This article summarizes the process for a Departmental Admin user to define their campus address and contact information within Terra Dotta ISSS: Scholar Admin. Doing so eliminates the need to complete this information on each Sponsorship Request they submit.
Navigating to Departmental Configuration
Once a Departmental Administrator is logged in through the Departmental Portal, they should select Departmental Configurations from the top left menu.
Contact Information Configuration
The new page will offer a space to enter contact information for each department that the administrator has permission to access. In the image below, the administrator has access to four departments: Engineering, Creative Writing, Chemistry, and Public Management.
Department Panel
Each department panel gives the administrator an opportunity to define their roles associated per department. By clicking on each department name, the Title, Phone, and Campus Address fields will display. An administrator can list different sets of contact information that will auto-populate into their sponsorship requests based on the department of hire.
Site of Activity
The administrator also has the opportunity to define the most common Sites of Activity related to J-1 Scholars they sponsor through their various departments.
Locations can be added or deleted (with the trash can icon) at any time. Once Contact and Site of Activity Information are saved, be sure to click Update located in the lower right corner.
Using Configured Contact Information
After the Departmental Configurations have been set, a Department Administrator will be able to save time when completing a New Sponsorship Request as they will no longer need to type all this information - it will pre-populate with each new request. Simply select which department the request is associated with from the Hiring Department Authority drop-down box and the associated contact information for that department will auto-populate in the appropriate fields.
For an application designated to be a J-1 scholar, Sites of Activity location information is also easier to pre-populate on the J-1 Department Tab. The ISSS Administrator must have selected to process the application as a J-1 applicant. Once completed, and the Department Administrator now has access to the corresponding Department tab.
Located in the Site of Activity Information panel, a drop-down box will appear allowing the departmental administrator the opportunity to select from any of the sites of activity that have been defined.
Once selected, the appropriate Site of Activity information will appear for this scholar. Be sure to update the page at the bottom of the screen before moving on to another page.