AlertTraveler®'s Traveler Locations page allows permissioned admins to see the locations of all travelers who have an active AlertTraveler® license and take certain actions to support these travelers.
This article will discuss the following topics:
- Access and Permissions
- Information Displayed in Traveler Locations
- Traveler Locations Filters
- Traveler Locations Map
Actions Taken from Traveler Locations
- Create Institutional Alerts for Selected Travelers
- Open Help Requests on a Traveler's Behalf, and Message Travelers who have Open Help Requests
- Update Traveler's Safety Statuses
- See the History Log of Travelers with Active Licenses
- Email Travelers
- Send an App Activation Email to Travelers who have yet to Activate the AlertTraveler® App
- Export to Excel
- GPS & Traveler Locations
- Troubleshooting
Access and Permissions
The Traveler Locations page is accessed by navigating to AlertTraveler>Traveler Locations.
Only admins can access Traveler Locations. In order to access Traveler Locations, the admin must be in a permission group that has the following permissions:
- AlertTraveler: Traveler Locations
Note: AlertTraveler® admins with restricted access, like Program Directors (Study Abroad), or Group Leaders (Travel Registry), will only see travelers in Traveler Locations who are traveling as part of their program or group.
Information Displayed in Traveler Locations
By default the Traveler Locations page displays the following information:
A. User/Traveler name: Clicking the name will open the user's profile.
B. Program Name: The user's program (Study Abroad) or trip name (Travel Registry.)
C. Last GPS Location: The traveler's last known GPS location, provided the traveler has provided access to GPS tracking. Learn more here: GPS & Traveler Locations
D. Itinerary location: The location associated with the travelers application (Study Abroad) or Trip (Travel Registry.
E. Assistance: This column indicates if the user has an open Help Request.
Note: Image too small? Right click the image to view it in a new tab.
More information can be displayed by clicking the Hide/Show dropdown menu and clicking the visibility icon next to the column you would like to be displayed:
These additional options include:
- The license status of the user (App status.)
- If they have opted to receive SMS messaging.
- The account name associated with the traveler. This data column is relevant for "parent" sites that display travelers from their "child" sites as well. And example would be a Study Abroad site that feeds applicant AlertTraveler® data into the institution's Travel Registry site.
Traveler Locations Filters
By default, the travelers displayed in Traveler Locations will be filtered to show users who are traveling on the current date, with active itineraries for all accounts. Filter options include:
- Account: Available on "parent" sites that display AlertTraveler® information from the "child" site as well.
- Itinerary Date: The itinerary date entered for the trip(s)/program(s) that the traveler is associated with.
- AT Status: Activated, Registered, or Subscribed. To learn more about these statuses see: AlertTraveler®: License Manager > Activation Statuses.
- Search: Keyword search, which can be used to search for all travelers.
- Traveler: Auto-populating search, which can only be used for travelers associated with the site you are on. For example, if you are on a parent Travel Registry site, the Traveler search will only provide results for travel registrants, not Study Abroad applicants.
Locations: The itinerary location entered for the trip(s)/program(s) that the traveler is associated with.
- Note: The location search only filters for the location(s) entered in the itinerary. It does not include GPS locations.
- Trip/Program Name: The user's program name (Study Abroad) or trip name (Travel Registry).
- Abroad: Itinerary Active or All users
- GPS Location: Find travelers based on GPS proximity by entering a specific radius.
- Assistance: Yes indicates the traveler has an open help request. No indicates they do not have an open help request.
By default, the following filter options appear:
Pictured above are the filters displayed by default: Itinerary date, AT Status, Search, Locations. Trip/Program Name.
To access the remaining filters, click the Show Additional Filters icon:
To apply your filters and see your search results, click the Apply Filters icon:
To clear your filters, click the Clear Filters icon:
Traveler Locations Map
At the top of the Traveler Locations page is an interactive map that shows the locations of travelers:
A blue pin indicates the traveler is not requesting assistance. |
A red pin indicates the traveler is requesting assistance; they have indicated they need help in response to a check-in request, or they have initiated a help request. |
Note: In the Impacted Travelers page, the pin will appear as grey if the traveler has been issued a check-in but has not responded. The pin will appear as green if the the traveler submitted a safe response to a check-in. The green and grey pins only shows on an alert's Impacted Travelers page.
Admins have the ability to see this same information from the Travelers tab in the AlertTraveler® app:
Note: The traveler locations pin display varies slightly in the mobile app view.
When multiple travelers are in the same location, a pin is replaced with a number denoting the number of travelers found there, also referred to as a 'cluster'. Clicking on a cluster zooms the map to that location.
