Important Note: This article discusses classic functionality. For information on the modern applicant experience, refer to the Applicant Experience Knowledgebase article.
The Settings > Tags page displays a list of tags that can be applied to applications/records or process elements in your system.
On this page, you can create new tags, edit tags, or delete tags.
This article covers the following topics related to Application and Process Element Tags:
- Adding Tags
- Editing Tag Names
- Deleting an Existing Tag
- Using an Application Tag
- Using Process Element Tags
Follow these steps to add a tag to the list of tags available on your site:
- Settings > Tags
- Click on the 'New Tag' tab at the top of the page.
- Enter the name and click 'Add.' The new tag will be added to the list
Follow these steps to edit a tag name:
- Settings > Tags
- Click the pencil icon located to the right of the tag's name.
- Edit the name and click the 'Update' button
Follow these steps to delete an existing tag:
- Settings >Tags
- Click the red 'X' located to the right of the tag name you wish to delete.
- Click 'OK' to proceed or 'Cancel' to keep the tag.
Applicants/Users cannot see the application tags that have been added to their applications/records – tags only appear to administrators. Application tags can be applied to applications/records to draw attention to a certain aspect of the application/record or applicant/user. For example, a tag 'Comment' could be applied to applications/records on which a comment has been made.
Administrators can also run queries based on application tags. To query an application tag, go to Applicants > Advanced Search. Check the box next to 'Application Parameters’ and click 'Next.’ Under the 'Application Parameters’ section, you will see a box with a list of application tags.
Choose the tag(s) you wish to query and click 'Next.’ A list of all the applications/records with the tag will be displayed.
Application tags can also be used for organizational purpose among office employees. A tag 'Jennifer' could be attached to an application/record to show that Jennifer (a staff member in the office) is responsible for a particular application/record or set of applications/records. Jennifer can set up a query watch so she is notified each time an application/record gets tagged as 'Jennifer.' Other commonly used tags include: Conduct History, Early Arrival, Academic Flag, Allergy, Change of Education Level, Reduced Course Load and Transfer In.
You can add an application tag to a single application/record by finding the application/record and choosing the appropriate tag from the list of drop down options where it says 'Add tag to application.'
The application tag you choose will immediately appear on the application/record below the tabs ('Advising Waived’ and 'Early Arrival’ are the two example application tags above). To remove the tag, click 'click to remove tag’ on the bottom of the tag. A box will appear asking you to confirm the action. Click 'OK.’ The tag will be immediately removed.
You can 'batch add’ and 'batch remove’ application tags to many applications/records at the same time by first querying the applications/records you want to work with either in the Applicants/Records > Simple Search or Applicants/Records > Advanced Search. When you have the correct group of applications/records, choose 'Batch app tags' from the Options drop-down box at the top of the search results page.
The 'Batch Application Tag Edit’ window will appear, including the list of the applications/records you just queried:
Next to each applicant/user name is a check box. Check the box if you want the changes to apply to the applicant’s/user's application/record, and/or uncheck the box if you want the application/record to remain unaffected.
If you wish to batch add an application tag, choose the appropriate tag from the drop-down box under 'Add Application Tag.’
If you wish to batch remove an application tag, choose the appropriate tag from the drop-down box under 'Remove Application Tag.’
It is possible to batch add one application tag at the same time you are batch removing a different tag. This may be convenient if you use application tags for workflow purposes.
Click 'Update’ to batch edit the tags. The tags are immediately applied and/or removed from the selected applications/records.

The Actions column of a process element list now includes a tag icon which is used to manage the tags for the corresponding process element. Clicking it opens the “Edit tags” modal.

From here, you can select which tags to apply to the process element and also choose to add the same tags to multiple process elements of the same type at once. If the process element has previously been assigned tags and you wish to add new tags without removing the old tags, you can utilize the "Do not remove currently assigned tags" option.
After adding a tag to a process element, a tag icon will appear next to its name when viewing your list of process elements. Hovering over the icon will show which tags have been applied.

You can then filter your list of elements by tag using the “Filter by tag” field at the top of the page.

Process element tags also appear and are filterable on your process maps in Process > App Cycles > Edit pencil > Questionnaires/Materials/Assessments/Learning Content.

Tags can also be applied to new process elements during their creation. A “Tag” field has been added, from which you can choose the process element tags you want to be associated with the process element once it is completed.
Using Process Element Tags
Once your process element tags have been created, they can be utilized in Process > Questionnaires / Assessments / Materials / Learning Content by clicking the edit pencil for the element to which you wish to apply a tag from its respective menu. We’ll be looking at a questionnaire for our example here, but process element tags are available on all process element types and configured the same way.The Actions column of a process element list now includes a tag icon which is used to manage the tags for the corresponding process element. Clicking it opens the “Edit tags” modal.
From here, you can select which tags to apply to the process element and also choose to add the same tags to multiple process elements of the same type at once. If the process element has previously been assigned tags and you wish to add new tags without removing the old tags, you can utilize the "Do not remove currently assigned tags" option.
After adding a tag to a process element, a tag icon will appear next to its name when viewing your list of process elements. Hovering over the icon will show which tags have been applied.
You can then filter your list of elements by tag using the “Filter by tag” field at the top of the page.
Process element tags also appear and are filterable on your process maps in Process > App Cycles > Edit pencil > Questionnaires/Materials/Assessments/Learning Content.
Tags can also be applied to new process elements during their creation. A “Tag” field has been added, from which you can choose the process element tags you want to be associated with the process element once it is completed.