The Program Wizard guides an administrator through the steps of building and configuring the essential functions of a new program and managing edits to an existing program. Designed with new administrators in mind, the Program Wizard allows someone with little to no Terra Dotta software experience to jump in and create a program that is applicant-ready. The Program Wizard is also a powerful tool for experienced admins to use to simplify the program creation process.
This article covers the following topics related to the Program Wizard:
- Permissions & Access
- Getting Started with Building a Program
- Step 1: Configuration
- Step 2: Dates & Costs
- Step 3: Details
- Step 4: Brochure
- Step 5: Application Lifecycle
- Building a Program Brochure
- Creating Custom Brochure Sections
- Importing Directory Brochure Content
- Important Considerations
- Frequently Asked Questions
The Program Wizard is the program creation and configuration hub of Terra Dotta Study Abroad. This easy-to-use system walks you through the program building process and, thanks to the use of templates, makes creating future programs even easier. New and updated functionality is designed with the Program Wizard in mind, so offices are encouraged to transition to the Program Wizard to ensure compatibility with these features. Examples include Cost Sheets, Program Templates, and Course Approvals.
Important Note:
As you get started using Program Wizard, keep in mind the following important considerations:
- Programs that are created using the Program Wizard cannot be published to the Terra Dotta Study Abroad Directory. The classic program builder should be utilized to create new programs that will be published to the Directory and to edit Directory brochure content.
- Programs that you’ve subscribed to from the Directory can be edited using the Program Wizard with the exception of brochure content. The "Directory Content" widget serves solely as a placeholder for content. Any edits must be made in the classic program builder.
- Consider creating a program template to save your office time.
- If you import program date and itinerary updates from the Directory, then the automatic itinerary cascade feature will not apply. You will need to edit the itinerary in the program in order to cascade these changes to existing applications.
- The Application Lifecycle page contains a switch that allows an admin to change views to display only those application requirements (e.g. process elements) that are deployed to a program based on the use of Deployment Rules. The Applicant Experience must first be enabled on your site in order to use Deployment Rules.
- The classic "Term Notes" feature is not available in the Program Wizard. Offices are encouraged to use the brochure's "Dates/Deadlines" panel and a content widget to provide additional information about these dates. Note that any existing classic term notes that have been configured as visible to applicants on the public brochure will continue to appear as expected.
- Recommendations cannot be configured for use with the program types of Travel Registration, Incident Report, and Advising.
Program Wizard is a feature that continues to be enhanced, and we look forward to offering more updates in future releases.
Permissions & Access
The “Program Admin: Program Wizard” permission is a blanket permission that, once granted, allows the admin user to fully access the Program Wizard and take such actions as creating a program. An administrator in your office with Staff Admin permissions can grant this permission to other administrators or to a group. Full Program Wizard functionality will be enabled only after an administrator is granted this permission.
Two other permissions exist for users needing limited access to the Program Wizard. If a user has one of these permissions, then they do not need to be granted the full "Program Admin: Program Wizard" permission and will only be able to navigate to the relevant tabs as follows:
- Program Wizard: Dates Only
- With this permission, the user only has the ability to view and update the dates tab of the Program Wizard.
- Program Wizard: Brochure Only
- With this permission, the user only has the ability to view and update the brochure tab of the Program Wizard.
The Program Wizard can be accessed in two ways:
- Navigating to Programs > Create New and clicking on the "New Program Wizard" button.
- Navigating to the Admin Console > Programs and clicking on the "Create New Program" link.
Important Note: From the Admin Console, an admin with the required permissions can create a new program using the Program Wizard. Any Study Abroad admin can access the Admin Console. However, only users with the following permissions will be able to view the "Programs" section to view the "Create New Program" option needed to reach the Program Wizard:
- Program Admin: Program Searching and Listing
Getting Started with Building a Program
Creating a new program with the Program Wizard consists of five main steps which contain several common elements. These elements include the following:
Return to Program Search Results
Click this arrow icon to navigate back to Program Finder and return to your search results page.
Exclamation Mark Symbol
Clicking the exclamation mark (!) symbol when it appears in the top right of a Program Wizard page will display a pop-up window informing you of which settings are required to complete the program. The exclamation mark symbol will not be displayed once all required elements are completed. In addition, the required settings on a page are also marked with an asterisk (*).
