After applicant parameters have been defined and mapped to an SIS data source, they will appear in the list of applicant parameters presented in the Settings > Applicant Params administrative tool.
By default, these applicant parameters will be of the parameter type 'Text Field' with a name that matches the data column name from which the data is being pulled. You will want to adjust the settings of these applicant parameters so that they properly display to the desired applicant types as applicable and have data field names that are user friendly for both the applicant and your office staff as well as application reviewers.
To configure a newly created SIS mapped applicant parameter, you first go to Settings > Applicant Params. Then, go through the following steps:
- Click on the yellow edit pencil to the right of the name of the SIS mapped applicant parameter you wish to configure.
- Change the 'Parameter Name' to a user friendly name that will be more easily understood by your office and/or applicants.
- Note: This will not affect the SIS mapping.
- Change the ability for the applicants to edit/view the parameter to the proper settings.
- Note: If this parameter will be information you need from non-integrated users, the ability to edit it should be set to 'Yes'.
- If the applicant parameter will need to also apply to the External applicants, mark off the checkbox to the right of 'Applies to' for the non-integrated users, they will be manually entering the data if the ability to edit the parameter is assigned to 'yes'. The integrated users will still have this information pulled from the SIS data source regardless and will not be able to edit the parameter's value.
- Change the 'Parameter Type' to the desired method of entry and querying capability that you will want.
- If you wish the non-integrated users to select from a drop-down menu or listbox, you should change this to single-select or multi-select. In addition, if you will want to query applicants through a list of distinct values rather than through keyword searches, you should also change this to single-select or multi-select.
- If you chose a single-select or multi-select option, the interface for creating the option values for the non-integrated users (as well as the option values to be used for application querying) will appear, and the option values required should be entered.
- If this will be a required data field for non-integrated users prior to application access, select 'yes' for that option.
- Configure the historical value tracking, duration of the SIS refresh for integrated users, and the data imprints that you will want to capture.
- Note: Data imprints are only made for integrated users. Non-integrated users do NOT get data imprints made in their applications.
- Click 'Update' at the bottom of the form.
Important Notes:
- If you configure an SIS-mapped applicant parameter as 'single' or 'multi' select, the option values do not need to match the data coming in from your SIS datasource.
- For integrated users, the data values assigned to them will always be the data coming from the SIS datasource. The option values you configure for the single/multi select options are only for the non-integrated users that will be manually selecting their value and for options to be made available in the Applications > Advanced Search tool.