a warning indicating the number of applications on the site with a status or status alias of accepted or committed that do not have at least one itinerary record, or that have an incomplete itinerary record. The admin can click the 'Generate Report' button to see a list of these applications along with links to the application itinerary tab, the program itinerary tab, and the option to export the information to Excel. The panel is updated in real time, so as soon as the application itinerary information is added, the number of warnings in the panel will decrease. In the event of an emergency requiring the use of a locator search, the site administrators can use this panel to ensure there are no applications that might have been missed in the locator search because they are missing itinerary information.
This article discusses the following topics:
- Turning Itinerary Warnings On/Off
- Understanding when Application Appear in the Warnings
- 'Generate Report' Functionality
By default, all admin users with the 'Application admin: Itinerary' permission will see the Itinerary Warnings panel on their admin homepage. This permission allows admin users to also generate the report within the Itinerary Warnings panel. If an admin wants to export selected or all records within the itinerary panel, the Maintenance Permissions for SaaS and Hosted Clients will need to be granted.
If an admin does not want to see this panel, they can remove it from view by clicking the Settings Cog in the upper right corner of the page > Admin Settings > deselect the "Applications without Itineraries or Locations" display option. To re-enable the panel, re-select that setting within the administrative settings page.
If an admin does not want to see this panel, they can remove it from view by clicking the Settings Cog in the upper right corner of the page > Admin Settings > deselect the "Applications without Itineraries or Locations" display option. To re-enable the panel, re-select that setting within the administrative settings page.
1.) Status or status alias of accepted or committed:
Only applications with a status or status alias of accepted or committed will be included in the Itinerary Warnings panel.
2.) Belong to a selected program type:
By default, only applications to the following program types will be included in the Itinerary Warnings calculations:
- Outgoing
- Outgoing with SideTrips and OneStep
- Risk Management
- Travel Registration
To add or remove program types to those included in the warnings, go to Settings -> System Features -> Features tab. At the bottom of this page, all program types that have been installed on the site will appear and can be selected or deselected. There is a short message at the top of the Itinerary Warnings panel that reminds administrators which program types are being included:
"Following is true for the applications in Outgoing, Risk Management,Travel Registration that are committed/accepted in active application cycles."
3.) For an active application cycle:
In addition to the criteria previously outlined, the application must also be for an active application cycle in order to be included in the Itinerary Warnings. To see if an application cycle is active, go to Process -> App Cycles.
On this page, there will be an 'Active' column with a check mark indicating whether or not the application cycle is active. Navigate to previous and future calendar years by using the drop down menu at the top of this page. If the Itinerary Warnings panel is including applications for past app cycles, you can make those application cycles inactive to remove them from the panel's calculations. IMPORTANT: You should only deactivate app cycles in which all travelers have already reached their end date. If there are still travelers who might be abroad, do not deactivate the app cycle, but use the tools in the Itinerary Warnings panel to add itinerary information so that those applications could be found in a locator search.
Going forward, all applications that need itinerary information should have it, so deactivating application cycles as they pass will not be required on an ongoing basis. It is only required at the onset of this tool if past applications for which you do not wish to add itinerary information are appearing in the warnings.
4.) Has no itinerary record or one itinerary record that has start/end dates but no location
The purpose of the Itinerary Warnings is to bring attention to those applications that will not be found in any locator search. Those applications are ones that do not have any itinerary information or that have one itinerary record that has start/end dates but no location. If an application's status is changed to accepted or committed, is in one of the pre-defined program types, is for an active application cycle, and is missing this key itinerary information, it will appear in the warnings panel.
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: The Itinerary Warnings panel cannot detect an application that has the wrong location or dates within its itinerary information. Warnings are displayed only for applications with missing information, not for applications that have incorrect travel information. If an application has one complete itinerary record, it will be omitted from the warnings panel. It is the responsibility of the administrators in the office and/or individual travelers to make sure itinerary information is accurate and complete.
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: The Itinerary Warnings panel cannot detect an application that has the wrong location or dates within its itinerary information. Warnings are displayed only for applications with missing information, not for applications that have incorrect travel information. If an application has one complete itinerary record, it will be omitted from the warnings panel. It is the responsibility of the administrators in the office and/or individual travelers to make sure itinerary information is accurate and complete.
'Generate Report' Functionality
When the Itinerary Warnings panel shows that there are applications with missing itinerary information, the admin should click the 'Generate Report' button.A pop up will appear showing the admin the applicant's name, program name & application cycle, status, start and end dates (if the application has a location-less itinerary), and links directly to the application's itinerary or the program's itinerary tab so that the appropriate itinerary information can be entered. If the application is missing itinerary information because the program is missing itinerary information, it is recommended to add a program-level itinerary and then cascade that information to all applications. If more than one application to the same program is appearing in the warnings, adding the itinerary information to the program is how application itineraries can be added to all applications for that program at once.
-The 'Application Itinerary' link will take the admin directly to the application's itinerary tab.
-The 'Program Itinerary' link will take the admin directly to the program's itinerary tab.
-The 'Add new itinerary record link' will take the admin directly to the application's itinerary tab with the 'Add Itinerary' page open.
-The edit pencil icon seen next to applications with a location-less itinerary will take the admin directly to the edit screen for the existing location-less itinerary record so a location can be added.
The admin will also be able to check the box next to any application(s) they wish to export to an Excel file. From the 'Actions' tab, select 'Export All' or 'Export Selected' and an Excel file will be generated.