If a staff member will no longer be working in your office, there are several things you can do before they leave to ensure a smooth transition:
- If the administrator who is leaving has query watches that will still need to function, have a different administrator re-make all of those query watches. Once all the necessary query watches have been re-created by a different administrator, all query watches should be deleted from the admin homepage of the admin who is leaving.
- If your site is hosted on Terra Dotta's servers, open a support case if someone else needs to replace this admin as a support or primary contact for the Terra Dotta account.
- If the admin who is leaving is the primary administrator - be sure someone else is given all the high-level maintenance permissions before the admin leaves.
- If the admin who is leaving also has an account in the Terra Dotta Support Portal and should no longer have the ability to submit cases on behalf of the institution, the primary admin should create a new support case to request suspending the departing admin's access to the Support Portal.
- After the person leaves, remove all of their permissions so that they can no longer access any administrative areas on your production site and test site. If your site is Hosted/SaaS, open a case and ask Terra Dotta to remove any maintenance permissions that admin may have had from both the production and test sites.
- How to remove staff maintenance permissions:
- Staff > Staff Permissions
- Search for staff member to be removed
- Uncheck all Maintenance permissions > Update
- How to remove staff maintenance permissions:
- If, in addition to removing all permissions for the departing admin, the institution no longer wants a departing staff member to be able to log into the site at all, the username will need to be anonymized. This will mean that the departing staff member would not be able to log in even to view past applications or proposals, or to submit new ones. This step is not recommended for staff who may be departing a role in the Global Education Office, but are not leaving the institution.
- How to anonymize a username:
- Maintenance > Edit User
- Search for relevant staff member
- Edit the username in a way of your choosing to anonymize it, but without using any special characters besides an underscore.
- How to anonymize a username:
Note: It is not necessary to delete the user's account (in fact, this cannot be done through the web interface). While the user might still be able to login to the site, since they have no administrative permissions, their account will be an applicant-level of access. User accounts are not deleted to maintain database integrity. For example, the user account is still required so that their name properly appears in history logs of programs and applications.