"Active" Toggle Switch
Each Program Wizard page includes an “Active” toggle switch used to enable the program’s brochure to be publicly searchable. When this setting is set to "Active", it will appear as pink based on the Material Design color system.
Important Note:
- This switch is not what allows or prevents a student from applying to the program. If there is an active application cycle that matches this program's available terms AND the program brochure URL appears on a webpage, a student will be able to apply to it. You should uncheck all the terms for an inactive program and confirm that a URL to the brochure page does exist anywhere else on your site to ensure users cannot not apply.
- With this note in mind, it is possible for a program brochure to be inactive yet still have the program marked as accepting applications for an app cycle. Admins can access the embed URL code from the "Create Apply Button" in the "More Menu" option.
More Program Actions Menu
From the triple-dot "More" menu, an admin can access program notes along with a "Create Apply Button" option.
Program Notes
Admin users can use program notes to save internal comments to their programs in Program Wizard. At this time, there is not a visual indicator that appears when program notes exist for a program. The action of saving program notes is not recorded in the program's history log.
Program History Log
Each program contains a history log where admins can track changes that have been made to the program, the date and time on which those changes occurred, and the user who made the changes. The logged actions include the following:
Modifications to program (brochure) status: Activated/Deactivated.
Changes to a program brochure. This activity is recorded in the log as a general entry of "Brochure content modified".
Program contact edits.
Changes to date records.
Changes to itineraries.
Changes to parameter settings.
- Changes to recommendation type requirements.
Changes to a program's cost sheet, instructions, program notes, and configurations such as the submit button and recommendations toggle are currently not logged.
To access the history log, click on the triple-dot "More Programs Action" menu located in the top-right corner of any page in Program Wizard. Select the "Program History" option.
This action will open a program history modal from which you can view changes. Information appears in three columns: User, Date & Time, and Activity.
Create Apply Button
The "Create Apply Button" provides options to embed a button, link, or access URL on a desired web page from which an application for the program can be created.
An example of how the button embed code might be used is as follows:
1. Copy the embed button code for a program.
2. Navigate to Site > Site Builder > Home Content.
3. Click the "Source" icon in the Home Page Content WYSIYG Editor. Paste your button embed code into the WYSIWYG and click "Update".
From your site's home page, an "Apply Now" button will appear. Clicking on this button will generate a program application.
Tip Box
Hovering your cursor over one of the settings fields on a Program Wizard page will cause a "tip" information box to appear containing helpful notes about each setting. In the example below, a tip box is displayed for the "Group" field.
Save Button
Preserve your progress by clicking the “Save” button at the bottom of the page. This will create the program on your site and allow you to return to this point in the program creation process when convenient.
Step 1: Configuration
Creating a new program in the Program Wizard begins with the "Step 1: Configuration" page. From here, provide the following information:
- Program Name: This will be the displayed name of your program. It must be unique to the site. There is a character limit of 100.
- Program Group: Use the drop-down menu to choose from current program groups on your site. If none currently exist, then the default "Uncategorized" group will be the only option that appears. If you are utilizing the Program Templates functionality, then choosing a program group for which a template has been assigned will apply the template settings. Refer to our article on Program Templates for more information.
- Terms: Use the drop-down menu to select the period(s) of time during the year when this program will take place. Terms must already exist on your site in order for them to appear and be utilized here.
- Program Type: Use the drop-down menu to make your selection from current program types available on your site.
- Location: This will be the destination(s) for this program. Enter one or multiple locations.
Important Note:
- When locations are added to a program in Program Wizard, the location's latitude and longitude are fetched and will display when you navigate to Admin Console > Global Settings > Locations. The best practice is to add locations in Program Wizard for this reason.
- A location's latitude and longitude will only display in Global Settings > Locations if the location was first created in Program Wizard.
Admin users can also utilize the available slider menu located on the bottom left of this page to take the following actions:
- Determine which applicants are able to apply to this program.
- Choose to require that an applicant be associated with a home institution.
- Enable/disable the exchange option for this program.
Step 2: Dates & Costs
From the "Step 2: Dates & Costs" page, you can configure the program’s relevant dates for the terms selected on the configuration page as well as manage Cost Sheets for the program. Click on a year located in the row at the top of the page to select that year's dates to view and edit. The page will display the two years before and after the year currently selected. In the example below, "2022" is selected.
