This article describes the H-1B Request settings that are found in Scholar Admin > Site Settings menu. This configuration controls the types of alerts ISSS is given and what party is able to view documents and processes related to the H-1B application and your office procedure.
- Navigating to H-1B Request Settings
- Tab Configurations
- H-1B Expiration Configurations
- Document Configurations
- Program Configurations
Navigating to H-1B Requests Settings
Navigate to H-1B Requests from Scholar Admin > Site Settings.
Settings are divided into Site Settings, H-1B Request Setting, O-1 Request Settings J-1 Request Settings, and Import Data. On the H-1B Request Settings tab, there are four sections for configuration: Tab Configuration, H-1B Expiration Configurations, Document Configurations, and Program Configurations.
Tab Configurations
In the Tab Configurations, this option will allow whether the H-1B Information tab is visible to department admin. Your office's practices will guide this content, which populates the H-1B Information tab in the scholar's profile.
H-1B Expiration Configurations
In H-1B Expiration Configurations, you can determine when to notify and whom to notify when a scholar's H-1B program will expire. Notification is sent via an alert email message configured in Process > Notifications. You can select sixty or thirty days in advance of the expiration date, or a fixed custom date (for all H-1B scholars). For custom dates, you can save up to 4 custom number of days out. These can be any length of days.
NOTE: The H-1B Expiration Configuration is also the determination for the warning icon to appear on a scholar's card in the Dashboard.
Document Configurations
The Document Configurations section determines if the department and/or scholar have access to each type of document categories listed under Category Name, including USCIS forms. By checking the box under Department or Scholar, you will provide these users access to the corresponding category name.
Important: Confirm your changes each time you make a change by clicking the Update button.
Program Configuration
The last tab in the H-1B Request Settings tab is the Program Configuration. This section will display the Employment Based Objective that is attached to each Scholar Program.