Clicking on a pin displays the traveler's name, itinerary location, last GPS location, and app activation status:
The Options kebab menu in the top right hand corner allows the admin to display City Scorecards:
City scores are not available for every location. To see the city scores near your traveler, look for dots that range in color from green to red:
Clicking on the colored dots displays the City Scorecard:
As filters are applied to Traveler Location's results, the map will auto-adjust to show the travelers relevant to the filtered search. For example, in the screenshot below I have searched "Greece" and the map has adjusted to show only travelers in Greece:
By default, travelers will appear on the map in their last known GPS location. If their GPS is expired, meaning AlertTraveler® has not had access to their GPS for 3 days, they will appear on the map in accordance with their itinerary location.
Help Requests
If a traveler has an open Help Request, a banner will be displayed at the top of the Traveler Locations page informing you of this:
Clicking the link in the banner will filter the page to only the travelers needing help. You'll be able to then respond to a help request via instant chat.
To view the Google street view on the map, drag the pegmanover the desired location and release your curser:
Taking Action from Traveler Locations
The Traveler Locations page allows admins to take many important actions. A description for each of these actions can be found below:
Create Institutional Alerts for Selected Travelers
If you find that you need to create an Alert for certain travelers, you can take this action by filtering for the desired travelers, selecting the box next to their name, and then selecting Create Alert from the Options menu:
You will then be taken to the alert creation modal, where you will be prompted to fill out the required fields:
Once you have clicked "Create Alert" and confirmed this choice, you will be taken to the alert's Impacted Travelers dashboard, where you can create a check-in request by selecting Add Check-in from the Options menu:
After selecting Add Check-in, you will be taken to the check-in creation modal, where you will be prompted to fill out the required fields:
After clicking Create Request and confirming your choice, you will be taken back to the Impacted Travelers dashboard, where you can monitor for traveler responses:
Note: It may be necessary to refresh this page frequently to see updated check-in responses.
Open Help Requests on a Traveler's behalf, and Message Travelers who have Open Help Requests
If you need to update a traveler's safety status to "Requires Assistance" can do so so by initiating a help request on their behalf. To do this, from the Traveler Locations page, search for the traveler in question, and click the speech bubble icon in the Actions column to the right of their name:
Clicking this icon will open the messaging panel:
Sending a message to the traveler will change their safety status to "Needs Assistance" and they will receive a notification in their AlertTraveler® App. If you refresh the page, you will see the traveler is now indicated as in need of assistance, and their speech bubble icon is red:
Admins can click on the red speech bubble icon to communicate with the traveler.
Update Traveler Safety Statuses
If a traveler with an open help request indicates they are safe in a manner other than responding in the app or by reply to the SMS check-in text, (or if another party confirms they are safe), admins can resolve the help request on the traveler's behalf by clicking the Resolve Request icon in the traveler's Actions column:
Clicking the Resolve Request icon will open the Resolve Assistance Request modal, where you can confirm the safety status and leave a resolution memo:
Review the History Log of Travelers with Active Licenses
Admins can view the traveler's AlertTraveler® history log by clicking the Traveler History icon in the traveler's Actions column:
Clicking the Traveler History icon will open the Traveler History Log:
This log records the following events:
- Activation Emails Sent
- Check-in Notifications
- Check-In Reminder Notifications
- Check-In Status Updates
- GPS Location Update
- Help Request
- Help Request Message
- Itinerary Created
- Itinerary End
- Itinerary Removed
- Itinerary Start
- Traveler Impact Notification
The traveler history log can be filtered by date range and event type (A). The log can be exported to excel (B):
Clicking Help History (C.) will take the admin to a log that shows all instances in which a help request was initiated:
Email Travelers
Admins can email travelers by clicking Send Email after clicking the Actions icon located within the traveler's Actions column:
Clicking Send Email opens the Batch Processing: Email modal:
From this modal, the admin can send a custom email to the selected traveler. The sending address with be that of the admin who is initiating the action.
Should the admin wish to send a custom email to multiple users, they can do so by selecting multiple travelers and then selecting Send Email from the Options menu:
Clicking the Send Email from the Options menu opens the Batch Processing: Email modal, with an expandable list of all recipients at the top:
IMPORTANT NOTE: The "select all" check box must be checked on every page of results if the admin wishes to email all users they have filtered for:
Send an App Activation Email to Travelers who have yet to Activate the AlertTraveler® App
Admins can remind travelers to activate the AlertTraveler® app, and provide them their activation credentials, by clicking Send Activation Email from the Actions icon
within the traveler's Actions Column:
Clicking Send Activation Email opens the AlertTraveler Activation Email modal:
From this modal, the admin can add custom text to the app activation email. The custom text will appear at the top of the email. An example of the app activation email can be seen in the screenshot below:
Should the admin wish to send the app activation email to multiple users, they can do so by selecting multiple travelers and then selecting Send Activation Email from the Options menu:
Clicking the Send Activation Email from the Options menu opens the AlertTraveler Activation Email modal, where a personalized message can be entered at the top:
Note: If the admin opts to send this email to travelers who have already activated the AlertTraveler® app, those travelers will not receive the email, as they are not in need of it. For this reason, it is fine to send the email to all travelers without checking their activation status; the system will deem who needs the activation email and who does not, and act accordingly.