A display panel organizes date-related information into the following columns:
- Expansion Arrow: Click the large circle containing an expansion arrow for a comprehensive view of all date records for the year. Use the smaller arrows within the display panel to view more or less of each individual date record.
- Term: Displays applicable program terms as they were configured under Settings.
- Application Deadline: This date will be pre-populated using info from the corresponding application cycle (Process > App Cycle) if an application deadline exists for that term/year combination. To edit the pre-populated application deadline to be program specific, click on the date that appears. A calendar widget will appear from which you can select a new deadline.
- Decision Date: This date will be pre-populated using info from the corresponding application cycle if a decision date exists for that term/year combination. To edit the pre-populated decision date to be program specific, click on the date that appears. A calendar widget will appear from which you can select a new decision date.
- Start Date: This is the date on which the program will begin. Click the calendar widget to select or edit your start date. Start dates are automatically updated to reflect itinerary records.
- End Date: This is the date on which the program will end. Click the calendar widget to select or edit your end date. End dates are automatically updated to reflect itinerary records.
- Notes: Clicking the Notes icon opens a modal where the content of the program notes can be edited. There is also an option to keep these notes internal and only visible to admins or to make them publicly visible in the Dates & Deadlines widgets of the program brochure page. When program notes for an application cycle are visible, they will appear under their respective application cycle in the Dates & Deadlines widget on the public brochure page.
- Accepting Applications: A toggle switch allows an admin to indicate "Yes" if a program is accepting applications or "No" to deactivate this option. This setting is deactivated if there is no active app cycle for that term/year or if the application deadline is in the past. Programs can be activated on a per app cycle basis in App Cycle Management.
- Cost Sheet: Click the "+" icon to add a cost sheet. Click the edit pencil to make changes to an existing Cost Sheet. An admin can also preview an existing cost sheet. Refer to the Cost Sheets Knowledgebase (KB) article for more details on this feature.
Expanded View
Clicking the expansion arrow for a specific term will open its respective date record allowing you to build the itinerary for the program. This is done by entering the program location, start date, and end date for each segment of the trip. The options available in the "Location" menu will be populated using the location(s) entered in step one on the "Configuration" page. Click the plus (+) icon to add an additional segment to the itinerary. Remove an itinerary segment by clicking the pink "X" icon.
When a program's itinerary records are modified for an app cycle - and the app cycle contains existing applications, then the system will automatically update the itinerary records for these applications to reflect the changes made after the admin clicks on "Save". This automated process relieves the admin from having to select the applications with itineraries to update. The success message that appears will be "Program has been updated", and an admin can track the changes made to applications as follows:
- Application Admin Manager: The activity log of each application will track changes made to the program itinerary via Program Wizard.
- Application Finder: Use the advanced filter of Application Dates > Itinerary Last Updated > On + Date to view applications. Consider using other "Application Dates" filters along with that for "App Cycle" and "Programs".
Important Note: If you import program date and itinerary updates from the Directory, then the automatic itinerary cascade feature will not apply. You will need to edit the itinerary in the program in order to cascade these changes to existing applications.
Step 3: Details
From the "Step 3: Details" page, add more information about your program. This can be done by configuring the available Program Discovery Card, setting program parameters, managing Foreign Courses, and adding a program contact.
Program Discovery Card
At the top of the Details page, a public program card displays a snapshot of your program's key information and a "hero image" to visually highlight the program. This program card will appear to applicants when Program Discovery has been enabled on your site. For more information, reference the "Searching for Programs" section of the Program Discovery Knowledgebase article.
Program Parameters: Public Search & Internal Fields
Quickly assign values for all publicly searchable and internal program parameters. Your parameter settings configured in Settings > Program Params will determine what values are displayed and which parameters appear in each section of the Details page.
Parameters appearing under the "Public Search Fields" section are listed by name. To edit a program parameter's assigned value, click the corresponding edit pencil in the "Actions" column. Select the desired parameter value from the list that appears. This is the value that will now display under this respective parameter's "Assigned Values" column. After this action has been made, the program can be publicly searched using this parameter value.
Note: This action does not add the parameters to the program brochure.
The “Internal fields” section functions the same way with the exception of these parameters not being displayed publicly.
Click the expansion arrow located in the circle about "Public Search Fields" to fully view or close these two program parameter sections on the Details page.
