Important Note: This article discusses classic functionality. For information on the modern applicant experience, refer to the Applicant Experience Knowledgebase article.
This article provides information on how to create, edit, and retire assessments, as well as how to run queries, reports, and progress audits with assessment scores included.The following topics related to assessments are covered below:
- Creating a New Assessment
- Creating Assessment Questions
- Editing an Assessment
- Editing a Question
- Editing Process Element Tags
- Retiring an Assessment
- Running a Query for Complete/Incomplete Assessments
- Creating a Report of Assessment Scores & Attempts
- Running a Progress Audit: Who Has Completed an Assessment or Not
- Applicant Perspective or Assessments
- Minimum Score Assessments
- Video
To manage assessments, navigate to Process > Assessments.
Assessments on this page are grouped by program phase and listed alphabetically in those groups. This list displays the applicants to which the assessment applies (internal or external), whether or not the assessment is program or term-specific, and whether or not the assessment is active and visible to applicants. Elements can be filtered by name or process element tag (see below) using the keyword fields at the top of the page.
An "internal use" indicator will be displayed next to the creation date of any assessment that is set to be for internal use only.
By default, this list will open to display assessments for the program type you've chosen as your default in Programs > Program Types. You can choose to view assessments for other program types by selecting the corresponding type from the drop-down menu on the top left.
Creating a New Assessment
To create a new assessment, click the "New Assessment" tab at the top of the page. This will open a blank form from which you can create a new assessment.Complete the form by configuring the following options:
1. Assessment Title: Enter your title (name) for the assessment here. Important Note: Two assessments cannot share the same name. An error message will appear if you attempt to create a assessment with the same title as an existing assessment.
2. Applies To: Select the type of applicant who should take the assessment.
3. When To Display: Determine the phase in which the applicant should take the assessment. Important Note: Assessments intended to be used for advising applications need to be set to display during the advising phase. An assessment that has already been deployed to a different phase cannot later be changed back to advising.
4. Tag: Select a process element tag if available/applicable. These must be first configured under Settings > Tags in order to appear here. Process element tags allow for easier searching and organization of your assessments. Refer to "Editing Process Element tags" below and Managing Application and Process Element Tags for more information about this functionality.
5. Delivery Date: This is the date on which the applicant will first see the assessment, if necessary.
6. Minimum Passing Score: Select "yes" to set a minimum score that the applicant must achieve in order to successfully pass the assessment. A dial will appear that can be moved left or right to increase or decrease the minimum passing score as desired.
Important Note: If a minimum passing score is required, then the preferred scoring mechanism will always be set to "highest". It will not be possible to select "latest" or "average".
An option to automatically email your account Contact 1 when an applicant fails to complete their assessment after all attempts are used is enabled if the minimum passing score feature is enabled. Please reference Minimum Score Assessments below for more information about setting a minimum passing score.
7. How Many Times Can the User Take This Assessment: Set the number of times an applicant can attempt the assessment.
8. Select Your Preferred Scoring Mechanism: Choose from the latest (most recent) score, highest score, or the average score (applicable if applicants are allowed to re-take the assessment). Important Note: The assessment scoring mechanism will be set to "Highest" by default. An option to automatically email your account Contact 1 when a user fails to complete their assessment after all attempts are used is enabled if the minimum passing score feature is enabled. Please reference Minimum Score Assessments below for more information about setting a minimum passing score.
9. Display Questions Randomly: Choose to randomize the display order of assessment questions or not.
10. Number of Questions to be Used in the Deployed Assessment: Determine the number of questions to display each time the assessment is attempted. If this field is left blank, then all available questions will be deployed to the assessment.
11. Is This an Optional Assessment: Select the desired response.
12. Is This a Conditional Submission: Selecting "yes" will trigger the following text box to appear from which you can configure your settings accordingly:
13. Does this Apply to all Terms: Selecting "no" will trigger the following text box to appear from which you can configure your settings accordingly:
14. Does this Apply to all Programs: Selecting "no" will trigger the following display windows to appear from which you can configure your settings accordingly:
15. Apply Applicant Parameter Filters: Selecting "yes" will trigger the following display windows to appear from which you can configure your settings accordingly. This will allow you to deploy assessments based on an applicant parameter, thus allowing you to choose who will see the assessment. For example, you could choose to deploy that assessment only to applicants who are not a US citizen. Important Note: You can only filter by one parameter, and it must be a single selection, multi-selection, yes/no, data lookup, or data lookup w/search parameter.
