This article outlines the steps to create and submit a SEVIS update to Terminate an Exchange Visitor (EV) record via the batch.
This action must be taken on a SEVIS-Active record. The Terminate update will use the Academic Objective (J) post-decision questionnaire to submit the request to SEVIS. The record that you must select to associate with the batch update record will be the Academic Objective Application (J).
The postback data from the SEVIS batch download will update the Academic Objective status to Terminated. You can verify that the Terminate action has been successfully processed by reviewing the completed batch updates in the SEVIS Profile.
Step 1: Initiation of Request
Exchange Visitor-Initiated
An Exchange Visitor (EV) cannot initiate the Terminate request. It is an administrative action.
Admins will create a Terminate request for an EV record by going to Applicants > Search, locating the Academic Objective of the EV, and clicking on it.
Locate the Status Update (J) questionnaire in the Academic Objective. Click Questionnaires > Status Update (J), under Post-decision.
The Status Update (J) questionnaire contains the information needed to terminate the SEVIS record.
- Reason for Termination: select a reason from the dropdown menu.
- Termination Date: Enter the date
- Explanation for "Other" Termination reason: ONLY if the Termination reason is "Other," enter a text reason here to explain.
- Remarks for Termination: Optional; enter text remarks to submit to SEVIS.
- Click Submit.
Step 2: Create a SEVIS Update Record
See the KB SEVIS Admin: Creating a SEVIS Update Record for detailed instructions about this step.
For next steps, see SEVIS Admin: Assigning a SEVIS Update to a Batch.
Step 3: Return of Terminated Record and Postback to Terra Dotta
You can verify that the Terminate action has been successfully SEVIS-processed by reviewing the completed batch updates in the SEVIS Profile.
The postback data from the SEVIS batch download will update the Academic Objective in Terra Dotta to display as Terminated.