This article outlines the steps to register a SEVIS record.
Step 1: Create SEVIS Registration record
You may allow students to initiate the SEVIS Registration record online. Offices may create a button or link that can be placed on a Terra Dotta page, an external webpage, or even shared by email. A student can click the link to be redirected to Terra Dotta to create the SEVIS Registration record/request.
Admins may initiate SEVIS Registration record on the behalf of a student by going to Records > New Record, locating the student and clicking Add/Yes, selecting SEVIS Registration in the drop down menu, and clicking Create.
Step 2: Find the SEVIS Registration Record
Navigate to Record > Search. Enter the name of the new student whose SEVIS Registration record you would like to review and send to SEVIS.
Step 3: Complete/Review SEVIS Data
SEVIS Profile Information
F/M SEVIS records need values for the following data fields, which are located in the student's Terra Dotta Profile.
NOTE: SEVIS-mapped fields located in the Terra Dotta Profile could be integrated with your Student Information System (SIS). If the data in these fields does not appear or is incorrect, you must first correct the data field in your institution's SIS. This information will then be pulled into Terra Dotta from your SIS overnight.
Address Info Tab
The SEVIS-mapped values for Foreign Address and US Physical Address data to register an F/M SEVIS record are located in their Terra Dotta Profile on the Address Info Tab.
Note: If the student is a border commuter student, US Physical Address is not required.
SEVIS-Mapped Question Items
You may configure their site to either:
Allow students to complete SEVIS-mapped Question Items for their Registration,
Edit the questionnaire to remove it from the student view for the Registration record. By removing it from the student view, only Admins can complete the question items. To complete this action:
- Process > Questionnaires > Registration > Click the edit pencil > Select Yes to Is this an internal-use questionnaire? > Update
- Select the checkbox to the left of the Application Cycle(s) you want the questionnaire to be deployed to > Select Apply.
Depending on how your site is configured, Admins should review, edit or complete the required SEVIS-mapped Question Items in the record:
Registration Questionnaire
A) Is the student in the last session of his/her program? - Select Yes or No from the dropdown menu.
B) Current Session End Date - Date field
C) Next Session Start Date - Date field
D) Registration Remarks - Enter any remarks in the registration questionnaire.
Click Submit.
Academic Objective Information (F/M) in the Academic Objective Record
If the student's commuter status changes, you must:
- Navigate to Record > Search
- Enter the name of the new student and select Academic Objective (F/M) record
- From the Questionnaires tab, click the edit pencil beside Academic Objective Information (F/M)
- Edit Item 3. Commuting from Canada or Mexico?
- Click Submit