Changes to the custom mappings of Applicant Parameters from the SIS data source are very easy to make but generally will only be needed very rarely, in cases where either the data source has been expanded to include more fields or changed to remove fields.
Keep in mind the following important rules:
- Creation of mappings may be done at any time after columns are added to the SIS data layout.
- Mappings are not required for each and every column in the SIS data layout. (There is no requirement to change the feed to remove a column if a mapping is removed.)
- Deletion of a mapping permanently deletes the Applicant Parameter from Terra Dotta and all associated student data will be orphaned.*
To make changes to the custom mappings:
1. Log in as a user with Maintenance: SIS/HR Mappings permission.
2. Navigate to Maintenance > SIS/HR Mappings.
3. Click Custom SIS Field Mappings.
4. To add a mapping:
a. Verify that the column you are adding is available on the data source. (Ask your DBA, or Terra Dotta support, if Hosted/SaaS.)
b. Fill in the open row of fields at the end of the list of mapped parameters: Name and SIS Column are required.
c. Click Add.
5. To delete a mapping:
a. Verify that it is safe to remove the parameter (see above*). If not, the procedure to unmap the parameter is by direct database manipulation. Submit a case to receive instructions.
b. Only if it is safe to proceed, click Delete on the line next to the mapping you want to remove.
Accidental removal of a Mapping can be remedied only by direct database manipulation. Submit a case to receive instructions.
Note that any changes to data systems integrations will be a professional services request. The work involved is usually 1-2 hours of billable time.