Important Note: This article discusses classic functionality. For information on the modern applicant experience, refer to the Applicant Experience Knowledgebase article.
For clients using the Applicant Experience, note the following:
- An applicant does not have the ability to copy questionnaire responses at this time.
- An admin user has the ability to copy questionnaire responses from the classic admin view of an application. It is not possible for an admin to copy questionnaire responses from the Admin Console's Application Admin Manager at this time.
- Questionnaire responses that have been copied by an admin will appear to both the admin (in the Application Admin Manager as well as the classic view of an application) and the applicant.
Within Terra Dotta, it is possible for the questionnaire responses from a previously submitted application to be copied to populate the same questionnaire that is being used within a new, separate application. This feature alleviates the need to fill out the same questionnaire multiple times.
The following criteria must be true in order to use the copyable questionnaire responses functionality:
- An application (containing the questionnaire that will receive the copied responses) for a new program must be of the same program type as the application (containing the questionnaire from which responses will be copied) that was previously submitted.
- Both questionnaires must be of the same version in order to copy responses from one to the other.
- The questionnaire must be configured to allow applicants to copy responses.
Admin Use
As an administrator, follow these steps to populate the new questionnaire with the responses from the old questionnaire:
- Navigate to the application administration interface for the applicant (Applicants > Search/Advanced Search).
- Click on the "Questionnaires" tab.
- Click on the duplication (double sheets of paper) icon.
- Choose the application that has the questionnaire you would like to duplicate.
After completing these actions, the applicant will see the respective questionnaire on their application page as having been received. The applicant will be able to view their answers, but they will not be able to edit them as this questionnaire is recognized as received and is now locked. Administrators can edit responses to questionnaires if needed.
Applicant Use
Important Note: This feature is currently not available for use by applicants in the Applicant Experience.
Applicants have the ability to duplicate answers they submitted for questionnaires that are shared between applications if the questionnaire has been configured to allow the applicant to copy responses.
An admin should follow these steps to configure a questionnaire to allow applicants to copy responses:
- Navigate to Process > Questionnaires.
- Either create a new questionnaire or select the edit pencil beside an existing questionnaire.
- Select "Yes" as the answer to the "Allow applicants to copy responses?" question.
- Click "Update".
After completing these actions, the applicant will have the ability to copy their responses for the same questions across applications.