Foreign Courses
Add and manage foreign courses to be used as part of the Course Approvals functionality directly from the Program Wizard.
To add a foreign course, click the "+" icon in the "Foreign Course" display. This action will prompt a window to appear from which you can enter the required information and save your changes.
In addition, Course Approvals is enabled on a program-by-program basis from this section of the Program Wizard. If the box is checked, then any application created for the program going forward will display a "Course Approvals" tab on the Application Page. Course approvals can also be batch enabled/disabled from the batch action column in Program Finder.
Course Approval instructions specific to the program can also be added here.
For full details on creating foreign courses and using Course Approvals, see the Course Approval KB article.
Program Contacts
Add a new program contact one at a time by clicking on the plus (+) sign. From the page that appear next, create a contact by manually entering information, or search for a contact (pulling from your SIS lookup and current users table). Up to eight program contacts can be added in this interface. To make edits to the address or notes section of an existing program contact, click the corresponding edit pencil. To delete, click the corresponding "X".
For more flexible options with creating, notifying, and managing your program contacts, offices are encouraged to use the Program Contacts interface. See the Program Contact Management article for details.
The program contact role can be manually selected from a hard-coded, drop-down list featuring these options under the "Role" menu:
- Program Director
- On-Site Contact
- Group Leader
- Advisor
- Emergency Contact
- Housing Contact
- Exchange Partner Contact
- Faculty Leader
- Other
If you would like to create a custom role, then select "Other" and manually enter the name of the custom role in the "Type Role" field that follows. This is a required step. Custom roles should be entered consistently when used in the various program contact interfaces across your site. Failure to enter the custom "Other" role type consistently will likely result in notifications not being sent as expected.
Example: If you need to create a custom program contact role of "Assistant Director", then select "Other" and enter "Assistant Director" into the subsequent field. The custom role of "Assistant Director" must be entered consistently across your site when used going forward. "ASST Director", "assistant director", and "Assistant Dir." are not the same custom role as "Assistant Director".
Step 4: Brochure
The Program Wizard's brochure page allows you to create the public brochure for the program using an extensive brochure editor. Migrate any existing brochure content built in the Legacy Brochure Builder using the "Migrate Brochure" link found there. Then, enable the "Use Program Wizard Brochure" option in the "Brochure" tab to display this content on your public site. Refer to our article on the Legacy Program Builder for more information on content migration.
Important Note: It is possible to import Directory program content into a Program Wizard brochure. See the “Building a Program Brochure” section of this article below for more information on building a brochure in the Program Wizard.
Step 5: Application Lifecycle
The final step (step 5) of the Program Wizard is the Application Lifecycle page. From this page, you can manage many aspects of the program requirements and choose to display only those application requirements (i.e. process elements) that are deployed to a program using Deployment Rules or process maps. See the Deployment Rules KB article for more information on using rules-based deployment.
After arriving on the Application Lifecycle page, choose which phase of the program you wish to configure using the program phase dial. In the "Application Instructions" field, add and edit instructions specific to this application phase. The character limit is 4,000 for the instructions field.
Deployment Type
Next, a "Deployment Type" drop-down menu allows you to view application requirements based on one of the following deployments:
- Rule Deployments
- Process Map Deployments
Rule Deployments
This option appears as the default "Deployment Type" setting on the Application Lifecycle page. When selected, all applicable application requirements based on deployment rules for this program are displayed under one of the three requirement sections.
Important Note: When an application requirement is deployed based on one or more applicant conditions, then an icon will appear under the "Actions" column for that requirement. This icon designates that applicant conditions exist that must be met in order for this requirement to appear for an applicant on the program application.
There are three requirement sections that appear:
- Online Requirements from Deployment Rules: These are any questionnaire, learning content, assessment, and signature document process elements that will be deployed to the program based on Deployment Rules.
- Offline Requirements from Deployment Rules: These are any material process elements that will be deployed to the program based on Deployment Rules.
- Internal Requirements from Deployment Rules: These are process elements (such as a questionnaire) that don't require data to be entered by an applicant and/or are not visible to the applicant and will be deployed to the program based on Deployment Rules.
Within each section, note the following:
- Application requirements can be sorted by name.
- The "Preview" icon in the "Actions" column can be used to view an application requirement.
- It is possible to assign due dates for use with rules-based requirements only. Refer to the Due Dates for Rules-Based Requirements KB article for details.