Export filtered results to Excel
Filtered results can be exported to Excel by selecting Excel Export from the Options menu:
Selecting Excel Export from the Options menu will open the Excel Export modal:
The modal allows the admin to choose between a full export, which will export all data columns, or a quick export, with will only export the data in the exposed data columns on the current page.
Note: The Excel Export option will always export all filtered results, selecting specific travelers will not limit the export to those travelers. If you wish to only export results for a single traveler, filter for that traveler by name prior to exporting.
GPS & Traveler Locations
Traveler Locations displays the last known GPS location of the traveler in the column entitled Last Known GPS:
Along with the location, the time that location was captured will also be displayed in this column.
AlertTraveler® GPS data updates occur:
- Every 8 hours.
- Any time a traveler travels more than 5 KM, meaning the traveler's new location in 5 KM outside the radius of their last pinged location.
- Continuously when a traveler initiates a help request until the Help Request is resolved.
- Continuously when the traveler responds 'I Need Help' response to a check-in request until the traveler is marked as safe.
Note: A timestamp will appear marking the last time the traveler's GPS was verified. After 3 days of no updates, a clock will appear next to the GPS timestamp, letting the admin know the GPS location has expired:
It is important that the traveler allow AlertTraveler® constant access to GPS tracking in order to get the most out of AlertTraveler's capabilities. This means for best results the traveler:
- Activates the AlertTraveler® app.
- Keeps their device off of airplane mode when not in flight.
Taps "Change to allow all the time" when their android device presents the question, "Allow AlertTraveler to access this device's location in the background?"
Taps "Change to always allow" when their iOS devices presents the question "Allow AlertTraveler to also use your location even when you are not using the App?"
If the traveler does not allow GPS access to AlertTraveler®, they will impacted by alerts in accordance with their itinerary location. If the traveler allows access to their GPS, they will be impacted by alerts in accordance with both their itinerary location and their GPS location.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Who appears in Traveler Locations?
- A: Travelers with an active AlertTraveler® subscription, who have/had a trip or application with an itinerary. The user's subscription status can be found in the AlertTraveler®: License Manager
Q: How soon do users appear in Traveler locations?
A: Users appear in Traveler Locations as soon as they are subscribed to AlertTraveler®. The subscription process works a little differently depending on if the site is a Travel Registry site, or a Study Abroad site:
- Travel Registry: If the trip does not require approval, the traveler will appear in Traveler Locations as soon as the trip is created. Otherwise, the traveler will appear in Traveler Locations shortly after the trip is approved.
- Study Abroad: The traveler will appear in Traveler Locations within an hour or so of becoming eligible for AlertTraveler®. To learn more about AlertTraveler® eligibility for Study Abroad see: AlertTraveler® + Study Abroad: Eligibility
A: Users appear in Traveler Locations as soon as they are subscribed to AlertTraveler®. The subscription process works a little differently depending on if the site is a Travel Registry site, or a Study Abroad site:
Q: When do users stop appearing in Traveler Locations?
- A: Users will stop appearing in Traveler Locations when their AlertTraveler® license expires.
A traveler is not appearing in Traveler Locations
If a traveler is not appearing in Traveler Locations, take the following steps:
1. Check your filters. For example, if your traveler is not currently abroad, set the Itinerary Filter to None, or to a date that fits the traveler's itinerary:
If a traveler is not appearing in Traveler Locations, take the following steps:
If this does not resolve the issue, move to step 2.
2. Navigate to the License Manger and search for the user, make sure to check every license year. To appear in Traveler Locations the user must have a license with a status of subscribed, registered, or activated.
3. If the user has a correct license status, proceed as follows, depending on the type of site you are on:
Travel Registry: Check the user's trip. Does it require approval? If so, the user will not appear in Traveler Locations until their trip is approved. If the trip is approved and the user does not appear in Traveler Locations within 30 minutes of trip approval, submit a support ticket with Terra Dotta Support.
Study Abroad: Check that the applicant's AlertTraveler® Eligible parameter in their profile is set to Yes, if it is not, see AlertTraveler® + Study Abroad: Eligibility to resolve. If it says Yes, and more than a day has passed since they were deemed eligible, submit a support ticket with Terra Dotta Support.