16. Instructions: Add instructions (4000 character limit) that are specific to this assessment for your applicants. If you do not enter instructions, the applicant will see a message that says No instructions were provided in the instruction area. If you do not want the applicant to see that notification, you should enter instructions in the field provided.
You will be brought to a display listing of questions for your assessment. Since you do not have any created, click on the edit pencil in the "Action" column for question number one.
This action will prompt a WYSIWYG editor to open from which you can begin building your first question and related response options.
Creating Assessment Questions
From the Question Wizard, you will be able to build a question bank with as many questions as you want to include in your assessment. When an applicant takes the assessment, they will only see the number of questions you designated to be used in the deployed assessment.
Consider creating your questions as follows:
1. Enter your question into the multi-line text field. The WYSIWYG editor can be used to add style, source code, etc.
2. After you have stated your question, you must provide response options in the column for "Option Text". It is not possible to create open-ended questions as the software will automatically score the assessments. A maximum of six unique response options can be entered in each of the "Option Text" fields along with the choice to display "All of the above" and/or "None of the above" to applicants as an incorrect response option.
3. Under the "Correct" column, select the radio button that corresponds to the correct answer for this question. It is possible to select "All of the above" or "None of the above" as the correct response option by selecting the corresponding radio button.
After you have finished creating your question and selecting the correct response option, you need to choose one of the following options (located at the bottom of the Question Wizard page) in order to proceed:
- Save: This saves the current question to the assessment. You can then decide to add another question or to exit. To add another question, select the appropriate location for the question from the "Insert New Question" drop-down list box at the bottom of the page and then click "Insert".
- Save & Add: This saves the current question to the assessment and refreshes the display window for a new, second question to be added.
- Save & Exit: This saves the current question to the assessment and exits you from the Question Wizard.
- Cancel: This action exits you from the Question Wizard without saving any changes made to the current question.
After you have built your questions and your full assessment is complete, you can select "Save & Exit" to leave the Question Wizard and return to your assessment's settings page. If no further edits are needed, click "Publish".
With this action, you can then select the existing process maps for application cycles to which your assessment should be applied (cascaded). By default, your new assessment will not be deployed to these process
maps. You will be able to choose any or all of the process maps which appear to add this assessment to the application process.
Click "Apply" to save and return to the main listing of your site's available assessments, or click "Apply and go to Application Layout" to preserve your changes and manage how this application requirement appears on the modern application page to applicants.
You may also go to Process > App Cycles at a later time to add the assessment to the desired application cycles.
Editing an Assessment
After an assessment has been created, you can make changes to its configuration settings or to the individual questions by navigating to Process > Assessments. Click the pencil icon located to the right of the name of the assessment you want to edit. The "Edit Assessment" page opens. Here, you can edit the general configuration settings for the assessment.Once you have made all desired changes the assessment's settings, click the "Publish" button at the bottom of the "Edit Assessment" page. The Cascade Wizard will appear from which you can deploy the new version of the assessment to the desired application cycles. Otherwise, you will need to go to Process > App Cycles to update process maps so that the new version of the assessment is deployed.
Important Note: A new version of the Assessment will be created immediately upon clicking the edit pencil icon if the Assessment is currently deployed. A new version is created even if the changes are not saved. Make the desired changes and click "Update" at the bottom of the page to save them. You will then be brought to the Question Wizard where you will be able to make changes to individual questions or add/remove questions from the Assessment.
Editing a Question
To edit an assessment question, locate the question by clicking "Update" from the "Edit Assessment" page or by clicking the "Questions Editor" tab at the top of the configuration page. Next, follow these steps:Editing Process Element Tags
You can see which process element tags have been applied to an element by clicking the tag icon to the right of the element's name.You can edit which process element tags have been applied by clicking the tag icon in the Actions column of the list.
This opens a page on which you select the desired tags and update the list.
- Click the Retire icon to the right of the name of the Assessment you wish to retire.
- By retiring an Assessment you are not removing it from application cycles to which it is already deployed. Instead, you are removing it from the list of available Assessments that will be added to future app cycles. If you wish to remove an Assessment from app cycles in which it is currently deployed you will need to edit the process map for that app cycle by going to Process > App Cycles.
Running a Query for Complete/Incomplete Assessments
An admin can run a query for complete/incomplete Assessments by performing the following steps:- Go to Applicants > Advanced Search.