Whenever a new deployment rule is created, the "Refresh Requirements" button can be clicked to ensure the most recent applicable process elements used in that rule are displayed.
The requirements that appear on the Application Lifecycle page will always be listed alphanumerically with the option to sort the column by name. This listing is not connected to how requirements have been configured to appear on an application page as those layout settings are made using the Application Organization tool.
Offices often use the Application Lifecycle page and Application Organization tool together to view what requirements are applicable to a program based on your site's rules (Lifecycle) and how those requirements have been ordered to appear on the application page (Organization).
Process Map Deployments
This option appears as a "Deployment Type" setting on the Application Lifecycle page.
When "Process Map Deployments" is selected, all application requirements enabled for use in a process map-based app cycle are displayed under one of the three requirement sections.
Important Note: The requirements displayed are not based on an active application cycle that the program is using. Instead, the listing is a single display to view all potential application requirements that could apply to the program.
There are three requirement sections that appear:
- Online Requirements for Process Maps: These are any questionnaire, learning content, assessment, and signature document process element that will be deployed to the program based on the application cycles and process map settings that have been assigned to the program.
- Offline Requirements for Process Maps: These are any material process elements.
- Internal Requirements for Process Maps: These are process elements (such as a questionnaire) that don't require data to be entered by an applicant and/or are not visible to the applicant.
The "Refresh Requirements" button can be clicked to ensure the most recent process elements enabled for use in a process map are displayed.
Recommendation Requirements
To enable recommendations as a requirement for a program, click on the Recommendations toggle switch. Then set the number of required recommendations for each type. To disable recommendations, click the toggle switch once again.
Important Note: Recommendations are not available use with the program types of Travel Registration, Incident Report, and Advising.
Allow Unlimited Applications:
This option allows admins to set the maximum application override. If enabled, admins can allow more applications for this program than the overall system settings:
Available Document Options:
From here, admins have the ability to set the application's allowed document types and the initial phase they are allowed in:
To set the allowed document types, admins can select the Add Document icon to be presented with the Available options for applicant file upload modal: To configure an allowed document type, select it from the Available options menu, drag it to the Selected options menu, and click save.
When the submit button is enabled, (see more about the submit button in the section below), these allowed document types can be selected as a requirement. Document types that have not been allowed will appear greyed out:
Applicant Submit Button
The submit button is a feature that, when enabled, will appear at the top of the Application Page only after all requirements for the application have been completed. At that time, the applicant will be able to submit their application. Note that there are no alerts which notify the applicant that they must click on the "Submit" button. Offices are encouraged to leverage the application instructions as well a requirement, such as a Learning Content, to provide the desired communication on how to submit the application.
To enable the submit button feature from this page, click the "Applicant Submit Button" toggle switch at the bottom. This action will prompt additional configuration options to appear which include:
- Custom Submission Message: Create specific messaging to appear to applicants upon the successful submission of a pre-decision application.
- Pre-decision Application Tag: Choose a tag that will be added to an application upon submission for this program.
- Pre-decision Status: Select the status for an application once it is submitted for this program.
Application Submit Requirement: Set the configuration for recommendations associated with this program. Choose from the following:
- No recommendations requirement.
- Recommendations Must Be Requested. This means that a recommendation must only be requested by an applicant in order to submit their application. This setting is most commonly used as a best practice. Applicants do not need to worry about returning back to their application to click on the "Submit" button after their recommender has taken action.
- Recommendations Must Be Completed. This means that a recommendation must be both requested by the applicant and completed by the recommender before an applicant can submit their application. If the "Submit" button is being used, then an applicant would need to know to return to their application after their recommender has taken action in order to officially click "Submit" and complete their application submission process.
Study Plan Requirement: For clients using Course Approvals, it is possible to configure a study plan as an application requirement when the program has at least one foreign course associated with it. From the "Study Plan Requirement" drop-down menu, the following options appear:
- No Study Plan Required
- Study Plan Needs to be Submitted
- Study Plan Needs to be Approved
See the Application Page article for more details on using the submit button and recommendations.
After you have finished all of the setup for this program, you can activate the program by clicking on the “Done - Activate Program” button located on the lower right corner of the page.
Important Note: Use the phase dial to move from "Pre-Decision" to "Post-Decision" and access the submit button configuration for the post-decision phase at the bottom of the page.
