The Questionnaire Builder is a significant part of the Admin Console's Content Management functionality. Content Management is a unique builder space dedicated to creating process elements for deployment to a program application. As an admin user, you don't need to dictate the program type, phase, and other configuration options when you create your content. Instead, after creating a questionnaire in Content Management, navigate to Deployment Rules to configure the desired conditions that, when met, will trigger the deployment of the desired questionnaires to the applicable program applications.
This article covers the following topics related to the Questionnaire Builder:
- Accessing the Questionnaire Builder
- Understanding Question Item Types
- Branch Logic in Questionnaires
- Building a New Questionnaire
- Creating a New Question Item
- Adding an Existing Question Item
- Updating an Existing Questionnaire
- Multi-File Upload Question Items
- Conditional Questions
- Applicant Perspective
- Questionnaire Deployment
- Frequently Asked Questions
For more information about the Admin Console, see the related Knowledgebase (KB) article: The Admin Console.
Important Considerations
Before getting started with the Questionnaire Builder, make note of the following:
- The option to create a conditional questionnaire is not available in the Questionnaire Builder. It is possible to deploy a conditional questionnaire created in the classic builder (Process > Questionnaires) to an application using Deployment Rules. However, it is recommended that an admin take advantage of the option to create and use conditional question items as highlighted in this article.
- Conditional question items are not available for use with recommendations.
- The Applicant Experience must be enabled in order to use conditional question items and the multi-file upload question items. Though the sub-type of "multiple" appears when configuring a question item in the Questionnaire Builder, the feature will only function if the Applicant Experience has been enabled.
- Admins should manage applications containing multi-file question items in the Admin Console (Application Admin Manager). This is a feature that is not supported in the classic interface; therefore, if you attempt to view or edit a submitted questionnaire containing a multi-file upload question item in classic, you will only be able to view one upload and won't be able to add additional files.
- Admins should manage conditional question items in the Admin Console as this is not functionality that is supported in classic. This means erasing questionnaire responses containing conditional question items in the Application Admin Manager and making updates to questionnaires containing conditional question items in Content Management.
- Applicants are not able to copy questionnaire responses when the Applicant Experience is enabled at this time.
- Selection-type question items must contain at least two response options within a questionnaire.
- No "Save" button appears for questionnaires on an application page. Instead, an auto-save feature is used. After a questionnaire is loaded and data is entered, the auto-save will take action every minute and notify applicants that their unsaved responses have been saved. When ready to submit the questionnaire, the applicant would click on "Done".
- It is not possible to edit a question item's type or subtype when the question item is in use (i.e. it has been assigned to a questionnaire and at least one applicant has submitted a response for that question item).
- A questionnaire must contain at least one required question item. Otherwise, if a questionnaire only contains one question item that is not required, then the applicant won't be able to officially complete the questionnaire.
Accessing the Questionnaire Builder
To access the Questionnaire Builder:
1) From the Admin Console, navigate to the "Configuration" menu.
2) Click on "Content Management". You will land on the "Questionnaires" tab by default.
Questionnaires are listed by name alphabetically from A to Z by default. To re-sort this list to appear from Z to A, click on "Name". Quickly locate a questionnaire using the search field.
An "Active Questionnaires" toggle button can be used to switch views between "active" and "retired" questionnaires.
Change the amount of items displayed at a time from 10 to 25 or 50 using the paginated results arrow located at the top right of the display page.
An admin will view all questionnaires that exist on their site in Content Management by default. This means that it is not necessary to migrate existing questionnaires that may have been created in the classic builder (Process > Questionnaires) to the Questionnaire Builder.
When updates are made to a questionnaire in Content Management, the cascade wizard will only provide the option to push changes to app cycles using deployment rules. The rules will ignore how you have made any classic configurations as these configurations will no longer be relevant in rules-based app cycles.
Understanding Question Item Types
- Single Selection
- Multiple Selection
The applicant is allowed to choose more than one response from a list of possible options.
After populating the "Question" field, choose "Selection" from the "Type" drop-down menu and "Multiple" as the subtype. In the "Option" field, enter in the desired information, using the "+" icon to add as many additional options as desired. Use the delete icon to remove any unwanted options.
The applicant is given a space in which to provide a response. This question item type has four possible subtypes: text, numeric, short description, and essay.
- Text
A text field has a 200-character limit, roughly the length of a short sentence.
- Numeric
Numeric fields are limited to 10 digits. The applicant is only able to populate the field with a numeric value.
- Short Description
The applicant is given a multi-line text field in which to type the response to a question. This question item type has a limit of 4,000 characters, roughly the length of a paragraph. A count-down character limit box lets applicants see when they are getting close to the end of the allotted space.
