To defer the attendance of a student's record, the associated action is called Program: Manage Session Dates.
You may wish to create an internal questionnaire to capture background and context for the reason for the Program: Manage Session Dates update.
Step 1: Request/Record Creation
Terra Dotta lets you create a Program: Manage Session Dates record update for a SEVIS record.
Step 2: Find Academic Objective Program for Student
- Navigate to Record > Search. Type in the name of the student whose program start date you want to defer.
- Click the Academic Objective (F/M) record link to the right of their name on the Search: Results screen.
Step 3: Complete the SEVIS-Required Data
Initiate the Manage Session Dates record update in the Academic Objective Program by editing the program dates.
- Click on the Start/End Dates tab.
- Click the yellow edit pencil under Actions.
- Enter new dates and click Update.
- Next, you will need to update the Education Information questionnaire to update the Initial Session Start Date.
- Click the Questionnaires tab in the AOP. Click the yellow edit pencil next to the Education Information questionnaire.
- Enter the new Initial Session Start Date and click Submit.
Step 4: Create SEVIS Update Record
- Click the
button at the top of the user's record.
- This button will take you to the user's SEVIS Profile in the SEVIS Admin.
- Next, click the New SEVIS Update Record button at the top of the user's SEVIS Profile.
Clicking New SEVIS Update Record takes you to a screen where you can attach an action to a SEVIS Update Record that can be batched to SEVIS. Under the Actions drop-down menu, select Program: Manage Session Dates.
- Immediately after selecting this action, a modal window will pop up. You will be prompted to select the user's record with the information needed for this SEVIS update action.
- For this action, select the current Academic Objective (F/M) record, then click the radio button next to the appropriate record.
- Click Add.
- When you click Add, Terra Dotta will automatically review and verify that the information needed for the Manage Session Dates SEVIS record update is present in the record you selected. Space will be included for remarks. Insert the remarks that you wish to send to SEVIS.
- If all the information you need is present in the record, a
button will appear, including the date.
- If your update record fails to verify, a
button will appear, including the date you tried to verify that action.
- For additional information on reading and resolving errors that appear after a verification fails, see this SEVIS Admin: Update Record > Verification.
- After the Program: Manage Session Dates action has been added and verified, select whether you would like SEVIS to return an I-20 in the batch.
- To request a Form I-20, locate the Return Form drop-down menu and select Program: Manage Session Dates from the list (this action should be the only action to choose from on this list).
- If you don't want SEVIS to return an I-20 with this action, do not select an action under Return Form.
The SEVIS Admin allows Admins to add internal comments about a SEVIS record update that is saved and only viewable by other staff with P/DSO privileges.
Adding internal comments is not a required step, but is a useful option when submitting confidential or sensitive information to SEVIS. -
After you have entered internal comments, click Update to add this action to the Pending Updates display in the SEVIS Admin.