Building a Program Brochure
From the "Step 4: Brochure" page, an admin user can select a brochure style and edit/add distinct information sections to their brochure page.
Brochure Style
After landing on the "Brochure" page, you will need to select one of the following brochure styles:
- Tabbed: Content will be organized into a selection of tabs which site users will click into and view. This is the default style.
- Scrolling: Content will be arranged on a single page which site users will access by continuously scrolling up and down.
To select a brochure style, click on the desired style widget.
Important Note: If you are using the Program Wizard to update an existing program, then a system message of "Existing program builder brochure detected" will appear on the "Brochure" page. This alerts the admin to note that the program currently has public brochure content that was created in the legacy program builder. If you enable the use of the Program Wizard brochure by clicking on the available toggle switch, then the public site will use content from the Program Wizard instead of from the program builder. See “Relationship with Existing Brochure Editor” and “Editing a Program” below for more information.
Brochure Sections
After you select a brochure style, the sections of “Banner,” “Overview,” “Location,” “Application Process,” and “Academics” appear on the brochure page. With the exception of "Banner", these brochure sections can be renamed by clicking the edit pencil next to the section header name. A section can be removed by clicking the delete icon next to the section header's name. A section can be reordered by clicking the drag icon (highlighted below) on the left side of the section header and moving the header up or down the page. Clicking the name of a header will display the content within that section of the brochure. The full brochure can be previewed by clicking the eye icon.
Banner Section
The “Banner” section which will always be named “Banner”, and this section cannot be moved from the top of the page. It is used solely for choosing a banner image for the top of the brochure page. The "Image Library" button will allow you to use an image already uploaded to your site's Image Library. If you do not wish to use a banner image, this section can be be deleted.
Important Note: Once an image has been uploaded into the Image Library, it is not possible for it to be resized. Therefore, you should manually resize a photo before uploading it so that it can be used as a correctly-sized banner photo. The recommended size for a brochure banner image is 1100x185 px. If you prefer a larger image, the suggested size is 1200 x 400 px.
The Image Library includes free access to images in Pixabay. For more information about the Image Library, see the Site Builder for Terra Dotta Study Abroad article.
Overview Section
The "Overview" section is intended for general information about the program and is pre-populated with the program’s “Apply Now,” “Request Info,” and “Request Advising” buttons. This section will also include a space for an image (can be uploaded directly or added through your Image Library), a text box, and a place to display program parameters.
Location Section
The "Location" section is intended to display the locations in which the program will take place and provide information about them. The section is pre-populated with a Google Maps widget with pins to show the program locations and a text field. You can edit the zoom level of the provided map by clicking the edit pencil in the bottom right of the map widget.
Application Process Section
The Application Process section is intended to provide information about the program’s dates and deadlines. The section is pre-populated with a “Dates / Deadlines” panel which lists the information entered in "Step 2: Dates & Costs" of the Program Wizard. It also includes a text field to provide additional information.
Academics Section
The Academics section comes pre-populated with a single text field. It is intended to provide information about the courses, curriculum, and other academic interests related to the program.
Eligibility, Accommodations, and Costs / Scholarships Sections
The remaining default sections can be added through the “Add Section” drop-down menu at the bottom of the page. The “Costs / Scholarships” section will include a listing of any relevant budget sheets for this program.
Important Note: Cost Sheets cannot be built from this screen. They must be built first in step 2 "Dates & Costs". Then, in order for the cost sheet to appear in the brochure, the "Cost Sheets" widget must be added to the desired section.
For sites using the classic budget sheets functionality, they cannot be built from this screen. They must be built in the legacy program builder and then added to the Program Wizard brochure through the widget. See the Managing Budget Sheets and Budget Parameters KB article for more details on this feature.
Creating Custom Brochure Sections
In addition to using default brochure sections, an admin user can create a custom section using these steps:
1) Open the “Add a section” drop-down menu and choose “[CUSTOM].” A new header will appear. Click on the header to expand the full section.
2) To edit the section header name, click on "Custom". Enter your desired name. Then click on the check mark icon that will display (in lieu of the edit pencil) to set the name.
3) Begin making your edits to this custom section which comes pre-populated with a single text field.
Adding Content
New content can be added to a brochure section by clicking the plus (+) icon located in the lower right of that respective brochure section. This action will trigger a list of content widgets to appear from which you can choose one to add at a time.
