The Scholar Admin's Form Management allows ISSS Admins to set up custom content like questionnaires, instructions, and related workflows for scholar processes and profiles. For example, need to add questions for the department admins to complete when filing an H-1B extension?
Navigating to Form Management
To start, navigate to Scholar Admin > Form Management. The forms can be created for each point in the scholar cycle:
- Sponsorship Request
- H-1B
- H-1B Extension
- H-1B Amendment
- J-1
- O-1
To begin setting up a form, confirm you are on the correct tab prior to clicking the + button in the lower right corner.
To start the total workflow, the ISSS Admin will start from the Questionnaires tab. In this example, we are creating a questionnaire to be given during the Sponsorship Request. Begin by creating a title for your questionnaire (limited to 100 characters) and instructions (unlimited characters).
After entering title and instructions, click the Plus button in the lower right corner and select Create New to create a new question or Add Existing to add an existing question.
Create New Question
To create a new question, click on the plus icon and select Create New from the selection box. The ISSS Admin will be prompted to enter a question and indicate the type of response.
Response types include:
- Selection - will require to select either single or multiple; can define as many options as you’d like by clicking the add button in the middle of the question card. You can also delete possible answers by clicking on the trash can located to the right of the selection option.
- Field - requires definition as text, numerical, short description, or essay
- Yes/No - request selection from no explanation, explanation with the answer of Yes, or explanation with the answer of No
- Date
On the question interface, the ISSS Admin can also select if a response is required, and add question item instructions. To mark as Required, move the Required toggle to the right. To add question item instructions, click on the Add Instructions icon; an instruction field will display. To delete the question, click on the trash can button.
Add Existing Question
To add an existing question to the questionnaire, click Add Existing from the Plus button. In the modal window, the ISSS Admin can search existing Questionnaires with an autocomplete feature. The ISSS Admin can further filter based on question type or name. After the search parameters are in place, click the search button located in the top right corner. Select the question by checking the checkbox in the left-most column and clicking continue.
After all questions have been added, click “Create” within the title bar of the questionnaire. After the questionnaire has been created, this button will change to “Save." Always save before exiting.
After clicking Create and Save, the ISSS Admin will be taken back to the list of tab that the Form Management workflow was created in.
To continue our workflow, we will move the Instructions tab.
In this area, any existing Instructions that were created will display whether they are active or inactive. To create new instructions, click on the plus button in the lower right corner.
A modal window will then appear with the options to add a title for the instructions and a WYSIWYG editor.
After adding a title and content for the instructions, click the Save button. Note: the Department and Scholar will not see the title "Instructions," so be sure to include a heading within the body of your feature piece.
To edit existing Instructions, simply click on the title and edit directly in the WYSIWIG editor. To inactivate any Instructions, slide the Active toggle (located on the top right corner of the modal) to the left.
Now that questionnaires and instructions, move to the Workflows tab to combine them.
Click the Add button located in the lower right corner where you will be prompted to select either a Questionnaire or Instructions to add.
Adding a Questionnaire to a Workflow
After selecting a Questionnaire from the add menu, a new modal window will display.
Creating a workflow is a multi-step process, begin by adding a descriptive title for yourself (this is not shown to the scholar/department).
First, select the questionnaire by clicking the add button in the lower right corner of the modal. After selecting, options will display regarding how the Questionnaire appears with the New Sponsorship Request form (the Questionnaire and Instructions in this example was at the Sponsorship Request Level).
Admins may also place the element at the top or the bottom of the selected tab. After saving, the workflow will display in your workflow list. The tab location relates directly to the tabs within the scholar's profile:
- Sponsorship Request: Request (initial request)
- H-1B Request: Department, Beneficiary, H-1B Information, I-129 Supplements, Processing, Request/Petition Status, or Additional Information
- H-1B Extension: Department, Beneficiary, H-1B Information, I-129 Supplements, Processing, Request/Petition Status, or Additional Information
- J-1 Request: Department, Exchange Visitor, DS-2019, DS-7002, Profile, Message Center, Requests, or Additional Information
- O-1 Request: Department, Beneficiary, O-1 Information, I-129 Supplements, Processing, Request/Petition Status, or Additional Information
Important Notes:
- Any content assigned to the initial Sponsorship Request will be transferred to the Additional Information tab once the ISSS Admin has determined how to process the request (for example H-1B or J-1 applicant).
- If the Additional Information tab is selected for the content to live, there will not be an option to place at the top/bottom of the page as this page only houses Instructions and Questionnaires.
Second, you also have the ability to assign this piece of the process to either the Scholar or Department. Since this will appear with the initial Sponsorship Request, we will select the Department for this step.
Should you decide to place a workflow on an H-1B or H-1B extension request, you will have the additional step of identifying how to assign content - based on Country of Birth, Country of Citizenship, or Host Department.
Adding Instructions to a Workflow
Adding Instructions is a very similar process. After you have identified Instructions from the add menu, you’ll see a familiar modal window allowing you to select the Instructions to add. Similar to the Questionnaires, you have the option to select which tab the content will be placed as well as where on the page (top/bottom).
Once saved, you should now see both your Questionnaire and Instructions on your workflow station.
Note: the Sponsorship Request page will be visible to the department only. If you add a workflow to the H-1B, H-1B Extension, O-1, or J-1 Request pages, admins may assign the Questionnaire or Instructions to either the department, scholar, or both.
Now that the workflow is setup, the ISSS Admin can review how it will look by navigating back to the dashboard and clicking on New Sponsorship Request.
Key notes:
- Multiple Questionnaires and pieces of Instructions may be added to the same request/sponsorship.
- Future development will include a preview button located directly on the Instructions and Workflows page so you can see exactly how your documents will appear without having to navigate to the dashboard.
- For each J-1 Request, you may select one piece of Instructions to add to request.