- Essay
The applicant is provided with a WYSIWYG editor (What You See Is What You Get) in which the response can be entered. This is an unlimited-length field suited for large content responses and provides rich-text formatting options to the applicant posting the response.
Important Note: The ability to upload a file with this question item type is considered classic functionality and is not supported in the Applicant Experience. Admins should use the "file upload" question item type instead to meet their needs.
Yes or No
The applicant is given a choice between "yes" or "no". This question item type has two subtypes: No Explanation, With Explanation for Yes, and With Explanation for No.
- No Explanation
The applicant selects "Yes" or "No" in order to complete the question item.
- With Explanation for Yes
The applicant is given a choice between "yes" and "no". A response of "yes" will require an explanation in a field that automatically appears.
- With Explanation for No
The applicant is given a choice between "yes" and "no". A response of "no" will require an explanation in a field that automatically appears.
The applicant is asked to select a date using the calendar widget. No option values need to be created.
The applicant is asked to rate the question's subject with 1 to 5 stars. No option values need to be created.
Data Lookup
This question type is used when your database requires a code or abbreviation, but you want the applicant to see option values expressed unabbreviated. For example, a "Country" drop-down list might display "Argentina", but the corresponding value stored in the database would be "AR". SIS exports often require codes and abbreviations. To create or import Data Lookup values for your site, go to System Settings > Lookup Tables (see Value Lookup Tables for details).
Data Lookup w/Search
This question type functions like the Data Lookup with the addition of a keyword search box. The keyword search eliminates the need to scroll through extremely long drop-down lists. As the applicant starts entering the keyword, the drop-down list is populated with values that match the keyword. The applicant then selects a response from those results. As with the Data Lookup, the applicant will see option values expressed unabbreviated, but the corresponding code or abbreviation is stored in the database.
File Upload
This question type provides the applicant with an area to drag and drop a file from their computer to upload it. The file will be available as a hyperlink in the questionnaire after submission.
The maximum file size that can be uploaded is determined by the "Maximum file size for applicant uploaded files" setting in Settings > System Features > Process Options tab. Scroll down to the "Applicant File Upload" section and edit the size as needed. Enter '0' if no maximum file size is required.
This question item type has two subtypes: single and multiple.
- Single
An applicant is only able to upload one file per question item
- Multiple
An applicant is able to upload more than one file per question item. This feature will only function to allow more than one file when the Applicant Experience is enabled. Otherwise, only a single file will be allowed.
Branch Logic in Questionnaires
A questionnaire is built by creating or adding question items that will elicit an applicant's response in a desired format through the use of the question item types noted above. Your process of collecting applicant responses may include the need for branch logic where the answer to a particular question might result in the need to provide more information.
For example, imagine you have a questionnaire where an applicant is asked if they have any special dietary requirements. If the applicant responds with "no", then they are finished with the questionnaire. If they respond with "yes", then they are prompted to give an explanation or respond to a set of questions.
In Terra Dotta, the following methods are available to meet your branch logic needs:
Question Item Type: Yes or No
If a question requires a single field to be completed based on a "yes" or "no" response, then consider using the question item type "Yes or No". If an explanation must be provided when the response is "yes", then an applicant will see the following:
- When "no" is selected, they can move on to the next question.
- When "yes' is selected, they must provide an explanation.
The option to provide an explanation when the response is "no" is also available.
Conditional Question Item
Based on how an applicant responds to a question, they may be prompted to answer one or more questions. This option is referred to as a conditional question item. For example, an applicant is asked "Have you studied abroad before?", and they respond with "no". They are finished with the questionnaire. Another applicant responds with "yes", and they are prompted to respond to three more questions related to their previous study abroad experience.
See the "Conditional Questions" section of this article for more details.
Building a New Questionnaire
To build a new questionnaire, click the plus "+" symbol on the bottom left of the Questionnaire Builder landing page. This opens up a builder page (below).
From the builder page, construct the basics of your questionnaire with these steps:
1) Add a title for your questionnaire.
2) Add questionnaire instructions as they'd appear to applicants. A rich-text editor gives you formatting options, and spacing is honored.
Important Note: HTML is not supported in the questionnaire instructions. Offices should use the options provided in the rich-text editor.
3) Mark the questionnaire as active or not with a click of the toggle switch.
4) Configure the questionnaire to be for internal-use only, if desired.
5) Configure the questionnaire to allow applicants the option to edit responses after submission, if desired.
6) Begin creating or adding existing question items. This can be done by clicking the plus "+" symbol on the bottom left of the page. An information window will appear giving you options on how to proceed. These include "Create New" and "Add Existing".
To remove a new questionnaire that you might have started in error and return to the main Questionnaire Builder landing page, click "cancel" located at the top right of the builder page.