Important Note: When editing brochure content, it's recommended that you not copy and paste directly from a Word or PDF document as this can cause undesired HTML formatting in your brochure. Instead, consider one of these options:
- Paste without formatting (CTRL + Shift + V).
- Paste into a plain text editor first before you copy and paste the text into the brochure.
Content widget options include the following:
- Action Buttons
- Apply Now Button
- Budget Sheets
- Content
- Cost Sheet
- Custom Button
- Dates/Deadlines
- Directory Content
- Google Map
- Image
- Information Sheet
- Video
Each content widget allows for editing in its own respective way based on its type. For example the main "Content" widget has a pencil icon that, once clicked, allows for text to be edited. The video widget displays a field specifically for you to enter the embed code for a video. An image widget prompts you to upload a file or locate what you need via the Image Library. More specific information is provided below for specific content widget options:
Action Buttons
If an admin selects the "Action Buttons" option, the following three buttons appear to the admin in Program Wizard: "Apply Now", "Request Info", and "Add to Programs of Interest". However, this is not the applicant view. The "Add to Programs of Interest" button only appears on brochure pages of logged-in applicants with an active advising program application.
Apply Now Button
If an admin selects the "Apply Now Button" option, the following two buttons appear to the admin in Program Wizard: "Apply Now" and "Add to Programs of Interest". However, this is not the applicant view. The "Add to Programs of Interest" button only appears on brochure pages of logged-in applicants with an active advising program application.
Cost Sheet
The "Cost Sheet" widget serves as a placeholder for any Cost Sheets that have been assigned to the program in Step 2: Dates and Costs.
Directory Content
The "Directory Content" button will only appear as an option when updating a Program Wizard brochure for a Directory program. This widget serves as a placeholder for Directory brochure content.
To remove a content widget, click the “x” icon.
Important Note: Formatting will be removed when copying/pasting data into a content widget.
Information Sheet
The "Information Sheet" widget serves a quick fact sheet. Key program information, such as language of instruction, housing options, GPA, and class status, is listed in a table so that prospective applicants can view high-level details at a glance. Before using this widget, program parameters must first be created.
After creating an information sheet, you can take action on individual program parameters - or simply click the "x" icon on the widget to permanently delete the entire information sheet from the brochure.
For more details and video instruction, see the Adding Information Sheets to Brochures section of the Getting Started on Study Abroad guide.
Moving & Resizing Content Widgets within a Brochure Section
A content widget, whether it be a text box or an image, can be moved and resized within a brochure section by using your mouse. This allows for a great deal of customization without the need for experience in coding or HTML design.
To get started moving content: Place your cursor over the content widget that you want to move. Then click and hold down the button of your mouse. This action will cause a grid to appear (see image below). You can then move the content widget within the grid to adjust it to appear where you want it to display within this section.
Important Note: A single content widget will always want to move up as far as it can go within the grid of a brochure section by default. You can reposition a content widget to appear lower in the grid if you are using a minimum of two content widgets. For example, in the image below, the original content widget (Text Box #1) was moved to the bottom of the "Weekend Excursions" section.
A content widget can also be resized by clicking and dragging its edge outward (to increase its size) or inward (to decrease its size). In the image below, a video widget has been enlarged to be as wide as the full brochure section.
Importing Directory Content into Program Wizard Brochures
For offices that have subscribed to the Terra Dotta Directory and are using Directory programs, it is possible to import brochure content for use in a Program Wizard brochure. In this way, Directory programs can utilize the modern brochure.
Important Note: Due to the variety of ways in which Providers have created brochure content, you may experience formatting differences after importing content into the Program Wizard brochure. Admins should be sure to preview how content appears in brochures after completing the import process.
Create a Template
The suggested best practice is to first create a template for your Directory programs. This can be done by navigating to the Admin Console > Templates > Programs. Click the "+" icon to open up a new template.
Assign your template a name and then navigate to step 3 "Brochure" tab. Here you can organize how you would like content to appear by adding the "Directory Content" widget. Click "Save" to preserve your changes.
Import Content
The next step is to import brochure content from the Directory program. This can be done by navigating to the classic program builder (Programs > Search), locating your Directory program, and clicking on the "Program Wizard" button.
