Important Note: This article discusses classic functionality. For information on the modern applicant experience, refer to the Applicant Experience Knowledgebase article.
This article discusses the following topics:
The profile widget appears on the applicant homepage:
A. Photo ID - If the user has uploaded a profile photo and the site has user photos turned on, it is displayed in this location. If the site has user photos turned on and the user has not uploaded a profile photo, a generic 'question mark’ image is displayed in its place. If the site does not have user photos turned on, sections B and C of the above Figure are displayed as centered across the width of the widget.
- When an applicant submits an image on the applicant home page to be used as the Photo ID, there may be concern about the user submitting a photo that is really large (either in physical data size or resolution).
This is handled automatically by the software. While the large file may take a long time to be uploaded to the server, it is only stored there temporarily. The software will pass the submitted image through a web optimizer that reduces the dimensions of the image and reduces the file size of the image.
Usually, a .jpg that is many hundreds of kilobytes will be reduced to around 100 kb, if not less (depending on the complexity of the image itself).
The resolution of the file will be reduced to fit a maximum height of 180 pixels and a maximum width of 120 pixels, but the aspect ratio will be maintained. - EXAMPLES:
- User uploads an image that is 627 pixels x 627 pixels ... the image is resized to 120x120
- User uploads an image that is 1029 pixels x 734 pixels ... the image is resized to 120x85
- User uploads an image that is 50 pixels x 500 pixels ... the image is resized to 18x180
B: Core Data Fields - The user’s first, middle initial (if provided), and last name are displayed in bold at the top. If the user has a home institution or partner institution, it is displayed here, and the user’s primary email address should also be displayed here.
C: Edit Profile Button - Applicant parameters and address information are viewable by the applicant from their applicant home page when they click the "Edit Profile" button. The address information is displayed under the Address Info tab. The applicant parameters are displayed by clicking on the Information tab.
See below for more information about the edit screen.
See below for more information about the edit screen.
D: Bio - If the user has filled out the 'Bio’ section of her/his profile, the first 250 characters text is displayed here (terminating with an ellipsis, if longer than 250 char). If there is no bio text to display, this section is hidden.
E: Applicant Params - If the user has values for any applicant parameters that have been flagged as 'Display in unexpanded profile’, they are displayed here. If there are any applicant parameters that are not flagged as 'Display in unexpanded profile’ that the user has values for, there is a 'view all’ link provided that can be clicked to expand the view to display them. To flag a parameter as 'Display in unexpanded profile' go to Settings > Applicant Params and edit the desired parameters so they will or will not display in the unexpanded profile.
F: Address Types - If the user has values for any address types that have been flagged as 'Display in unexpanded profile’, they are displayed here. If there are any address types that are not flagged as 'Display in unexpanded profile’ that the user has values for, there is a 'view all’ link provided that can be clicked to expand the view to display them. To flag an address as 'Display in unexpanded profile' go to Settings > Applicant Params and edit the desired addresses so they will or will not display in the unexpanded profile.
G: Saved Programs - If the user has saved any programs to her/his profile, they are displayed here. The name of the program is displayed with a link to the brochure page. There is also a 'deadlines’ link that, when clicked on, will bring up a pop-up pane that shows the Dates/Deadlines table of that program.
H: Journals - If the user has any journals that s/he has either flagged as public or have at least one journal entry, they will also be displayed in the profile widget under the saved programs list. Each journal listed has the program name and application cycle.
If the user clicks the 'Edit Profile' button, they are brought to a page that looks like this:
Core profile information is displayed on this tab. This is where the applicant and upload their photo, enter information for their bio and enter a CC email address or phone number for SMS text messaging.
- Note: For internal/integrated users that have applicant parameters populated from an external SIS datasource, they will be able to view the parameter values if they are made available for viewing by applicants, but they will not be able to edit the value of those parameters. SIS mapped parameters must be populated from the external SIS datasource for these users.
Information Tab
This tab is the new location for applicant users to enter/edit applicant parameter values. The parameters displayed are in the order determined by the site admins in Settings > Applicant Params. Only parameters flagged as view/edit are displayed here.
This tab displays all the address types to the user and the current values assigned to them in a data table. They are ordered in the admin assigned order from the Settings > Applicant Params page. There will be an edit pencil next to the addresses the applicant is permitted to edit and a lock icon next to the addresses pulled from SIS that the applicant is not permitted to edit.
This tab displays all the programs that the user has 'saved’ to her/his profile. There is a share icon so the applicant can share the program information with Facebook, Twitter, or Google+ and a delete icon if the applicant decides they are no longer interested in that program.
This tab displays any applications/journals that the user has available on an application page.