Important Note: When using the Questionnaire Builder, a questionnaire must always have at least one question item associated with it. This means that when creating a new questionnaire, a new question item must be added in order to click "Create". When editing an existing questionnaire, you must retain at least one question item in order to click "Save". Attempting to save a questionnaire without at least one associated question item will result in an error message of "There are still errors or missing information" appearing on your page.
Creating a New Question Item
If you choose to create a new question item, a display panel will appear from which you can configure your question. Depending on what options you select here, such as type, the panel will populate with additional information.
The basic question display is organized as follows:
1) Question: Write your question here.
2) Type: Use the drop-down menu to make a selection of Field, Yes or No, Date, Rating, Data Lookup, Data Lookup with Search, or File Upload.
3) Sub Type: This field will appear as applicable, and a drop-down menu will provide options. For example, if you select "Field" as your type, then choose from Text, Numeric, Short Description, or Essay under Sub Type.
4) Add Instructions: These are specific to the question item.
Important Note: Question item instructions use a plain text editor. For offices wishing to use additional formatting within this space, HTML is supported.
5) Mark as Required: Click the toggle switch to mark this question item as required or not.
Important Note: A questionnaire must contain at least one required question item.
6) Delete: Click the trash can to remove your entry for this question item.
Currently, a new question item will go into the "Uncategorized" folder by default and can be reused in another questionnaire.
After building your first question item, you can click the plus "+" sign in the left bottom corner to create another new question item or add an existing question item to the questionnaire. In the image below, a new questionnaire has been created with one question item.
If you are done building your questionnaire, simply click "Create" at the top right of the page. You will automatically be returned to the main Questionnaire Builder landing page where your questionnaire should display among the list of other questionnaires.
Adding an Existing Question Item
It is possible to add a question item that already exists on your site to a questionnaire. Before taking this action, it is important to understand how question items function in the Questionnaire Builder.
Important Note:
- It is not possible to edit a question item's type or subtype when the question item is in use (i.e. it has been assigned to a questionnaire and at least one applicant has submitted a response for that question item).
First, there is no cascading of updates made specifically to question items. Instead, think of the question item as part of the questionnaire to which it has been assigned. Changes made to a questionnaire can be cascaded to the desired rules-based app cycles.
Next, there are three possible actions one can consider taking when using an existing question item:
1. Add the existing question item to a questionnaire without making any edits to the question item. This preserves the state of the existing question item so that it will continue to appear this way when selected for use in the future.
The following existing question item is added to a questionnaire.
How did you hear about the program?
A - The office website
B - An info session
C - Not sure
No edits are made to this question item now or in the future from within the questionnaire to which it has been assigned. When this existing question item is selected for use in the future, it will continue to appear as it does above.
2. Add the existing question item to a questionnaire and make edits to it. This action will create an updated version of the question item.
The following existing question item is added to a questionnaire.
How did you hear about the program?
A - The office website
B - An info session
C - Not sure
The admin modifies the existing question item to contain an additional option value of D - My Peers. When this existing question item is selected for use in the future, it will appear as follows:
How did you hear about the program?
A - The office website
B - An info session
C - Not sure
D - My Peers
3. Don't use an existing question item. Create a new question item instead. Use this option when you want to maintain an existing question item exactly as it is.
The following question item exists on a site:
How did you hear about the program?
A - The office website
B - An info session
C - Not sure
Instead of selecting this question item, the admin decides to create a new question item that is similar. In this way, the new question item will appear on the site - and the existing question item above remains unchanged.
To add an existing question item to a questionnaire:
1) Click the plus "+" symbol on the bottom left of the questionnaire builder page and select "Add Existing".
A display page will appear with a full list of existing question items for you to choose from (see image below). Use the paginated search results (located on the bottom right of the page) to control the number of items which appear per page.
2) Select a question by clicking into its corresponding checkbox. More than one question item can be added at a time.
3) Once you are ready to proceed, click "Continue". If you do not want to proceed, click "Cancel".
4) After clicking continue, you will be directed back to your questionnaire builder page and will see that the selected question item has been added. By default, this question item will appear last. However, you can use the "Question Order" arrow to change the placement of this question item within the questionnaire.
5) Click "Save" to preserve your changes.
Updating an Existing Questionnaire
To edit an existing questionnaire, follow these steps:
1) From the main Questionnaire Builder landing page, locate the questionnaire you want to edit. Use your cursor to click on the questionnaire to open it fully.
2) Make your edits on the builder page. This could mean updating instructions, adding a new question item, etc.
3) Click "Save" to preserve your changes.
Multi-File Upload Question Items
With the use of the "File Upload" question item type, it is possible to give applicants the ability to upload one or multiple files to the same question item.
Important Note:
In order to use multi-file upload question item, the Applicant Experience must be enabled on your site.
