This article explains the actions that can be completed in all three features of RTI Connect (lists, updates, and Post to RTI) in Terra Dotta ISSS.
RTI Connect is a feature of the Terra Dotta ISSS. It lets you access SEVIS RTI directly, and offers three different functions:
- Lists: download SEVIS lists, compare Terra Dotta and SEVIS data, and update Terra Dotta data from SEVIS.
Updates: update data directly in SEVIS RTI. The corresponding Terra Dotta data is automatically updated.
- Updating Form I-20s or DS-2019s while in the SEVIS embedded browser will push a PDF of the document to save in Terra Dotta, and show on the Most Recent I-20/DS-2019 link in the SEVIS Profile and in the Documents section of the SEVIS Profile.
Post to RTI: update records in SEVIS RTI with data from completed Terra Dotta records, posting information directly into SEVIS.
- Updating Form I-20s or DS-2019s while in the SEVIS embedded browser will push a PDF of the document to save in Terra Dotta, and show on the Most Recent I-20/DS-2019 link in the SEVIS Profile and in the Documents section of the SEVIS Profile.
- From your Terra Dotta Admin Page, navigate to SEVIS Admin > RTI
- Select the appropriate list from the SEVIS List section to download the list.
- View data comparison report - Terra Dotta versus SEVIS.
- SEVIS Admin: RTI Connect Actions: Reports Page Actions: Update Records data with SEVIS data for single records or groups of records.
- Navigate to the individual SEVIS record in RTI Connect.
- Click Launch RTI Connect > Enter your SEVIS credentials > Navigate to the student record > Click Download Record button in the upper left hand of the screen.
- View data comparison report - Terra Dotta versus SEVIS.
- SEVIS Admin: RTI Connect Actions > Reports Page Actions: Update Records data with SEVIS data for single records or groups of records.
F/M Student Supported Lists (including dependents)
- Active Status Students
- Initial Status Students
- Student Listing (All F/M Students)
- Terminated Status Students (past 18 months)
- Completed Status Students (past 18 months)
- Canceled Status Students (past 18 months)
- Students With Curricular Practical Training (CPT)
- Students With Requested, Pending, or Approved Optional Practical Training (OPT), including all employer data. Note: Individual OPT records can now be downloaded - no need to download the whole list.
- Students Transferring In
- Students Transferring Out
J Exchange Visitor Supported Lists
- Active Status Exchange Visitors and Dependents - this action will now also scrape all of the Sites of Activity for an Exchange Visitor.
- Initial Status Exchange Visitors and Dependents
- All Exchange Visitors and Dependents
- Terminated Status Exchange Visitors and Dependents
- Inactive Status Exchange Visitors and Dependents
- Invalid Status Exchange Visitors and Dependents
- No-show Status Exchange Visitors and Dependents
- Transfer In Exchange Visitors and Dependents
- Transfer Out Exchange Visitors and Dependents
- Exchange Visitors With Student Academic Training
- Exchange Visitors With Student Employment
Additional list downloads will be developed based on client feedback.
This feature lets you log into RTI Connect to RTI Connect Phase 2: General Article on Profile-level Updates data in SEVIS RTI. The corresponding profile data for that individual will automatically update in Terra Dotta.
Multiple-mapped programs are supported. For example, this allows you to choose between undergraduate and graduate program configurations for Academic Objective, Optional Practical Training, and Curricular Practical Training. If you are unsure if you have multiple-mapped programs on your site, please check with your implementation specialist.
To perform any of the available update actions:
- Navigate to the user's SEVIS Profile in the SEVIS Admin.
- Click the RTI Connect button to be brought to the individual's SEVIS record
- Complete the update as you would normally do in SEVIS RTI. (NOTE: Unsupported actions are grayed out.)
- RTI Connect Phase 2 will live-capture the entry of data - scraping your entered data form SEVIS RTI into Terra Dotta without dual data entry.
For a full list of actions supported in Production for RTI Connect Phase 2, please review the SEVIS Admin: F/M Student Actions List and SEVIS Admin: J Exchange Visitor Actions List.
The following F/M SEVIS update actions are currently in development:
- Corrections
- Disciplinary Action
RTI Connect: Post to RTI
This feature lets you update records from the SEVIS Profile to SEVIS RTI with data from completed Terra Dotta records.
To perform any of the available update actions in Post to RTI:
- Navigate to the user's SEVIS Profile in the SEVIS Admin.
- Click the RTI Connect button to be brought to the individual's SEVIS record
- Click on the desired update link on the left, just as you would normally do in RTI. (NOTE: Unsupported actions are grayed out.)
- Click the Post to RTI button in the upper left hand of the screen.
- Confirm the correct data displays in the fields.
- Complete the update by clicking Submit.
- The status of the Terra Dotta record will change according to the action you have just completed.
- The Terra Dotta history log will capture a record of your action.
For a more detailed step-by-step, see SEVIS Profile: Post to RTI.
For a full list of actions available in Post to RTI, see SEVIS Admin: F/M Student Actions List and SEVIS Admin: J Exchange Visitor Actions List.