Occasionally, an institution may move to a different e-mail system, which could have different impacts on integration with Terra Dotta software. In most cases, there will be no impact. This would be the case as long as the e-mail addresses in the system remain the same and there is no connection between the e-mail server and the user-authentication system.
Potential impacts:
1. If your e-mail addresses will be changing:
- For applicants: the SIS refresh routine will register a "Core Discrepancy" for all current applicants. These need to be manually accepted using the SIS Refresh maintenance utilities. (Search for "core discrepancies" solutions in the knowledgebase.) Past applicants will not be updated through the refresh.
- Non-applicants' e-mail addresses would need to be changed manually using the Maintenenace > Edit User utility.
2. If the change will impact user login, your SCL interface may need reprogramming. You can have your IT use our documentation to make changes (see Integration with Secure Campus Login) or contract with Terra Dotta Professional Services. Generally, user login is not affected by changes to the institutional e-mail system alone.