Terra Dotta can integrate with several online payment gateway services, making it possible to incorporate a "Pay Now" button on the Material Submission instructions. Applicants click the "Pay Now" button and are directed, along with payment and identity information, to the gateway form/site to submit their payment. Once the transaction is completed, the applicant is returned to the Terra Dotta application, and the payment receipt is logged, providing a notification to the applicant and payment receipt details to administrators.
The Material Submission can state the amount payable and provide instructions for remitting payment, but like all other process elements it can be configured for automatic assignment to specific types of applicants (Internal vs. External), programs, program groups, etc. It can also be made a conditional requirement where only certain specific subsets of applicants would be required to pay.
Important Note: A payment gateway integration is considered a professional service and will incur a one-time integration fee and an ongoing annual maintenance fee. Some Terra Dotta solutions offer additional options for an extra cost. A statement of work will be provided outlining the project, the responsibilities of all parties, and the costs. Please email info@terradotta.com for more information about the costs associated with this project.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. When a new study abroad program is added, how will Terra Dotta add the payment option?
Once a program is added and a material submission is created for the payment, you will need to supply Terra Dotta with the material ID so we can add it to your gateway configuration. Once that is done, and the applicant clicks on the material, the "Pay Now" information will appear.
2. Will we be able to see a list of who has paid for each program?
Yes, you can do an advanced search for users that have submitted the material in question.
Note that Terra Dotta maintains PCI compliance by never storing, processing or transmitting credit-card or bank-account information. In the payment-gateway integration, all such information is handled on the payment-gateway system, outside of the Terra Dotta application.
3. Will this payment option force the student to make payment before the application process is considered complete?
Since all material submissions in an application are considered requirements, applicants will be reminded to complete it before their application is considered complete.
4. Is there a payment processing service that works best with Terra Dotta?
Terra Dotta prefers to integrate with TouchNet, CashNet, and PayPal Payflow Pro. These are our standard providers and integrations with these vendors cost less and are completed more quickly. If you are interested in integrating your Terra Dotta software with your payment processor, please open a Professional Services case requesting an integration project.
Payment services must be contracted directly with the vendor, not through Terra Dotta.
5. How can I generate a report on payment information?
Terra Dotta's Analytics reporting tool provides the option to create reports on payment information. Use the available "SA-Payment Report" template to generate a query for payment materials with a payment status of "Success". This payment status filter can be modified to view other payment statuses, such as "Initiated" or "Failed". For more information, including a list of related data points for payment information, see the "Query Templates" section of the
Analytics for Terra Dotta Study Abroad article