- Check the box next to Complete/Incomplete Submissions and click the 'Next' button
- Find the section labeled Assessments
- Select the appropriate Assessment titles and indicate if you are looking for applicants who have completed that Assessment or applicants who have not completed that Assessment
- Click 'Next' and you will see a list of applicants who meet your search criteria
Note: Like with other process elements queried using this criteria 'incomplete' does not necessarily mean that the Assessment is deployed as a part of the application's requirements. It will only indicate that there is no record of the Assessment having been completed in the applicant record.
- Once you have queried for a specific group of applicants, select Create Report from the drop-down list next to Options at the top of the page
- Near the bottom of the next page, there is a section labeled Assessment Final Scores
- Check the boxes next to the Assessments you want to include in the report
- Check the box to include number of attempts taken for each assessment, if desired
- Click to view the results. You will see a list of all the applicants with their final Assessment scores and number of attempts. If the applicant has not yet attempted the Assessment(s) OR if the Assessment(s) is not a part of that application, the field will be blank.
Running a Progress Audit: Who has Completed an Assessment or Not
- Once you have queried for a specific group of applicants - select the appropriate phase from the drop-down list next to Progress Audit at the top of the page
- Put a check in the boxes next to the titles of all Assessments to be included in the audit
- Click 'Next'
- You will be able to see at-a-glance which applicants have attempted that Assessment at least once and which ones have not. An "n/a" will appear for applicants who are not required to take that Assessment.
Applicant Perspective of Assessments
To take an Assessment, an applicant must perform the following steps:
- Click the name of the assessment in the Assessments panel on their Application. This will open the corresponding assessment with specific instructions including how many times the applicant will be permitted to take the assessment and how it will be scored.
- Click Yes to attempt the assessment or No to return to the Application Page.
- If the applicant clicks Yes, the Assessment page opens and displays the quiz.
- Select appropriate answers to all the questions and click Submit at the bottom of the page. The Scoring Page will immediately open to show the applicant their score and the correct answers. Any answers left blank by the applicant will be treated as incorrect.
- The applicant will then have the choice to click Return to return to the Application or retake the assessment.
Note: A specified number of attempts are permitted for each assessment. The final score is either the average score, highest score, or latest score of all the attempts (depending on the assessment’s configuration). If the applicant has any attempts remaining, it is noted in the Assessments panel on the Application Page. The minimum required passing score will also be displayed if configured (refer to the "Minimum Score Assessments" section below for more information). Applicants can attempt the assessment again by clicking Retake (if the assessment allows multiple attempts).
Minimum Score Assessments
The Minimum Required Assessments score functionality allows an administrator to add a minimum “passing” score for assessment type process elements. If this is enabled, the assessment will not be marked as complete on a user’s application until the minimum score is reached or exceeded on one of their attempts at taking the assessment.
When building a new assessment or editing an existing assessment, an admin will see a radio button option for “Minimum passing score.” Setting this to “Yes” will enable a minimum passing score for this assessment and display the other settings related to the minimum score functionality.
Note: Enabling this option will also change the “Select your preferred scoring mechanism” setting to “Highest” and the other choices for this setting will be disabled. Only the Highest score mechanism can be used in conjunction with the minimum required score functionality.
Once the minimum required score is enabled, a slider is displayed that allows you to set the threshold for a passing attempt at this assessment. Any score that equals or is greater than the percentage set here will qualify as a “passing” score and will mark the assessment as complete on the application.
Finally, a checkbox will be displayed under the field box for entering the number of times a user can take the assessment. When checked, the “notify ‘x’ when applicant has failed to complete assessment after all attempts” setting will enable automatic emails that will be delivered to the Contact 1 email address (entered in Settings > Account Info) when an applicant exhausts all of the assessment attempts without successfully reaching the required minimum score to complete the assessment. This allows an administrator to take action on the application as necessary after an applicant has failed an assessment.
Application Assessments Tab Update
The Assessments tab of an application, as viewed by an administrator, incorporates minimum required assessment scores. A “Complete” column will displays at a glance whether or not the applicant’s assessment is considered complete based on the assessment attempt scores. The minimum passing score and any submitted attempt scores are also displayed.
Applicant View of Minimum Required Assessment Scores
When an applicant accesses an assessment that has been set with a minimum passing score, the pre-assessment screen will display the number of attempts the applicant has already made at the assessment out of the total number allowed and the minimum passing score the applicant will need to complete it.
If the applicant fails to meet the required score during the attempt, the results screen will display a message informing them that they did not pass the assessment and it was not marked as complete on the application as well as the remaining number of attempts.
A similar message is displayed when the applicant has exhausted all of the allotted attempts without reaching the minimum required score.
The “Received” checkbox on the application page will not be checked until a successful attempt is made. The highest score of any attempt will be displayed.