Any file upload question items that were configured for use in the Applicant Experience prior to the 20.3 release will automatically be set to the sub-type of "single".
To configure a file upload question item to support multiple uploads:
1) Navigate to the Admin Console > Content Management > Questionnaires.
2) Whether you are creating a new questionnaire or editing an existing one, open up your questionnaire and click on the "+" icon to create a new question. Populate the "Question" field with the desired information.
3) From the "Type" drop-down menu, select "File Upload".
4) From the "Sub Type" drop-down menu, select "Multiple". This will allow your applicant to upload more than one file as a response. If you only want to allow the applicant to upload one file, select the option of "Single".
5) Add any desired instructions. A best practice is to use this space to clarify to the applicant that they are able to upload more than one file. Then click "Update" to preserve your changes.
From their application page, an applicant can drag/drop files as desired to complete the question item. The red "X" can be checked by the applicant to remove a file that has been uploaded in error.
Conditional Questions
A conditional question is based on the use of branch logic, meaning that you can send applicants down different paths within the same question based on their responses. For example, a group of applicants are asked to provide their expected graduation term. If an applicant responds with Spring 2020 or Summer 2020, then you need no further information. However, if an applicant responds with Fall 2019, then you want to ask one or more follow-up (conditional) questions, such as "have you turned in your advising report". In this way, an admin can create a well-organized questionnaire that is relevant to a wide range of applicants, yet it offers the admin the ability to hone in on responses to get the exact information needed.
Important Note: In order to use conditional question items, the following conditions must be true:
- The Applicant Experience must be enabled on your site.
- You must use a question item type of "selection" and sub-type "single" with at least two possible response options.
To create a conditional question:
1) Locate the question item for which you want to create a conditional question. Again, it is required that you configure this question item to be a single selection type with at least two possible response options before creating a conditional question.
2) Click the "Conditional Question" toggle switch located on the lower left corner of your question item display to enable this feature for this respective question item.
Enabling the conditional question will automatically trigger a "set as conditional response" option to appear to the right of each possible response for your question item.
4) Select the response for which you would like to create a conditional response. In the example below, a conditional response will be created to appear if an applicant selects "Fall 2019" as their response to the question of "When will you graduate?".
Important Note: You can only set one response to be conditional within a question item. This means that in the example below, "Fall 2019" is the only response that will trigger subsequent questions to appear. If the applicants select "Spring 2020" or "Summer 2020", then they will have completed this question item.
3) Click " Add Child Question" and choose to either create a new question item or add an existing one.
If you select "Add Existing", a full display of existing question items will appear. You can filter by keyword or question folder to locate and add the desired question item.
If you select "Create New", a blank question item window will appear from which you can configure your conditional question following the steps provided above under the "Creating a New Question Item" section of this article.
After adding one child question, you can click "Add child question" again to create additional questions that an applicant will be directed to complete if they select "Fall 2019" as the response to the original conditional question item. In the example below, two child questions have been created.
5) Click "Save" at the top of the page to preserve your changes.
Applicant Perspective
The following examples demonstrate how an applicant might view specific questionnaires on the Application Page.
Example: Questionnaire using conditional question items.
Using the example from the "Conditional Questions: section above, an applicant's perspective of the questionnaire will be as follows:
If the response of Fall 2019 is selected, then the two child questions will populate automatically on the application page.
If the response of Spring 2020 or Summer 2020 is selected, then the applicant won't be prompted to give any additional information.
Example: Questionnaire contains more than 10 question items.
When a questionnaire containing more than 10 question items appears on the Application Page, it will be automatically formatted so that only 10 question items appear on the page at a time for optimal navigation. This is a default setting that cannot be changed.
Beneath the tenth question item, applicants will see the following:
Page Numbers: This indicates what part of the questionnaire the applicant is currently viewing (e.g. Part 1 of 2).
Navigation Arrow: An applicant clicks on this icon to move between questionnaire pages.
After the last question item on the final page of the questionnaire, applicants will see similar options as follows:
The "Done" button appears and is used to submit the questionnaire once all required question items have been completed.
For admins looking to provide additional directions for applicants using questionnaires containing more than 10 question items, consider populating the questionnaire instructions field with language such as the following:
Questionnaire Deployment
The Questionnaire Builder's primary focus is to provide an admin user with a single interface from which a questionnaire can be comprehensively built. With this functionality goal in mind, the deployment aspect of this process element has been separated, respectively, from the Questionnaire Builder. In the Admin Console, once a questionnaire has been created using the Questionnaire Builder, an admin should navigate to the Deployment Rules section to manage how the questionnaire will be deployed to an application.
For detailed information on this process, see the Deployment Rules KB article.
Frequently Asked Questions
Coming soon!