This feature is unique to classic functionality in Terra Dotta and does not appear, as described below, in current features of the Applicant Experience and the Admin Console. Offices should use the "Application Completed" dynamic column option in Application Finder which displays the date on which the application's "complete" flag was applied.
The "Complete" application flag in Terra Dotta is activated on the Settings > System Features > Process Options tab. Turning on this feature will allow applicants, reviewers, and administrators to see visual indicators for applications that have met all the requirements of their current phase. All phases utilize the complete flag, including the advising phase.
This flag is set for an application by the Reminders scheduled task that is executed daily. When this task runs, it will run a check on all the active applications and, for each application, determine if the required material submissions, signature documents, questionnaires, learning content and assessments have been submitted for the current phase of the application.
Important Note: This check is for the CURRENT phase. For example, if an application is post-decision, this check will not include any of the pre-decision process elements. Technically, an application can be considered "complete" if it is in the post-decision phase and there are incomplete pre-decision process elements.
When this check is made on an application:
- If the application has met all the process element requirements for the current phase and it is not currently flagged as "complete" - it is flagged as "complete".
- If the application has not met all the process element requirements for the current phase and it is currently flagged as "complete" - the flag is removed.
Applications that have been flagged as "complete" will have the following visual indicators provided:
- Applicant Home Page: Applications flagged as complete will have a visual indicator in the "Applications Filed" pane
- Application Page: Applications flagged as complete will have a panel at the top of the application indicating that the requirements for the phase are all submitted
- Reviewer Home Page: Applications flagged as complete will have a visual indicator in the "My Reviews" pane
- Progress Audits: Applications flagged as complete will have a visual indicator next to the name of the applicant in the progress audit output
- Application Admin Interface: Applications flagged as complete will have a visual indicator in the header of all administration tabs
The advanced application search can also be used to locate applications flagged as complete by the date on which they were flagged. This search criteria can be found in the 'Application Parameters' criteria of the search form.
Important Note:
The "complete" flag is not an instantaneous flag to the applications. The applications are not flagged as "complete" or "incomplete" at the exact moment that the application meets/lacks the criteria. It is flagged as such the next time the Reminders scheduled task executes. Applications completed on the current date will not be displayed as "complete" until the following morning.
In addition, an application is considered to be "complete" if the applicant has completed all required material submissions, signature documents,questionnaires, learning content and assessments. Internal process elements will not affect the complete/incomplete status of an application. If the applicant has completed everything but any internal process elements, they application will be marked as "complete".