The Profile Search tool allows you to quickly find a particular user or group of users based on core parameters, program parameters, and applicant parameters.
To access the Profile Search tool, go to Profiles > Profile Search .
On this screen, choose which group of criteria you wish to search by by clicking the checkboxes next to the desired information. Click Next to continue.
The next page is divided into the sections chosen on the previous screen.
Under the Profile/Core Parameters heading, you can search for profiles by Home Institution, Partner Institution, Gender, Profile History, and Profile Status. In this section, you can also search by the user’s name, whether they are internal or external, keywords in their bio. The "User has no applications" filter allows you to filter for any profile that exists for which the user has no associated applications/records.
Under the Saved Program Parameters heading, you can also search by values for any of the program parameters you’ve created on your site Searching by ‘Saved Program Parameters, will result in a list of users who have saved programs to their profile that meet the specified criteria. It does not mean these users have an application to the program, but only that they have expressed interest in the program by saving it to their profile.
Under the Applicant Parameters heading, you can search by the values created for your site’s applicant parameters.
You are able to use as many of the different filters as you want from the three sections. Once you’ve chosen the criteria by which you wish to filter the results, click Next to continue to the results screen.
On the results screen, the profiles that meet the search criteria will be displayed. By clicking the user’s name, you are taken to their profile page. From here, you can also see the profile’s status, any programs the user has saved to their profile, when the profile was created, and the date on which it was last updated.
At the bottom of the screen, you can save a profile query to your admin home page by providing a name in the field and clicking Save Search. This will save the query to your Admin Home in the "My Queries and Reports" section, allowing you to re-run this query any time.
Under the options dropdown, you can choose to send an email or SMS message to the queried group of users, export their data or create a report, batch edit the applicant parameter information for the group of users, save a program or programs to all of their profiles at once, refresh their profile statuses, or trigger a workflow with each user set as a target for the tasks.
When clicking to open a profile, by default, you'll land on the Profile page of the profile. You can change which tab will serve as the landing page using the "Open to Tab" dropdown.