This action brings you directly into the Program Wizard where you can set your configurations before navigating to "Step 4: Brochure".
Next, select the template you created for Directory programs from the drop-down menu to the top left of the page and click "Apply Template".
Your brochure page will now display the information as organized in your template, including the "Directory Content" widget. This serves as a placeholder for the Directory program's brochure content.
Use the "preview" icon in the "Overview" section of your brochure to view what the brochure will look like to applicants.
Making Updates
Directory-linked programs can be updated directly from Program Wizard. This eliminates the need to navigate elsewhere to install updates. A cloud icon with an update arrow will appear when an update is available. Click the icon, determine what information you want to import, and click "Update".
Making updates to a Directory program, whether from the Program Wizard or the "Sponsored Program Updates" section of the classic admin home page, should apply updates regardless. For example, if I install pending updates via Program Wizard, I should no longer see the pending updates in the "Sponsored Program Updates" section. When the brochure content page is updated, this should update whatever displays in the "Directory Content" widget in Program Wizard.
Important Considerations
As you use the Program Wizard's brochure builder, the following information will be important to note.
Relationship with Existing Brochure Editor
In the classic program builder's "Brochure" tab, two sections appear:
- Brochure Content
- Non-Directory Brochure Content
Changes made in the "Brochure Content" section will be overwritten when updates from the Directory are installed.
Changes made in the Non-Directory Brochure Content section will not be affected by updates installed from the Directory.
Additionally, changes made in the Program Wizard brochure page will not be pushed to the classic program brochure builder. If content has been added to the Program Wizard brochure builder for a program, a notice will be displayed in the classic program builder informing users that the Program Wizard content is being publicly displayed instead.
Editing a Program
Programs that have been imported from the Directory can be edited in Program Wizard by navigating to the Admin Console's Program Finder. Apply a search filter for "Directory Programs only" to narrow your search.
ISSS Clients
If you are an ISSS client seeking a way to promote content specifically for an F/M or J program type, it is suggested to use standard site content pages with "apply" buttons. It is currently not an option for ISSS clients to use the Program Wizard and its associated brochure builder.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What happens to data when the name of a program is changed?
- The program's name displays as the updated name to site visitors.
- All applications that were created under the original program name will now display as applications for the program's new name. This does not change any content within the application itself (i.e. application requirements and responses), but the application will not show evidence of having been created for a program under the previous name. Consider applying an app tag noting the original program name if you need to make note of this information. Otherwise, if you need to retain legacy applications with the original program name, then you should deactivate the program with the original name. Then create a new program with the new name.
If a brochure banner image is in use for a program, then an admin has the option to disable it from displaying on application pages based on the program type. To take action:
1) From the main search field in the Admin Console's Navigation Menu, select the "Navigation" icon and enter "Program Types".
2) Click on the navigation arrow that appears to be directed to the program types configuration page.
3) Click the edit pencil of your desired program type. Then use the "Hide/Show Header Images on Applicant Experience Application Pages" to make your selection.
4) Click "Update" to preserve your changes.
5. How can I avoid having to create a program from scratch each time I need to make a new program?
It's recommended that you use program templates. Create the basic structure of a program once and save it for use with every new program assigned to a specific program group.
6. Is it possible to create a template from an existing brochure?
Not at this time. You must create a template first in order to be able to apply it to programs in the future.
7. How can I remove an information sheet from my program brochure?
Navigate to the "Brochure" tab for the program in Program Wizard. Locate your information sheet and click the "x' in the corner of the widget. Click "Save". This action will permanently remove the information sheet from your brochure.
8. Is there a way to edit the system message of "This program is not currently accepting applications." which appears in place of the "Apply Now" button on a brochure when the program is not accepting applications?
No, this message is hard-coded and cannot be modified.
9. When I edit content in a brochure to add a link, the "Target" tab is configured as "Not Set" by default. Is there a way to change this default setting?
There is not. When adding a link, a modal appears from which you will need to add the desired URL in the "Link Info" tab. Then you will need to select the desired option for how the information displays in the "Target" tab.
10. When I edit a brochure section to use the "Link" option with the link type of "Email", the "Mail To" link that I create doesn't seem to work in Chrome. How do I get this to work?
There is a known issue with Chrome and how it handles "Mail To" links in comparison with other web browsers. The characters in the message body must be less than 1300 in order for the link to open in Chrome as expected.