This article outlines the steps to first add an Exchange Visitor (EV) dependent profile in Terra Dotta, then to create an Add New Dependent Record in Terra Dotta for an Exchange Visitor dependent that can be batched to SEVIS.
Overview of Process:
The Add New Dependent Record must be attached to the Dependent profile. You must then create and process the dependent SEVIS Update from the Principal's SEVIS Profile. Steps 1 - 7 are listed here, and then detailed below.
- Create the Dependent Profile - It will likely NOT come from your institutional system of record refresh
- Complete SEVIS Required Data
- Link Dependent Profile to Principal Profile by clicking Add Principal Profile
- Create Add New Dependent record
- Locate Principal Profile to access SEVIS Profile
- Create SEVIS Update Record
- Assign SEVIS Update to batch
Step 1: Create New Dependent Profile
- Go to Profile > New Profile
- Scroll down to New User > Enter the J-2 dependent email.
- If the dependent is in your institutional system of record, select University User.
- If the dependent is not in your institutional system of record, select Non-university User.
- Click Add.
Step 2: Complete and Review the SEVIS-Required Data
New dependents need values for the following data, located in the Terra Dotta Profile.
NOTE: Dependent data is typically not maintained in your institution's SIS (e.g., Banner). However, if this data is integrated with your SIS and does not appear or is incorrect, you must first correct the data in your SIS. This information will be pulled into Terra Dotta from your SIS in the next regularly scheduled update.
Profile Tab
The following SEVIS-mapped/required biographical data to create a dependent in SEVIS is located in the dependent's Terra Dotta Profile (Profile Tab). If these fields are not integrated with your institution's system of record, you can edit them if you have administrative access to Maintenance > Edit User.
- First Name
- Middle Name (Note: text entered in this field will automatically be combined with the “First Name” field and sent to SEVIS as “Given Name” in the batch)
- Last Name
- Email Address, only required for J-2 spouse. Leave blank for J-2 children.
- Date of Birth
- Gender
Information Tab
The following SEVIS-mapped data (required biographical data) create a dependent in SEVIS is located in their Terra Dotta Profile (Information Tab), including:
- Suffix (Optional)
- Visa Type
- City of Birth
- Country of Birth
- Country of Citizenship
- Country of Permanent Residence
- Relationship to Principal
- Campus Site
Step 3: Link the Dependent Profile to the Principal Profile
New Dependent Profiles must be linked to the Principal Profile. Do this by clicking the Add Principal Profile link as shown:
Search for and select the appropriate principal's profile. You can search by the principal's name name OR their date of birth.
A. Search Principal Profile by name - enter all or part of the principal's name in the search
B. Search Principal Profile by date of birth - enter the principal's date of birth in the search
C. Select Principal User from search results - click on the appropriate principal's name in the search results
D. Update
The Principal EV will now appear as Principal on the Dependent's Profile:
Step 4: Create the Add New Dependent Record and Complete the Questionnaire
Record Creation
Principal EV-initiated
Terra Dotta enables international offices the ability to allow Principals to initiate an Add New Dependent record online.
Offices are able to create a button or link that can be placed on a Terra Dotta page, an external webpage, or even an email that a Principal can click to be redirected to Terra Dotta to create an Add New Dependent record.
Admins may add an Add New Dependent Request to a dependent profile by going to Records > New Record. Locate the dependent record by searching by the email address used to create the profile. Since the dependent will already have a profile, confirm User Found and click Yes. Select Add New Dependent (J) from the dropdown menu, and click Create.
Complete the Add New Dependent record: Questionnaires > Dependent Information (J) > Edit Pencil. (NOTE: There is only one question item in the questionnaire.)
Select Purpose of Form:
- Begin new program. Use this field when concurrently creating a set of initial SEVIS records for EV pricipal AND dependent family members.
- Permit exchange visitors and dependents to enter U.S. separately. Use this field when creating dependent DS-2019s after principal EV already has an existing SEVIS record in either SEVIS-Initial or SEVIS-Active status.
- Click Submit.
Step 5: Locate the Principal EV Profile to Access the SEVIS Profile
Search for the Principal EV Profile by name or other criteria under Profiles > Search. Click on Name to access the Principal EV's Profile.
You must create and process the SEVIS Update Record to Add New Dependent from the Principal EV's SEVIS Profile. Click the SEVIS Profile button of the Principal EV Record.
Step 6: Create SEVIS update Record
In the Principal EV's SEVIS Profile, click New SEVIS Update Record.
See the KB SEVIS Admin: Creating a SEVIS Update Record for detailed instructions about this step.
Step 7: Assign the SEVIS Update to a Batch
After you have created a SEVIS Update Record, you may add it to a batch to be sent to SEVIS for processing. For more information on this process, see the Knowledgebase article on SEVIS Admin: Assigning a SEVIS Update to a Batch.