This article outlines the steps to complete a Dependent: Reprint request to reprint a DS-2019 for an Exchange Visitor (EV) in the SEVIS batch. This update action is managed from the post-decision questionnaire of the Add New Dependent record on the dependent's profile.
Step 1: Locate Existing Add New Dependent Record
To create the Add New Dependent record, go to Record Admin > Search. Enter the name of the dependent whose Dependent: Reprint request you would like to create and select the Add New Dependent (J) record.
Step 2: Complete the SEVIS-Required Data
The SEVIS-required data for Dependent: Reprint is in the post-decision questionnaire. In the dependent's record, select Questionnaires > Dependent Update (J). Then, click the edit pencil to add reprint information.
Just one question item is specific to Dependent: Reprint in the questionnaire - the EV Dependent Reprint reason. Select a reason in the dropdown menu, then click Submit. All other question items are optional, and can remain blank.
Step 3: Locate the Principal EV Profile
Search for the Principal EV Profile by going to Record Admin> Search > and entering the principal EV Name. Click the Add New Dependent (J) program to access the Principal EV profile.
Step 4: From the Principal Profile, Click the SEVIS Profile Button
You must create and process the SEVIS Update Record in order to process a Dependent: Reprint from the Principal EV SEVIS Profile. Click the SEVIS Profile button of the Principal EV record.
Step 5: Create SEVIS Update Record
For general instructions on adding a SEVIS update record, see SEVIS Admin: Creating a SEVIS Update Record.
Note: Selecting the Dependent: Reprint action from the dropdown menu will associate the action to the Add New Dependent application for the SEVIS Update record of the Principal EV. If all the required information is present in the dependent profile and the Add New Dependent application, the update record will be successfully verified.
You may also wish to see SEVIS Admin: Assigning a SEVIS Update to a Batch.